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- anime-planet - one of the most complete manga and anime database for finding recommended content, or cataloging and reviewing your collection
Architecture / Design
- David Alia - [FR] Les Patterns des Grands du Web – Design for failure
- Mathieu Poignant - [FR] Les Patterns des Géants du Web – Zero Downtime Deployment
- Benoit Lafontaine - [FR] Les Patterns des Grands du Web – Continuous Deployment
- Olivier Mallassi, Rudy Krol - [FR] Les Patterns des Grands du Web – DevOps
- Don MacAskill - How SmugMug survived the Amazonpocalypse
- Krishnan Subramanian - Designing For Failure: Some Key Facts
- Martin Fowler - MonolithFirst
- Principles of Chaos Engineering
- Daniel Miessler - Stop Being Proud of Complexity
- Pierre Debatty - art of Pierre Debatty, a belgian painter
Business & Economics
- CoinMarketCap - Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations
- Jean-Luc - (2013) [FR] Les confessions d’un mineur de bitcoin
Collaboration & Problem solving
- Ben Balter - 15 rules for communicating at GitHub
- Jason Fried - Is group chat making you sweat?
- Dale Emery - model of motivation : Motivation = Ability × Results × Preferences
- - What If We Forget To Write the Tests?
- Paul Kaye - Control stifles creativity and growth
- Corinna Baldauf - Glasl’s Stages of Conflict Escalation
- Wall-Skills - Great 1-pagers to share in your company
- Corinna Baldauf - Team Self-Selection Kit
- Corinna Baldauf - Silence a Room in 5 Seconds
- Corinna Baldauf - Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development
- Jason Fried - Depend less on each other
- Vaidehi Joshi - Crafting Better Code Reviews
- Karl E. Wiegers - Humanizing Peer Reviews
- Dr. Deborah Mowshowitz - How to Explain
- Joe Landsberger - Defining a problem; identifying causes; gathering information
- Jason Davis - Effective Communication in a Remote Engineering Setting
- Mike Walker - Your team's differentiator isn't its tech
- John Allspaw - Dialogue: The Art Of Thinking Together
- MindTools - Assertiveness : Working WITH People, Not Against Them
- Gregg Caines - A Requiem for a Team
- Julie Zhuo - How to Work with Engineers : A Cheat Sheet for Designers
- Julie Zhuo - How to Work with Designers : A Cheat Sheet for Engineers and PMs
- Julie Zhuo - How to Work with PMs : A Cheat Sheet for Designers
- Raúl Ávila - My Experience with Pair Programming
- Ben Hilburn - What mature engineers do and don't do / what it means to be a mature engineer.
- Mart Virkus - The Seven Circles of Developer Hell [Infographic]
- David Mytton - How to do code reviews
- Select International - There is No Shortcut to Safety
- Rajesh Setty - Why MANY smart people take shortcuts and how you can avoid that trap
- Marc Chernoff - 7 Shortcuts You Will Regret Taking in Life
- - (2012) [FR][IMG] Arguments réthoriques fallacieux
- Jessica Kerr - Growing Your Tech Stack: When to Say No
- Chris Parnin - Programmer Interrupted
- Daniel Miessler - How to Build a Strong Argument
- Daniel Miessler - Three Questions Successful People Ask
- Ingrid Towey - Growing your team's open culture, one buddy at a time
- Sam Knuth - A 3-step process for making more transparent decisions
- Lauri Apple - Your step-by-step guide to more effective documentation
- Chastity Blackwell - 7 deadly sins of documentation
- Muriel Lefevre - [FR] Stanislav Petrov, l'homme qui sauva le monde en ne faisant rien
- Anthony Panozzo - If Something Is Hard, Do It More Often
- Innovating Now! - CK Theory : The Concept Knowledge Theory
- Jason Fried - The Intimidating Zero
- DIY Projects - Craft Ideas & How To’s for Home Decor with Videos
- Hackaday - fresh hacks every day
- Louis-Xavier Lavallée - [Slides] 10 Reasons Why Successful Leaders Are Keeping a Journal
- NanoDano - "I know how to program, but I don't know what to program"
- Nathan Kontny - How to be original / aka whom creative ideas come from ?
- Marion PoetzNikolaus FrankeMartin Schreier - Sometimes the Best Ideas Come from Outside Your Industry
- Dan Kim - It’s OK to be pragmatic (with a little help from the “crazy ones”)
- /r/GoogleCardboard - Google Cardboard VR subreddit
- - a one minute game maker proof of concept, with ability to join others games online or fork their projects to create your own
- Daniel Miessler - Stop Being Proud of Complexity
- Marco de Saint-Hilaire - [FR] [eBook] L'art de payer ses dettes et de satisfaire ses créanciers sans débourser un sou
- SensCritique - [FR] french social networking service meant for discovery, cataloging, sharing reviews and tastes in films, tv series, music, books, comics and video games
- Rotten Tomatoes - quality measurement for movies & tv, by creating a score based on top critics
- Metacritic - similar to Rotten Tomatoes. Aggregates reviews and provides a metascore for movies, tv, games and music
- Internet Movie Database - aka IMDb, the biggest online database of info related to films and tv
- Learn by Reading - Discover your next favorite learnable (Non-fiction) book from Amazon Book
- Gnod - Discover new books based on what you like
- Goodreads - a home for you books, to manage your collection and discover new books
- LibraryThing - a home for your books, to manage your library and discover new books
- Whichbook - a tool for selecting what book to read next
- What Should I Read Next? - another tool to discover new books based on what you like
- YourNextRead - books recommendations based on what you like
- AllReaders - book search engine, get details and recommendations about books you like
- Readgeek - Let Readgeek get to know your book taste to get recommendations
- My 90's TV - Go back to the 1990's via this nostalgic TV simulator and relive the original ads, music videos, movie trailers, shows and more!
- Community Picks - recommended books for hacker subreddits
- A random quote - Short summaries of books / Great books summarized in 5 quotes or less
- Cinesift - 'Cinesift' Sorts Ratings and Streaming Services to Help Users Pick Films. Bonus : Presentation of Cinesift by Trend Hunter
- Graph TV - Graph Ratings of Your Favorite TV Shows / Visualize IMDb ratings and trends of TV shows by episode.
- /r/dataisbeautiful - a place for visualizations that effectively convey information
- /r/Infographics - all the latest infographics
- /r/funnycharts - funny charts
- AcquiredBy - Definitive list of tech acquisitions
- Jeroen Janssens - Data Science at the Command Line
- Million Song Dataset - The Dataset
- Graph TV - Graph Ratings of Your Favorite TV Shows / Visualize IMDb ratings and trends of TV shows by episode.
- Information is Beautiful - the world’s data, information and knowledge distilled into beautiful and useful graphs & diagrams.
- HashiCorp - Hashicorp Blog
- CloudBees - CloudBees Blog
- Jenkins CI - Jenkins CI Youtube Channel
- CloudBees - CloudBees TV Youtube Channel
- DZone - DZone Devops latest articles
- /r/devops - Everything Devops on reddit
- Netflix - NetFlix Technology Blog
- Netflix - Netflix TechBlog
- DEV - DevOps related articles on
- Stack Exchange - DevOps questions & answers
- ThoughtWorks - Technology radar : trends, insights into tools, frameworks, languages, techniques & platforms shaping the future
- Puppet Blog
- Derek E. Weeks - 21 DevOps and Docker Reference Architectures
- Derek E. Weeks - 31 Reference Architectures for DevOps and Continuous Delivery. Slides here
- Olivier Mallassi, Rudy Krol - [FR] Les Patterns des Grands du Web – DevOps
- Martin Rusev - How I Replaced SSH with ZeroMQ and Salt
- Martin Rusev - SaltStack - Review and how it fares against Ansible and Puppet?
- Josh Dreyfuss - Deployment Management Tools: Chef vs. Puppet vs. Ansible vs. SaltStack vs. Fabric
- Engin Yöyen - Service Discovery : Choosing the Right Tool
- Viktor Farcic - The Ten Commandments Of Continuous Delivery. Bonus from Jenkins World 2017 : video & my notes
- Pushkar Singh - [PNG] Devops Maturity Model
- DevOpsGuys - Maturing the Continuous Delivery Pipeline
- Tony Bradley - DevOps is More Than Just Automation
- Don Macvittie - Moving That Big Project to CI/CD
- Yaniv Yehuda - 7 Highly Effective Continuous Delivery Principles
- Automatic Software - DevOps Maturity model assessment : Where are you on your DevOps journey?
