2020-03-29 19:17:23 +02:00

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Clarity on Fire - What is your passion profile?

Result (2020)


You, as your name implies, are driven by an internal fire, a deep craving to create, transform, and shake things up.

Firestarters are true visionaries.

You have a natural tendency to question “the way things are.” You feel stifled by rules, and have a hard time committing to a project or assignment unless youre fully bought in to the mission and purpose (which makes it hard to feel satisfied working for other people). You thrive in environment that encourage innovation, unbounded creativity, and rapid evolution. You like to color outside the lines.

You probably have a bit of a rebellious streak.

Where others see challenges and lack, you see opportunity, which makes you a natural leader. You cant help but wonder, “How can I make this better/faster/easier/more exciting?” If youre not yet an entrepreneur, you feel the itch to create a business—maybe even a movement or a mini-revolution thats aligned with your vision and feeds your passion. Ideally, your career and your passion will merge together and be one and the same. You get a thrill when thinking about YOU being the sole owner, creator, and director of your time and life. You know it will be a challenge, but...

Doing anything else would feel like settling.

things youre attracted to

  • Freedom
  • Independence
  • Leadership
  • Creation
  • Rebellion
  • Flexibility
  • Passion

Your natural attributes & strengths

  • Passionate
  • Path forger
  • Craving for learning
  • Natural leader
  • Big-picture thinker
  • Rapid idea generator
  • Deep desire to create
  • Visionary
  • Independent
  • Seeing the challenges as opportunities
  • Intrinsically motivated
  • Autonomous
  • A touch of healthy rebellion & questioning the norm

Common drawbacks & challenges

  • Insatiable & impatient
  • Multi-focused, often distracted
  • Perfectionist, need for control
  • Isolation, loneliness, feeling misunderstood
  • Not easily satisfied
  • Too many ideas, overwhelm
  • Possibility for burnout
  • Difficulty with work-life balance
  • Possibility of risk & failure

What to do now

Create a solid & realistic plan

  • Being a visionary is awesome, but staying grounded means mixing your vision with a healthy dose of reality. Your plan needs to be solid, well organized and thorough before you jump head first into the next step. (Being a visionary is less fun when youre broke, you know?).
  • Challenge yourself to talk to a few people you admire who have “been there, done that.” Glean some nuggets of wisdom from them (but dont be afraid to leave some of their opinions behind)

Fully disconnect during your downtime

  • Youre no good to anyone if youre frayed and burnt out. The vision, unlike a baby, wont die if you leave it alone for one night

Ask for help

  • Your dream is not a puzzle you should feel obligated to solve totally on your own.
  • The very best Firestarters (think Oprah, obviously) know how important it is to leverage the time and effort of other people to get things done.

Pick an idea and stick with it (for now)

  • Your paralysis-by-analysis is going to keep you from moving forward, so pick an idea and go with it. Youre allowed to evolve as you go.
  • Remember that clarity doesnt come from sitting around and thinking. It comes from DOING and experimenting.