- Phillip Holmes - Fourth - The Build System
- Phillip Holmes - The Build Methodology Decision
- Michael Hedgpeth - Why Habitat? - Chef Blog
- Samuele Resca - Continuous Delivery using feature toggle
- Per-Gustaf Stenberg [PDF] (Master's thesis) Container-based Continuous Delivery for Clusters, interesting for some parts
- Nathan Hurst - From 10 Hours to 10 Minutes: Scaling Release Automation at Teachers Pay Teachers
- Chris Short - 5 laws every aspiring DevOps engineer should know
- Viktor Farcic - Service Discovery (The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit)
- Josh @ Overseer - The DevOps tool arsenal: Results from ~100 DevOps/SRE surveys
- Josh @ Overseer - Clouds, containers & microservices: infra and architecture from ~100 DevOps/SRE surveys
- Josh @ Overseer - Fears and favorites from 100+ DevOps/SRE surveys
- Gregg Caines - Release-ophobia
- Gregg Caines - Your Team Probably Doesn't Have the Same DVCS Requirements as Linus
- OpenStack Docs - OpenStack command-line interface cheat sheet
- Sqreen - The DevOps Security Checklist
- David Mytton - How we do HumanOps at Server Density
- kahun/awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources
- n1trux/awesome-sysadmin - (fork of kahun/awesome-sysadmin)
- DevOps on Slack - DevOps fans on Slack
- DevOpsLinks on Slack - Where “software DEVelopment” meets “information technology OPerationS”
- Joran Le Cren - 7 Specific Suggestions to Sabotage DevOps Simply
- Mattias Geniar - Why do we automate?
- Aaron Boodman - how the team responsible for Google Chrome ships software
- Vishal Naik - Enabling Trunk Based Development with Deployment Pipelines / learn from deployment pipeline anti patterns
- Phu Ha - Continuous Integration: Part 1 - Setting Up VMs, Docker, and Jenkins
- Phu Ha - Continuous Integration: Part 2 - Setup a Jenkins Slave, Docker Registry, and Jenkinsfile (Pipeline)
- Suzie Prince - It's not CI, it's just CI Theatre
- Maxime Choffat - [Slides] Introduction to DevOps - presentation of first Belgium DevOps Meetup
- XebiaLabs - The Ultimate DevOps Tool Chest
- Drue Placette - (2015) 51 Best DevOps Tools for #DevOps Engineers
- Electric Cloud - Continuous Integration Best Practices: Vision and Reality
- Electric Cloud - Build Automation: Top 3 Problems and How to Solve Them
- Damon Edwards - Jenkins is for Development. Rundeck is for Operations.
- DevOps Topologies. There is no ‘right’ team topology, but several ‘bad’ topologies for any one organisation. Original article -> Matthew Skelton - What Team Structure is Right for DevOps to Flourish?
- RedHat - [Videos] RedHat Summit 2017 Breakout Sessions, topics being DevOps, OpenShift, Development, OpenStack...
- aelsabbahy/goss - goss : Quick and Easy server testing/validation
- Ahmed Elsabbahy - Tutorial: How to test your docker image in half a second
- Stack Exchange - How to test provisioning and configuration in Ansible setup?
- Pedro Artino - Test Driven Infrastructure with Goss
- drone - Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go
- chassing/linux-sysadmin-interview-questions - Linux System Administrator/DevOps Interview Questions
- kevindeasis/awesome-fullstack - Learn front-end, middle-tier, back-end tier, algorithms, and continuous delivery
- ciandcd/awesome-ciandcd - list of resources about Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
- Pascal Welsch - Use different build numbers for every build — automatically using a gradle script
- Derek Weeks - Embedding Ownership: A DevOps Best Practice
- E.G. Nadhan - 9 key phrases of DevOps
- DevelopIntelligence Blog - DevOps Simplified for Non-Technical People
- Ansible - Ansible Blog
- Hacker News - last year ansible news
- Ansible Docs - Best Practices
- enginyoyen/ansible-best-practises - A project structure that outlines some best practices of how to use ansible
- Timothy Appnel - Ansible Best Practices: The Essentials
- Pierre Baillet - 10 Ansible tips and tricks
- Timothy Appnel, James Martin - [Video] Ansible best practices for startups to enterprises
- Ansible Galaxy - Ansible Galaxy Roles
- Scarlz - Tricks of the Trades : Ansible - Ad Hoc Commands and Modules
- Ansible - Ansible Performance Tuning (for Fun and Profit)
- Ansible Docs - Jinja2 Filters
- Jinja2 Docs - Templates and Builtin filters
- Remy Van Elst - Ansible - Only if a file exists or does not exist
- Ansible Docs - Available settings in Ansible configuration file
- Jens Depuydt - Tips & tricks for Ansible
- Maxim Chernyak - 6 practices for super smooth Ansible experience
- nickjj/RoleSpec - A test library for testing Ansible roles
- Justin Ellingwood - How to Manage Multistage Environments with Ansible
- Stack Overflow - Multistage deployment with ansible
- Osvaldo Toja - Organizing Group Vars Files in Ansible
- Ross Tuck - Multistage environments with Ansible
- Ross Tuck - (Slightly) Faster Ansible Testing with Vagrant
- Jeff Geerling - Lot of good ansible roles examples
- Maxime Thoonsen - Best practices to build great Ansible playbooks
- Jon Warbrick - (2014) An Ansible summary : Ansible Cheat Sheet (for Ansible 1.7)
- Ansible Docs - Lookups
- Ansible Docs - Variables
- Roland Wolters - Useful command line options for ansible-playbook
- Ansible Docs - Check Mode ("Dry Run") - because you just want to test sometimes
- Ansible Docs - Playbook Roles and Include Statements
- Ansible Docs - user - Manage user accounts
- Ansible Docs - Authorized_key - Adds or removes an SSH authorized key
- Joseph Kahn - For a Few Ansible Modules More
- Joseph Kahn - Ansible or: How I Learned to Stop Wasting Time Setting Up My Computer and Script It
- Ansible Docs - Developing Modules
- Raphael Campardou - Ansible (Real Life) Good Practices
- Deni Bertović - Ansible tips
- Marlon Bernardes - 15 Things You Should Know About Ansible
- Ansible Container - a tool to build Docker images and orchestrate containers using only Ansible playbooks
- Evin - Using ansible to build and orchestrate clean docker images
- Dan Tehranian - Automating Linux Security Best Practices with Ansible
- Dan Tehranian - Testing Ansible Roles with Test Kitchen
- Michel Blanc - Making dynamic inventory usable with Ansible and Digital Ocean
- Dan Tehranian - Ansible vs Puppet – Hands-On with Ansible
- Stephane Manciot - [FR] DevOps avec Ansible et Docker
- Łukasz Szczęsny - [Video] JaaC - Jenkins as a Code
- Faheetah - Ansible bash module boilerplate
- Corban Raun - Lessons from using Ansible exclusively for 2 years.
- Ansible on Slack - The Ansible Network
- Ansible Docs - Notifications modules for Ansible : cisco spark, jabber, hipchat, mattermost, mail, rocket chat, slack, telegram, ...
- vfarcic/ms-lifecycle - an interesting project of Viktor Farcic used for demonstration in book The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit, where you can learn how to use Docker, Ansible & Vagrant to create a complete infrastructure
- Nathan LeClaire - Using Ansible with Docker Machine to Bootstrap Host Nodes
- Maxim Chernyak - Avoid perpetually “changed” and “skipping” tasks
- Andreas Sommer - Ansible best practices
- YAML Lint - The YAML Validator
- Animosity - Complete idiot's introduction to yaml
- Ansible Docs - YAML Syntax
- Ansible - [ansible-examples] This repository contains examples and best practices for building Ansible Playbooks.
- Fred Alger / Mark Theunissen - Insanely complete Ansible playbook, showing off all the options
- indusbox/goss-ansible - Ansible module for Goss
- Stack Exchange - How to test provisioning and configuration in Ansible setup?
- Pedro Artino - Ansible: how to skip a specific host or group in a playbook
- Ansible Docs - All ansible modules
- Jeff Geerling - (2014) Running Ansible within Windows
- Jeff Geerling - (2016) Using Ansible through Windows 10's Subsystem for Linux
- openstack/ARA - ARA: Ansible Run Analysis records Ansible Playbook runs and provides intuitive interfaces to browse them
- metacloud/molecule - Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles.
- ansible/awx - AWX provides an UI, API and task engine on top of Ansible. It is the open source upstream project for commercial Ansible Tower
- Serverspec - RSpec tests for your servers configured by CFEngine, Puppet, Ansible, Itamae or anything else
- jdauphant/awesome-ansible - A collaborative curated list of awesome Ansible resources
- ansible-console - a REPL that allows for running ad-hoc tasks against a chosen inventory (based dominis/ansible-shell)
- Cliffano Subagio - Human-Readable Ansible Playbook Log Output Using Callback Plugin
- Ansible Docs - Handlers: Running Operations On Change + notify & listen
Ansible Vault
- brianshumate/ansible-vault - Ansible role for Vault
- Ansible Docs - Ansible Vault Documentation
- Michael DeHaan - Introducing Ansible Vault : keeping encrypted data in Playbooks
- Patrice Laurent - [FR] Ansible Vault : Automatiser le chiffrement avec Git
- Dan Tehranian - Managing Secrets with Ansible Vault – The Missing Guide (Part 1 of 2)
- Dan Tehranian - Managing Secrets with Ansible Vault – The Missing Guide (Part 2 of 2)
- Marvin Pinto - Using git diff with Ansible Vault encrypted files
- Michel Blanc - Transparent encryption with ansible vault revisited
- Tristan Fisher - Working with ansible-vault : A short tutorial on how to use Vault in your Ansible workflow
- Chris Short - Improve your DevOps security game with Ansible Vault
- Atlassian Docs - Updating build status for commits
- Atlassian Docs - Setting up SSH port forwarding (for BitBucket or other git server)
Consul (by Hashicorp)
- Stephane Jourdan - Use Vault with Consul on Docker
- Consul Docs - health checks / check definitions
- Docker Hub - Docker Image for Consul, maintained by HashiCorp
- Docker - Docker Blog
- Docker Forums - latest topics on docker forums
- DEV - Docker related articles on
- Docker - Docker Youtube channel
- CoreOS - CoreOS Youtube Channel
- Hacker News - last year docker news
- Mike Simons - Mikes monster list of docker tips
- Docker Docs - Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
- Sonatype - KISSSSS : good approach to ensure you're successful with containers
- SlideShare - Optimizing Docker Images
- Derek E. Weeks - 21 DevOps and Docker Reference Architectures
- Csaba Palfi - (2014) 24 random docker tips
- Scarlz - Tricks of the Trades : Docker - Data Volumes and Data Containers
- Deni Bertovic - Handling Permissions with Docker Volumes
- Docker Docs - Manage sensitive data with Docker secrets
- tcnksm/docker-alias - Docker aliases
- James Turnbull - Useful Docker Bash Functions And Aliases
- Lucas Carlson - (2014) 15 Quick Docker Tips
- LZone - Docker Cheat Sheet
- Docker Store - Containers from verified source
- Denis Gladkikh - Collecting docker logs and stats with Splunk
- Docker Docs - Splunk logging driver
- Denis Gladkikh - Splunk Logging Driver for Docker
- Yohan Liyanage - Docker – Clean Up After Yourself!
- Docker Docs - docker build
- Docker Docs - docker run
- Docker Docs - docker exec
- Docker Docs - docker commit examples
- Flux7 Labs - 10 Docker Remote API Commands for Images
- Docker Forums - Command to remove all unused images
- Stack Overflow - Docker error : no space left on device
- James Coyle - Export and Import a Docker Image Between Nodes
- rhmjs/satellite5-docker - RHEL6 containers on a RHEL7 host registered to Satellite 5
- Red Hat Customer Portal - Red Hat Container Catalog
- Red Hat Customer Portal - working with containers in Red Hat Satellite
- Pradipta Kumar Banerjee - Howto create a Docker Image for RHEL
- Derek Chamorro - Common Dockerfile Mistakes
- Project Atomic - Container Best Practices
- jwilder/docker-squash - Squash docker images to make them smaller
- Jason Wilder - Squashing Docker Images
- jwilder/dockerize - Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers
- Nicolas Schoemaeker - Docker: Taming the Beast - Part II
- Nicolas Schoemaeker - Docker: Taming the Beast - Part III: Building Images
- Ansible Container - a tool to build Docker images and orchestrate containers using only Ansible playbooks
- Evin - Using ansible to build and orchestrate clean docker images
- strothj/vault/ - Vault Unofficial Docker Image
- Sreenivas Makam - Compare Docker for Windows options
- Dan Tehranian - How Should I Get Application Configuration into my Docker Containers?
- Neil Batlivala - Why Docker Is Not Enough. Related tehranian/docker-atlassian-jira
- Martin Rusev - Docker in production for the average DevOps
- Nitin Agarwal - Docker Container’s Filesystem Demystified
- Nitin Agarwal - Why use Docker for Development
- Nitin Agarwal - Understanding the Docker Internals
- Nitin Agarwal - Lifecycle of Docker Container
- Nitin Agarwal - Docker Usecases
- Nitin Agarwal - Best Practices for working with Dockerfiles
- Gianluca Borello - Container isolation gone wrong
- Stephane Manciot - [FR] DevOps avec Ansible et Docker
- Thomas Graf - DockerCon 2017 - Cilium - Network and Application Security with BPF and XDP
- Brendan D. Gregg - Awesome 60s perf analysis cheatsheet : Host Perf Analysis in 60s
- Brendan D. Gregg - [Video] Container Performance Analysis at DockerCon 2017 + Slides
- Julien Bisconti - Awesome-docker : A curated list of Docker resources and projects
- Alex Hanson - Lessons Learned with Docker
- Per-Gustaf Stenberg [PDF] Master's thesis: Container-based Continuous Delivery for Clusters, interesting for some parts
- Faheetah - Docker patterns/anti-patterns : Generic Dockerfile demonstrating good practices
- Scott Coulton - If it’s in a container it’s secure right ?
- vfarcic/ms-lifecycle - an interesting project of Viktor Farcic used for demonstration in book The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit, where you can learn how to use Docker, Ansible & Vagrant to create a complete infrastructure
- Justyna Ilczuk - Debugging - into rabbit hole with docker containers
- Sreenivas Makam - Docker Networking - Common Issues and Troubleshooting Techniques
- Nathan Leclaire - Using Ansible with Docker Machine to Bootstrap Host Nodes
- dockerlint - Linting tool for Dockerfiles based on Dockerfile Reference and Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
- FROM:latest - an opinionated Dockerfile linter online
- Red Hat Customer Portal - Differences between RHEL Server and RHEL Atomic Host
- Red Hat Customer Portal - Using Red Hat Base Container Images (standard and minimal)
- Thierry Carez - What makes OpenStack relevant in a container-driven world. Related Video
- Aymen El Amri - My Docker Cheat Sheet
- CoreOS Docs - Running CoreOS Container Linux on Vagrant
- Sysdig - troubleshooting and visibility tool for linux, windows and mac osx with native support for containers technologies
- Maxime Greau - Tips & Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss
- aelsabbahy/dgoss-examples - dgoss examples
- Ahmed Elsabbahy - Tutorial: How to test your docker image in half a second
- drone - Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go
- Nathan Osman - A 1 KB Docker Container
- Julia Evans - Running containers without Docker
- containerd - An open and reliable container runtime
- wsargent/docker-cheat-sheet - Docker Cheat Sheet on GitHub
- Aboullaite Mohammed - 15 Docker Hacks & Tips!
- Visakh S - CoreOS & Docker – An easy way to deploy secure, scalable web application infrastructure
- Docker Docs - Docker security : running your app in production
- Maxfield Stewart - Tutorial: Building With Jenkins Inside an Ephemeral Docker Container
- Viktor Farcic - Docker Flow – Walkthrough
- Jérôme Petazzoni - Anatomy of a Container: Namespaces, cgroups & Some Filesystem Magic - LinuxCon
- Lachlan Evenson - 5 minutes dabbling with Docker Distributed Application Bundles (DAB)
- Janakiram MSV - DockerCon 2016: Docker’s Plan to Dominate the Enterprise Data Center
- Josh Reichardt - Lint your Dockerfiles with Hadolint
- Jorge Morales Pou - ...Docker and devicemapper's thinpool in RHEL 7
- Jorge Morales Pou - ...use a Proxy for speeding up docker images creation
- Jérôme Petazzoni - Setting up a transparent proxy for your Docker containers
- estesp/mquery - mquery shows the list of architectures supported by a specific docker image. via Dieter Reuter
- Scott McCarty - Container Tidbits: Understanding the docker-latest Package
- Dan Walsh - Secure Your Containers with this One Weird Trick
- Dan Walsh - Why we don't let non-root users run Docker in CentOS, Fedora, or RHEL
- nixCraft - 7 Awesome ChatOps Open Source Software For Conversation-driven Development and Management
- Richard Jones - (2009) How we use IRC at
- Vinay Nadig - Automate Your Development Activities with Hubot
- Pete Nicholls - Hubot Script Catalog. Repository
- Hubot - Hubot repository on GitHub
- Hubot Docs - Getting started with Hubot. See also : Adapters for Hubot, Scripting Doc, Deploying on Unix
- Hubot Scripts - Hubot Scripts on GitHub. Other related repo on GitHub by tag : hubot-scripts, hubot, hubot-adapter
- Rocket.Chat - your self hosted cross-platform open source chat solution as an alternative to slack. Related : RocketChat GitHub repo, Integrate with Rocket.Chat !
- RocketChat/hubot-rocketchat - Rocket.Chat Hubot adapter
- Botmakers - Slack Community of bot fans who make and share online bots for Twitter, Slack, etc.
- ChatBots & AI group - Slack community of bot & AI enthusiasts who help each other learn, build, and promote chatbots across various platforms
- Lita - A free extensible robot companion, written in Ruby, for your company's chat room. Plugins here
- Atlassian Docs - Using bots in HipChat : Lita, Hubot, Will, wobot, Err...
- HipChat Docs - HipChat developer documentation. Rest API here, Sending Messages here, Send room notifications, Send room message, Capabilities description
- Atlassian - HipChat Bot Lab : ready to use bots
- Dan Riti - example of how sending messages to a HipChat room using curl and API v2
- Ansible Docs - Notifications modules for Ansible : cisco spark, jabber, hipchat, mattermost, mail, rocket chat, slack, telegram, ...
- bonovoxly/ansible_snippets - ansible snippet to notify hipchat room from ansible
- hipchat/hubot-hipchat - HipChat adapter for Hubot
- Jabber plugin for Jenkins
- Cisco Spark - Cisco Spark integrations with developer tools
- Dmitri Zimine - Chatops Pitfalls and Tips
- Joey Day - Integrating ServiceNow with HipChat
- Jason Fried - Is group chat making you sweat?
- XKCD - xKCD about chat systems
- - a brief history of chat services from 1973 to the present day
- Pidgin - Implmeth WEBEX-TOKEN SASL auth for jabber.
- matterbridge - Add compatibility for Cisco Jabber (xmpp)
- Matt Schlicht - The Complete Beginner’s Guide To Chatbots / everything your need to know
- bhuga/hubot-chatops-rpc - hubot-chatops-rpc : Easily add RPC endpoints to your hubot.
- Plugins Index
- Cloudbees - Jenkins articles on CloudBees site
- Jenkins Community Blog - Jenkins articles
- Jenkins CI - Jenkins CI Youtube Channel
- CloudBees - CloudBees TV Youtube Channel
- Hacker News - last year jenkins news
- Cloudbees - How to Customize Checkout for Pipeline Multibranch
- Stack Overflow - Q&A about Blue Ocean
- Stack Overflow - Q&A about Jenkins pipeline
- Jenkins Governance Meeting Agenda - all internal meetings and decision notes, since 2011. Very interesting
- Joel Wilsson - Creating Jenkins pipelines with Ansible, Part 1. See also Part 2
- Robert Sandell / James Nord - No, You Shouldn't Do That! Lessons from Using Pipeline
- Wilson Mar - Jenkins2 Pipeline jobs using Groovy code in Jenkinsfile
- tuxfight3r - Decrypting Jenkins password
- Jenkins Docs - Pipeline Steps reference
- Jenkins Docs - Using a Jenkinsfile
- Jenkins Docs - Pipeline Basic Steps
- Jenkins Docs - Pipeline Examples + Code on GitHub
- Jenkins Docs - Pipeline syntax
- Jenkins Docs - Latest builds of Jenkins acceptance-test-harness-stable. See also The new Jenkins CI page
- Vyacheslav Voronenko - Setup & Configure Jenkins for Your Team
- Łukasz Szczęsny - [Video] JaaC - Jenkins as a Code
- afonsof/jenkins-material-theme - Material Design UI for Jenkins
- Damien Coraboeuf - Jenkins Pipeline Scalability in the Enterprise
- Jenkins CI - Examples of Pipeline scripts (Tests source code), useful for exploring the possible for Jenkinsfile
- funkwerk/jenkins-workflow - repository with examples of jenkins workflow scripts
- Andrew Bayer - Seven Habits of Highly Effective Jenkins Users (2014 edition!
- CloudBees - [PDF] Declarative Pipeline Quick Reference
- Jenkins Doc - full syntax for Jenkins Declarative Pipeline
- jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin - source code of msbuild step
- Stack Overflow - Job DSL vs Pipeline Plugin
- Liam Newman - Sending Notifications in Pipeline, contains examples for Slack, Email, HipChat
- Andrew Bayer - examples of complex/advanced pipeline scripts
- Stack Overflow - Example Pipeline for git submodule update
- Jason Davis - Can We Use Jenkins for That?
- Keyan Pishdadian - Unifying Deployments for Microservices with Jenkinsfile Pipelines
- /r/devops - Interesting discussion about difficulties to work with Jenkinsfiles on /r/devops
- JFrogDev/jenkins-pipeline-examples - Jenkins pipeline example scripts
- Faheetah - Jenkinsfile idiosynchrasies with escaping and quotes : Examples of weirdness of Jenkinsfile syntax
- Isaac Cohen - Ensuring Corporate Standards in Pipelines with Custom Marker Files
- jenkinsci/pipeline-plugin - [jenkinsci/pipeline-plugin] Plugin Compatibility with Pipeline
- CloudBees - Jenkins at Splunk and Splunking Jenkins +Video on YouTube
- Jenkins Wiki - Splunk Plugin for Pipeline Job Support
- David Hoover - Jenkins inside Google +YoutuBe Link
- Garry Newman - Garry explains how to write Jenkinsfiles
- Garry Newman - Garry explains how he's using Global Jenkins library
- Andrew Bayer - [PDF] Introducing a New Way to Define Jenkins Pipelines
- jenkinsci/jenkins-scripts - [jenkinsci/jenkins-scripts] collection of utility scripts for use with Jenkins
- jenkinsci/pipeline-examples - collection of tips, advice, gotchas and other best practices for using Jenkins Pipeline
- fabric8io/fabric8-jenkinsfile-library - library of reusable Jenkinsfile, which make use of Fabric8 Pipeline library
- fabric8io/fabric8-pipeline-library - Source code of Fabric8 Pipeline library for Jenkins
- terradatum/jenkins-pipeline-library - source code of Terradatum Pipeline library for Jenkins
- pedroamador/jenkins-pipeline-library - another Jenkins Pipeline Library
- Jenkins Docs - Extending with Shared Libraries
- James Linder - Jenkins Pipelines: What I Wish I Knew Starting Out
- Liam Newman - Declarative Pipeline: Notifications and Shared Libraries
- openstack/python-jenkins - python-jenkins : a python wrapper for the Jenkins REST API
- OpenStack - [PDF] python-jenkins documentation
- pycontribs/jenkinsapi - A Python library to automate most common Jenkins operations
- Developer code search - Examples of Jenkinsfile (returned by a search engine)
- Christian Galsterer - Continuous Integration for Pull Requests with Jenkins and Bitbucket Server (Stash)
- Mark Waite - Plugin Development Tutorials, Videos, and More
- David Hoover - [Video] Jenkins World 2016 - Jenkins Inside Google
- rhwood/jenkins-slave-osx - Example of Jenkins slave setup script for Mac OSX
- Alvin Huang - Codifying the Build and Release Process with a Pipeline Shared Library
- Maxime Greau - Tips & Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss
- aelsabbahy/dgoss-examples - dgoss examples, including examples for jenkins
- Hannah Inman - Extending your Pipeline with Shared Libraries, Global Functions and External Code. Bonus : Slides from Brent Laster
- Oleg Nenashev - Managing Security in Jenkins. Cheat Sheet
- Philip Stroh - Share a standard Pipeline across multiple projects with Shared Libraries
- Maxfield Stewart - Tutorial: Building With Jenkins Inside an Ephemeral Docker Container
- Jenkins JIRA - tickets realted to jenkins pipeline component
- Jenkins Docs - Architecting for Scale
- Justin Young - Shift Security Practices Left: New Nexus Plugin for Jenkins Pipelines
- Maksym Grebenets - Jenkins Remote Node on Mac OS X
- Anthony Panozzo - Replace Local Cron With Jenkins
- Patrick Wolf - Declarative Pipeline With Jenkins
- docker/jenkins-pipeline-scripts - Shared Jenkins Pipeline Scripts of Docker, Inc.
- Bilgin Ibryam - The Microservices Hierarchy of Needs and Where Kubernetes fits
- Kubernetes on Slack - Slack community about Kubernetes
- on Slack - Web-based interface for deployment of Kubernetes cluster
- Fabric8 on Slack - Open source integrated development platform for Kubernetes
- ramitsurana/awesome-kubernetes - Awesome Kubernetes resources
- OpenShift - OpenShift platform / Features matrix : How Does OpenShift Extend Kubernetes?
- Jesse Newland - Kubernetes at GitHub
- Bilgin Ibryam - The Microservices Hierarchy of Needs and Where Kubernetes fits
- Martin Fowler - MonolithFirst
- mfornos/awesome-microservices - curated list of Microservice Architecture related principles and technologies.
- Milen Dyankov - [Video] Microservices and Modularity or the difference between treatment and cure!
- Maven Docs - How to keep the master password on removable drive
- Lieven Doclo - Why I Never Use the Maven Release Plugin
- Maxime Greau - Tips & Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss
- Rafael Eyng - Using Nexus 3 as Your Repository - Part 1: Maven Artifacts
- Rafael Eyng - Using Nexus 3 as Your Repository - Part 3: Docker Images
- Tim OBrien - (2010) Nexus Tip: Moving Artifacts Between Nexus Repositories
- Curtis Yanko - Nexus in Openshift
- Nexus Blog - latest news from the makers of Nexus
- Michael Prescott - Nexus Repository: New Beta REST API for Content
- Michael Prescott - Nexus Repository Manager 3.5: Yum Proxy Support Now Available
- [Justin Young](Shift Security Practices Left: New Nexus Plugin for Jenkins Pipelines) - Shift Security Practices Left: New Nexus Plugin for Jenkins Pipelines
- OpenShift Docs - OpenShift Latest Documentation
- OpenShift Blog - OpenShift latest news
- OpenShift - Features and Benefits of OpenShift
- Marek Jelen - Deploying From Private Git Repositories
- OpenShift Docs - Interacting with OpenShift - Using Minishift
- OpenShift Docs - Developer CLI Operations
- Rafael Benevides - Four creative ways to create an OpenShift/Kubernetes dev environment
- Chris Houseknecht - Ansible Galaxy : chouseknecht.minishift-up-role - Run OpenShift locally using minishift
- OpenShift Docs - Working with HTTP Proxies
- OpenShift Docs - Using a Proxy for Git cloning
- OpenShift Docs - How Builds Work
- OpenShift Docs - Builds
- OpenShift Docs - Installing Minishift
- OpenShift Docs - Deployments
- OpenShift Docs - Persistent Storage Using GlusterFS
- OpenShift Docs - Troubleshooting OpenShift Container Platform: Basics
- Red Hat Customer Portal - Troubleshooting OpenShift SDN
- openshift/debugging-openshift - Debugging / Troubleshooting OpenShift
- OpenShift Docs - Creating New Applications
- OpenShift - Learning Resources (webinars, datasheets, whitepapers, infographic, tools, videos...)
- OpenShift - OpenShift V3 Deep Dive Tutorial | The Next Generation of PaaS
- OCTO Talks - [FR] OpenShift 3 : le PaaS privé avec Docker
- Ansible Docs - Minishift role for Ansible
- Michael Hausenblas - Kubernetes By Example
- mhausenblas/openshift-cheat-sheet - Cheat sheet for OpenShift
- Michael Hausenblas - Kubernetes: Application Coupling
- Laurent Broudoux - Multiple Deployment Methods for OpenShift
- Raffaele Spazzoli - Managing Secrets on OpenShift – Vault Integration
- oscp/awesome-openshift3 - Awesome Openshift 3 resources
- OpenShift Interactive Learning Portal - Interactive learning scenarios. Can be used for experimentation
- OpenShift - [Videos] Watch videos from OpenShift Commons Gathering events
- RedHat Summit - [Videos] RedHat Summit 2017 Breakout Sessions, topics being DevOps, OpenShift, Development, OpenStack...
- OpenShift - OpenShift platform / Features matrix : How Does OpenShift Extend Kubernetes?
- OpenShift Docs - Using Jenkins Images in OpenShift
- OpenShift Docs - Build Strategy Options in OpenShift
- OpenShift Origin - OpenShift Origin examples on GitHub
- Curtis Yanko - Nexus in Openshift
- Christoph Görn - Peace in Our Time: Bringing Ops and Dev Together
- Pete Cheslock - How to Create a Security-Minded DevOps Organization: Three Best Practices
- LZone - VirtualBox Cheat Sheet
- Thomas-Krenn - Headless Mode for VirtualBox
- VirtualBox issues tracker - Network adapters not working after host returns from sleep Win 7 host Linux Mint 17.2 guest
- VirtualBox Docs - Oracle VM VirtualBox Documentation / User manual
- Adam Hawkins - Getting Started with Vagrant
- Ross Tuck - (Slightly) Faster Ansible Testing with Vagrant
- mitchellh/vagrant - Re-associate vagrant with vm
- Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVV - Connect to Your Vagrant Virtual Machine with PuTTY
- Hashicorp - Official Puppet Vagrant boxes
- Willem Meints - Building Containerized Apps With Vagrant
- vfarcic/ms-lifecycle - an interesting project of Viktor Farcic used for demonstration in book The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit, where you can learn how to use Docker, Ansible & Vagrant to create a complete infrastructure
- Scott Keck-Warren - Multiple Vagrant VMs in One Vagrantfile
- Sebastian Krysmanski - Vagrant Tutorial – From Nothing To Multi-Machine
- CoreOS Docs - Running CoreOS Container Linux on Vagrant
- Stefan Wrobel - How to make Vagrant performance not suck
- iJackUA/awesome-vagrant - curated list of awesome Vagrant resources, plugins, tutorials and other nice things.
- emyl/vagrant-triggers - Trigger scripts execution on the host or guest before and/or after Vagrant commands.
- vvchik/vagrant-serverspec - a vagrant plugin that implements serverspec as a provisioner.
- miroswan/vagrant_spec - VagrantSpec : ServerSpec Testing for Clustered / Distributed Systems in Vagrant. Bonus : Tutorial for VagrantSpec
- fabriziopandini/vagrant-compose - A Vagrant plugin that helps building complex scenarios with many VMs.
- Learnosity/vagrant-git - a Vagrant plugin to either clone or pull repositories after a VM boots (but before it's provisioned).
- maoueh/nugrant - Vagrant plugin enabling user specific configuration values and handle parameters to be injected via different sources
- p0deje/vagrant-exec - Vagrant plugin to execute commands within the context of VM synced directory.
- sprotheroe/vagrant-disksize - Vagrant plugin to resize disks in VirtualBox
- fgrehm/vagrant-notify - Vagrant plugin that redirects
from guest to host machine and notifies provisioning status. - jedi4ever/veewee - Veewee is a tool for easily (and repeatedly) building custom Vagrant base boxes, KVMs, and virtual machine images.
- Anton Kalyaev - Vagrant tips
Vault (by Hashicorp)
- HashiCorp - Hashicorp Blog
- strothj/vault/ - Vault Unofficial Docker Image
- Vault Docs - Deploy Vault
- Aun Raza - How to Securely Store Passwords and Api Keys Using Vault
- Katacoda - Interactive Course : Docker in Production - Store Secrets using Hashicorp Vault
- Stephane Jourdan - Use Vault with Consul on Docker
- Vyacheslav Voronenko - Using Vault to Secure Your Deployment Secrets
- brianshumate/ansible-vault - ansible-vault : Ansible role for Hashicorp Vault
- Vault Docs - Auth Backend: Username & Password
- Hashicorp - Vault 0.6 Release announcement
- Sreenivas Makam - Vault – Use cases
- Vault Docs - SSH Secret Backend
- Vault Docs - HTTP API
- Vault Docs - Authentication
- Peter A. Tierno - HashiCorp Vault Plugin for Jenkins
- Seth Vargo - Codifying Vault Policies and Configuration
- Martin Rusev - Managing all your secrets with Vault - Review and Walkthrough
- Vault Docs - Access Control Policies (ACLs)
- Vault Docs - Tokens
- Raffaele Spazzoli - Managing Secrets on OpenShift – Vault Integration
Finding content
- Reddit - Piracy Megathread on reddit
- /r/piracy - piracy on reddit
- Library Genesis - ebooks and scientific articles. Mirror : 1
- - ebooks
- Soulseek - for hard to find music .
- RuTracker - torrent for music
- - large open subtitles database for tv shows and movies
- - large collection of subtitles for tv shows
- - free subtitles for tv show and movies
- - Cornell University library : e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics
- InterfactLIFT - High resolution photography wallpapers for every screen size
- sindresorhus/awesome - Curated list of awesome lists
- Calvin Cheng - AwesomeSearch : find awesome lists more quickly.
- bayandin/awesome-awesomeness - A curated list of awesome awesomeness
- FindLectures - Great collection of lectures to discover interesting topics that you might not think to look for. Bonus : related subreddit with new suggestions
- ThePirateBay Proxy List
- NextWarez - [FR] news and ranking about download sites and downloaded contents
- Kooba - an interactive graph for finding new books
- Urban Dictionary - online dictionary of slang words and phrases
- The Load Guru - How To Get Started With XDCC
- The Load Guru - How To Configure mIRC For Downloading
- Cr4wlGa - A plain XDCC indexer
- SunXDCC - a XDCC indexer
- TorrentFreak - file sharing, privacy & copyright news
- Opentrackers - private torrent trackers & file sharing
- Torrent Franais - [FR] file sharing & torrent news
- Top torrent sites according to TorrentFreak : YTS.AG, Limetorrents, Torrentz a meta search engine, 1337x, TorrentProject, Torrent Downloads. Others : Sky torrents
- MorganGeek - download sites compared using some searches
- The Pirate Bay - yet one of the best place to find good torrents
- iDope - torrent indexer / tribute to kickass
- Extreme Download - [FR] a good place to find direct download links for various content
- Zone Telechargement - [FR] an alternative place to find direct download links
- Torrent9 - [FR] Torrent9 because T411
starts to suckis out of business - - good torrent indexer (lot of content), but results quality may depend on your criteria
- TorrentProject - torrent indexer with lot of content
- TwoDDL - a place for direct download links, but not the best
- DuckDuckGo - a search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers' privacy. Related : Suggested search engines by PrivacyTools
- WikiLeaks - publishes full online archives of information that has been censored or suppressed, or is likely to be lost. Related : /r/WikiLeaks
- - dvd & blu-ray informations & comparisons
- VileR - world's biggest collection of classic text mode fonts, system fonts and BIOS fonts from DOS-era IBM PCs and compatibles
- - News about movie censorship + comparisons of alternate versions (Movies, Comics, Series, Games and more)
- - DVD und Blu-ray Comparisons
- - Find the best offer for your mobile / internet / phone usage profile
- Twoogle - Search tweets in realtime
- Fast Andes - a search engine that shows you products highly scored by reddit comments and submissions.
- IMSE - Internet Movie Search Engine
- SoMeFilm - Movies / tv shows recommendations : what will you watch tonight ?
- Book Suggestions Ninja - books suggestions based on book / author or genre
- Reading Stash - Just a book recommender
- Tunefind - Music from all tv shows
- Tunefind - Music from all tv shows and movies
- What is my movie ? - finds movies based on your own words, actors, directors, genres etc.
- mps-youtube - Terminal based YouTube player and downloader
- FileChef - Get direct download links for almost anything
- Tor2web - Browse the Tor Onion Services
- The Hidden Wiki - [TOR] a list of websites that have free ebooks.
- Imperial Library - [TOR] online library with +100.000 books
- Deep web sites links - [TOR] Deep Web Books Link | Dark Web Books Sites
- chaconnewu/awesome-augmented - curated list of awesome lists
- Metal Torrent Tracker - a good metal music tracker
- RockBox - metal music torrent tracker
- Daniel Miessler - google search tips
App discovery
- Y Combinator - Hacker news Show : where people share their work. Related : Newest Show HN
- Product Hunt - discover new products (apps, websites, services, ...)
- AlternativeTo - crowdsourced software recommendations, find alternatives to existing softwares
- Similarsites - easily find similar websites
- Superbly Space - inventory of valuable quality softwares, services, websites, usually matching the ones I look for
- Product Hunt - a list of top 500 makers on Product Hunt
- AppRecs - app search engine
- StumbleUpon - discover the best of the web, one click at a time. This service learns what you like and brings you more like it
- Random Hunt - Like StumbleUpon, but for Product Hunt. Meaning : best of products, one random product at a time
- The Useless Web - Take you to another random useless website
- Discuvver - Take you to one random useful website
- AlternativeTo - Open Source Self-Hosted apps on AlternativeTo
- Stack Exchange - Software Recommendations Stack Exchange
Event discovery
- Meetup - meet groups of people near you who share your interests
Free online tools
- BuiltWith - Find out what technology a website is built with
- Google - PageSpeed Insights : Analyze a website performance
- Socialtalents - Loadme - cloud-based load / stress testing service for you website or API
- Dillinger - Online Markdown Editor
- Air Mail - temporary email service
- nBox - fake email service, create as many fake emails you wish for protecting your privacy
- Dead Link Checker - Online Dead Link Checking Tool
- Broken Link Checker - Online Dead Link Checking Tool
- StackEdit - in-browser markdown editor
- XKPasswd - secure memorable password generator inspired by XKCD
- WhatsMyIP - password generator & other text related tools (hash lookup, regex tester)
- YouTube to MP3 converter
- Wayback Machine - The Internet archive, bringing back old/dead pages to live
- Cached View - Google + Wayback machine Cached Pages of any website
- ChangeDetection - Know automatically when any web page changes
- WhatsMyIP - Port scanners & other networking tools
- IFTTT - use existing services together to automate tasks and make your life easier
- Jeffrey Friedl - Jeffrey's Image Metadata Viewer (Exif viewer)
- Exif Viewer - Another image metadata viewer
- Whois - Whois to get domain name info + identity
- Just Delete Me - a directory of direct links to delete your account from web services
- Just Delete Me - Fake identity generator
- Why No Padlock - find out why your web page is treated as insecure
- Chandan Kumar - 9 free useful online SSL/TLS Certificate Tools
- Chandan Kumar - Verify your SSL, TLS & Ciphers implementation.
- Chandan Kumar - Test your website for SQL injection attack
- Rebex - SSL Check : checks the configuration of given server accessible over internet
- Rex Swain - HTTP Viewer : See exactly what an HTTP request returns to your browser
- IntoDNS - checks the health and configuration and provides DNS report and mail servers report.
- Down for everyone or just me - Check if your website is down or up
- Qualys SSL Labs - SSL Server test : analysis of any web server configuration
- Panopticlick - Test : Is your browser safe against tracking?
- Am I unique - Test : are you unique ? (what your fingerprint reveals about you)
- Ookla - Speedtest : Test your internet connection speed
- TestMy - Internet speed test
- VirusTotal - free online scanner for virus, malware and URL, to avoid downloading crap on your machine
- Jotti - online virus scanner
- Ethical hacking tools - Find subdomains / free online subdomain enumeration tool
- COMODO CA - Certificate search online
- DNSdumpster - tool for dns recon & research, find & lookup dns records
- Ethical Hacking tools - online penetration testing tools
- Open Port Check Tool - Port forwarding tester - open port finder
- Unshorten.It - Unshorten that URL!
- - Find the best offer for your mobile / internet / phone usage profile
- Cactus2000 - [FR] Convertisseur de dureté de l'eau
- Cactus2000 - Converter for hardness of water
- YAML Lint - The YAML Validator
- Two Factor Auth - List of websites and whether or not they support Two Factor Auth (2FA).
- - true random number service, but not only
- Andy Ray - Online Bash Prompt Builder for Git / Hg / SVN
- Sepastop - [FR] resiliate your affiliation to all kinds of products and services
- Tor2web - Browse the Tor Onion Services
- Fuelly - Track, Share, and Compare your Vehicle / Understanding your fuel consumption and vehicle's actual costs
- Daniel Miessler - 10 Ways to Test Your Website Performance
- BoardGameGeek - most complete board game database that holds tons of reviews, images and videos
- - keep track of the best deals for video games you'd like to play
- leereilly/games - Games on GitHub - A list of open source games & add-ons, maps, etc.
- Soldat - Soldat is still one of my favorite multiplayer games for 10+ years, mainly because it's free, its gameplay is simple, the engine can be modded easily and the game uses 2d rendering
- Illuminion - Classic text adventures masterpieces, to play with DOS or the Frotz-Z machine
- Hacknet - a hacking game simulator (not free), potentially boring (move to hackmud)
- h a c k m u d - hackmud, a hacking game simulator (not free) with programming challenges
- PortForward - Port Forwarding Ports List
- GamingOnLinux - Linux & SteamOS gaming community
- Linux game database
- Open Source Game Clones - inventory of open-source remakes of great old games
- Mazing - Generate printable mazes of any size for playing. Can be useful someday
- UnDropDansLaMare - (Video) [FR] Le Paradoxe du Joueur [2 minutes pour convaincre] short analysis of insatisfaction with modern video games / why video games were best before
- GoToQuiz - Classical Alignment Test
Health and Work-Life Balance
- Matt Might - Tips for work-life balance
- Simple Programmer - Stop Improving Yourself
- Adam Smiley Poswolsky - The 10 truths about finding meaningful work
- Tom Goodwin - We don’t need to teach our kids to code, we need to teach them how to dream
- alphagov/govdesign - [PDF] It's ok to ... (poster)
- Kristin Wong - The Biggest Wastes of Time We Regret When We Get Older
- Dr. Travis Bradberry - Why You Should Spend Your Money on Experiences, Not Things
- Bob Sutton - Why Your Job is Becoming Impossible to Do: The Tragedy of Well-Intentioned Organizational Overload
- Jen Horton - The Inevitable Link between Positivity and Perspective
- Mike Bushong - Don't Ask Before You Take Vacation
- Karen Wickre - Working From Home Is Usually a Disaster — Unless You Try This
- Gregg Caines - In Defence of the Office
- Jason Fried - Being tired isn’t a badge of honor
- David Mytton - How we do HumanOps at Server Density
- Andrew Wulf - Why I Don't Do Unpaid Overtime and Neither Should You
- /r/lostgeneration - Lost generation : discussions & posts about what this generation is supposed to do
- /r/BasicIncome - community space for discussion and advocacy of Basic Income schemes
- /r/antiwork - discussion and advocacy of a world without work
- PartTimer - a job board for skilled work under 40 HRS/week
- Glassdoor - company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees.
- BetaList Jobs - shape the future by joining one of the fastest growing technology startups
- WorkWithUs - hand-curated selection of best jobs
- Who is Hiring? - jobs search engine per location and some other criteria
- Gabriel Lewis - List of tools to hack your job search
- College Match Up - Best Jobs for Your Personality Type
- Daniel Miessler - My Thoughts on the Minimum Wage
- Daniel Miessler - A Hiring Primer
- Daniel Miessler - The Tiger Hiring Algorithm
- Daniel Miessler - The GT Rating System
- Daniel Miessler - The Peter Principle / Anything that works will be used in progressively more challenging applications until it fails.
- Daniel Miessler - Measuring the Quality of a Culture
- Mubashar Iqbal - Will robots take my job ? Make the test ;-)
- Sanna - [IMG] What if physical illness was treated the same way mental illness is...?
- Gil - (2014) [FR] Billet d'humeur d'une "desperate diplômée" / De la difficulté de trouver un emploi même avec un bon diplôme
- Tom Lloyd - A good advice about the CV for Design students
Remote jobs
- Elen Veenpere - Best sites for finding your dream remote job
- The Remote Working Company - Remote Jobs for people that don't like to go to work, mostly technology oriented
- Working Nomads - Remote jobs, with most offers in development
- We Work Remotely - Remote Jobs: Design, Programming, DevOps and more
- Stack Overflow - Remote Developer jobs
- Christina Ng - Excuses generator for remote workers
- RateBeer - find ratings & information about beers
- Untappd - drink socially, and rate your beers
- hkirat/awesome-chess - curated list of assets availible on the Internet related to chess
- Ceci n'est pas un blog - Le « beer pairing »
- Daniel Miessler - A Coffee Primer
- There, I Fixed It - white trash repairs. Aka how not to repair things
- /r/DiWHY - when DIY goes wrong
- /r/redneckengineering - white trash repairs, and other workarounds that make you laugh
- /r/techsupportmacgyver - Macgyvered solutions to problems
- /r/totallynotrobots - a place where
robotshumans share their thoughts - /r/funnycharts - funny charts
- Cyanide & Happiness - controversial, dark humorous & sometimes surrealistic comic strips
- Joan Cornellà - unsettling, surreal humor and black humorous comic strips
- David Firth - [Youtube] Salad Fingers is a psychological horror, dark humorous animation movie ranked among the top 10 culture phenomenon for 2005
- Le Gorafi - [FR] news satire
- Encyclopedia Dramatica - a satirical wiki, parodying encyclopedia topics and current events, especially those related or relevant to contemporary Internet culture
- /r/WhereIsMyFlyingCar - a lot of predictions made about the future that have or have not come to pass.
- Kimmo Lemetti - Gone with the blastwave is a post apocalyptic black humorous web comic
- Honest Trailers - [Video] funny trailers of popular movies
- The Useless Web - Take you to another random useless website
- Malaise TV - [FR] Twitter account showing awkwardness in TV shows
- Mattia Quarta - How to read a scientific paper.... brilliant
- Philippe Shiu - [IMG] math students tip
- NASA - Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive
- InterfactLIFT - High resolution photography wallpapers for every screen size
- Jeffrey Friedl - Jeffrey's Image Metadata Viewer (Exif viewer)
- Exif Viewer - Another image metadata viewer
- François Dourlen - 'feel good' mash-up pictures, combining pop-culture characters and actual locations
- WLPPR - vibrant wallpapers from places of our planet
- Psiu Puxa - wallpapers from all over the universe
Linux / Unix
- /r/linux - discussions & news about linux on reddit
- nixCraft - linux tips, hacks, tutorials and ideas
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Blog - latest information on Red Hat's IT infrastructure products, offerings, and solutions
- - stories about creating, adopting, and sharing open source solutions
- The Linux Foundation - The Linux Foundation Youtube Channel
- OSTechNix - How To Securely And Permanently Delete Your Data In Linux
- kahun/awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources
- Alltop - Top Linux News aggregated
- n1trux/awesome-sysadmin - (fork of kahun/awesome-sysadmin)
- Binh Nguyen - (2004) Linux Dictionary
- Gareth Anderson - (2006) GNU/Linux Command-Line Tools Summary
- Sandra Henry-Stocker - Unix: Knowing your memory commands
- Sandra Henry-Stocker - Lesser known but still handy Linux commands
- Sandra Henry-Stocker - 17 Unix tricks for a happy 2017
- Sandra Henry-Stocker - Using Unix commands to profile your users
- Sandra Henry-Stocker - Administering Unix systems like your mom taught you
- Sandra Henry-Stocker - thefuck : The Linux command that you should never say out loud
- Scott Rippee - Example syntax for Secure Copy (scp)
- Sandra Henry-Stocker - Doing math with awk
- nixCraft - Top 32 Nmap Command Examples For Sys/Network Admins
- Lakshmanan Ganapathy - 15 Linux lsof Command Examples (Identify Open Files)
- The Geek Stuff - 50 Most Frequently Used UNIX / Linux Commands (With Examples)
- Command line fu - a place to find those command-line gems that you return to again and again.
- Ramesh Natarajan - 25 Most Frequently Used Linux IPTables Rules Examples
- Nick Congleton - How to Secure Your Linux Desktop with Iptables
- The Geek Stuff - 6 Useful Linux One Liners
- Maxim Chernyak - Linux permissions cheatsheet
- CHMOD command calculator
- Corinna Baldauf - The find command in examples
- Dan Tehranian - Automating Linux Security Best Practices with Ansible
- Fedora - Fedora Mirrors list for EPEL-6 and arch x86_64 . see also Fedora Mirror Manager
- Fedora - All EPEL-7 and arch x6-x64 packages
- Christian Stankowic - CentOS 7 and the incorrect dist RPM macro
- docker-library/official-images - CentOS 5 has reached EOL in issues of docker-library/official-images on github
- Vultr - Use DNF To Manage Software Packages On CentOS 7
- Server Fault - How do I update a CentOS server's time from an authoritative time server?
- - Linux Package Search online
- Rpmfind - RPM finder online
- Michael Heap - Build CentOS 5 generic RPM on CentOS 6
- Gavin Carr - Mocking RPMs on CentOS with Mock by Fedora
- Packagecloud blog - Building RPM packages with mock
- Brendan D. Gregg - Awesome 60s perf analysis cheatsheet : Host Perf Analysis in 60s
- Brendan D. Gregg - Give me 15 minutes and I'll change your view of Linux tracing
- nixCraft - How Do I Find The Largest Top 10 Files and Directories On a Linux / UNIX / BSD?
- TuxRadar - Command line tricks for smart geeks
- TuxRadar - More Linux tips every geek should know
- TuxRadar - Linux tips every geek should know
- Joel Lee - 9 Lethal Linux Commands You Should Never Run
- LZone - Various Cheat Sheets about sysadmin, development, it ops, services management and virtualization
- LZone - GCC Cheat Sheet
- Alexander Kuleshov aka 0xAX - Linux insides : A little bit about a linux kernel
- nixCraft - 20 Examples: Make Sure Unix / Linux Configuration Files Are Free From Syntax Errors
- Netflix - Linux Performance Analysis in 60,000 Milliseconds
- Netflix - Netflix at Velocity 2015: Linux Performance Tools (+Slides)
- aleksandar-todorovic/awesome-linux - list of awesome resources that make Linux awesome
- Geek Flare - general Unix articles, tips, tools for managing web infrastructure
- LZone - Linux commands cheatsheet
- Chandan Kumar - linux sysadmin cheatsheets
- SathiyaMoorthy - cron job examples
- Shivam - 7 tips for a productive development setup on Linux
- Justin Ellingwood - How To Configure SSH Key-Based Authentication on a Linux Server
- Al Williams - Linux-Fu: Keeping Things Running
- Vivek Gite - Dig Command Find Out TTL (Time to Live) Value For DNS Records
- nixCraft - Linux Find Out Last System Reboot Time and Date Command
- nixCraft - Linux / Unix: last Command Examples
- nixCraft - Linux Server See the Historical and Statistical Uptime of System With tuptime Utility
- Julia Evans - Linux tracing systems & how they fit together
- Naresh Kumar - 10 Basic Linux Networking and Monitoring Commands You Should Know
- Naresh Kumar - Linux Server Monitoring and Networking Commands for Linux Server Administrators - Part 2
- LZone - Linux networking cheatsheet
- FedoraProject Wiki - definitions for some common RPM specfile macros
- Stack Overflow - How to know the value of built-in macro in RPM?
- RPM - Macro syntax
- Senthil Kumar - How To Download A RPM Package With All Dependencies In CentOS
- Linux Stack Exchange - How to use yum to get all RPMs required, for offline use?
- Red Hat Customer Portal - How to use yum to download a package without installing it
- Fedora Project Docs - Building RPMs with the rpmbuild command
- Andrew Gallant - ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift}
- Madhur Ahuja - Tuning Linux servers for scalability
- - Samba Optimizations and Speed Tuning for Performance
- Computer Hope - yum command help + examples
- Red Hat Customer Portal - How to re-register the system with Red Hat Network (RHN) Classic or Red Hat Satellite?
- Red Hat Customer Portal - Package not available to the client systems after rhnpush
- Red Hat Customer Portal - Using the RHN Push application
- Red Hat Customer Portal - Satellite 5.6: unable to register RHEL 7 client system due to rhn-setup package not included in Minimal installation
- Jens Depuydt - Install and use Spacewalk 2.4 on CentOS 7 and RHEL 7
- Pradipta Kumar Banerjee - Howto create a Docker Image for RHEL
- Red Hat Customer Portal - Differences between RHEL Server and RHEL Atomic Host
- Vivek Gite - CentOS / RHEL: Yum Lock Package Version At a Particular Version
- Vivek Gite - 20 Linux Server Hardening Security Tips
- LewisVo/Awesome Linux Software - curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and other materials for Linux distros.
- Brendan D. Gregg - [IMG] Linux performance observability tools
- Curl Docs - Compare curl Features with Other Download Tools
- Sysdig - troubleshooting and visibility tool for linux, windows and mac osx with native support for containers technologies
- Sandeep Singh - How to Configure LVM in Linux (pvcreate, lvcreate, vgcreate)
- mps-youtube - Terminal based YouTube player and downloader
- Freeduc-Sup - [FR] Comprendre la redirection de port (Port Forwarding)
- kylejohnson/linux-sysadmin-interview-questions - Examples of possible questions during linux syadmin / devops interviews.
- chassing/linux-sysadmin-interview-questions - Linux System Administrator/DevOps Interview Questions
- Tom Limoncelli - troubleshooting : a list of dumb (and not so dumb) things to check
- Tom Limoncelli - 4 unix commands I abuse every day
- Justin Weissig - Bits Sysadmins Should Know
- Sysadmin Casts - Good resources for sysadmin / ops / devops
- Ramesh Natarajan - 50 UNIX / Linux Sysadmin Tutorials
- Gaurav Kumar Gupta - Ten Of The Best Cheat Sheets For First Time Linux Admins
- DayDreamer - RHEL: How can non-root users can run tcpdump or Wireshark or use libpcap
- Silver Moon - 10 examples of Linux ss command to monitor network connections
- Silver Moon - 18 commands to monitor network bandwidth on Linux server
- Media Temple - Using SSH keys on your server
- Daniel Miessler - An lsof Primer
- Daniel Miessler - A grep Tutorial and Primer
- Daniel Miessler - Collection of Less Commonly Used Commands
- Daniel Miessler - A Unix and Linux Permissions Primer
- Daniel Miessler - An IPTABLES Primer
- Josh Reichardt - Powershell for Linux!
- Josh Reichardt - 7 useful but hard to remember Linux commands
- Daniel J Walsh - Your visual how-to guide for SELinux policy enforcement
- SathiyaMoorthy - Understand at, atq, atrm, batch Commands using 9 Examples
Linux for fun
- Justin Pot - 9 Quirky Linux Commands You Need to Know (And Will Love)
- Silver Moon - 20 amusing Linux commands to have fun with the terminal
- GamingOnLinux - Linux & SteamOS gaming community
- Linux game database
- mps-youtube - Terminal based YouTube player and downloader
Raspberry Pi
- Ard Ray - Persistent IPtables on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian)
- Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange - What should be done to secure Raspberry Pi?
- Stefan Pröll - A Reasonable Secure, Self-Hosted Password Database with Versioning and Remote Access
- Sandra Henry-Stocker - Who's hogging the network? Bandwidth usage on a Linux system
- Narad Shrestha - 12 Tcpdump Commands – A Network Sniffer Tool
- Edoceo - tcpdump examples
- rationallyPARANOID - Tcpdump usage examples
- Sebastien Wains - tcpdump advanced filters
- Ravi Saive - 20 Netstat Commands for Linux Network Management
- Milosz Galazka - How to deal with dmesg timestamps
- Stack Exchange - Find and remove large files that are open but have been deleted
- Phil Rzewski - Linux Troubleshooting Cheatsheet: strace, htop, lsof, tcpdump, iftop & sysdig
- Steven Iveson - Masterclass – Tcpdump – Interpreting Output
- Silver Moon - 10 examples of Linux ss command to monitor network connections
- Silver Moon - 18 commands to monitor network bandwidth on Linux server
- Daniel Miessler - A tcpdump Tutorial and Primer with Examples
- Daniel Miessler - How to Remember Your TCP Flags
- Working all day - TCPDUMP expressions
- Oleg Muravskiy - Using tcpdump to see HTTP requests and responses
- Steve Howard - tcpdump to see Oracle errors
- SystemRescueCd - a Linux system rescue disk available as a bootable CD-ROM or USB stick for fixing your system and data after a crash.
- openshift/debugging-openshift - Debugging / Troubleshooting OpenShift
- nixCraft - 20 Examples: Make Sure Unix / Linux Configuration Files Are Free From Syntax Errors
- Michael Hoting - Optimizing WD My Cloud NAS drive Part 1, Part 2
- Christophe Vanlancker - How to change DNS in DHCP on the BBox2
- Christophe Vanlancker - How to Bridge the Lan ports of your Belgacom BBox2
- Philippe Teuwen - wiki with useful detailed information about Belgacom BBox2
- Sandra Henry-Stocker - Tricks to play with vim
- Vim Tips Wiki - Search and replace in VIM
- zzapper - Best of Vim Tips / compiled from 16 Years of Vi + 10+ years of Vim
- Steve Losh - Free book : Learn Vimscript the Hard Way, learn how to customize vim
- Steve Losh - Status Lines
- Powerline : a statusline plugin for vim, providing also statuslines and prompts for tools such as zsh, bash, tmux, ...
- VimAwesome - Awesome Vim Plugins from Accross the universe
- Daniel Miessler - A vim Tutorial and Primer
- Daniel Miessler - 9 Enhancements to Shell and Vim Productivity
- ShellCheck - finds bugs in your shell scripts. Source code. Can be used in Vim through ALE, Neomake, or Syntastic
- ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim - The NERDTree is a file system explorer for the Vim editor.
- scrooloose/nerdtree - A tree explorer plugin for vim.
- ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace - Better whitespace highlighting for Vim
- Josh Reichardt - Useful Vim Plugins
- Ask Different - Install 2 different OS X versions on the same machine/hdd
- Jordan Merrick - 40 Terminal Tips and Tricks You Never Thought You Needed
- Markus Wein - macOS Terminal cheat sheet
- Hanxue Lee - Installing Jenkins on OS X using Homebrew
- StackShare - popular JavaScript UI libraries on StackShare
- MacAdmins on Slack - Place where many of OS X Admins belong
- OS X Daily - Command line : Extract .pkg Files Without Installing Them
- OS X Daily - Mount & Unmount Drives from the Command Line in Mac OS X
- Apple Support - Mac keyboard shortcuts
- Randall Wood/jenkins-slave-osx - Example of Jenkins slave setup script for Mac OSX
- herrbischoff/awesome-osx-command-line - Use your OS X terminal shell to do awesome things.
- Apple - Downloads for Apple Developers / useful to find old tools / OS versions
- Vinod Yalburgi - How to Install OS X Yosemite on New Partition and Dual-Boot with Mavericks
- Christian Zibreg - How to start up your Mac from a bootable CD/DVD, USB thumb drive or external storage device
- Daniel Miessler - 8 Powerful Features of Safari That Few People Know About
- Daniel Miessler - The First 10 Things I Do on a New Mac
- Enrico Maria Crisostomo - OS X: Creating Packages from the Command Line - Tutorial and a Makefile - Part I
- Lucas Hall - 8 open source tools for managing macOS
- Maksym Grebenets - Jenkins Remote Node on Mac OS X
- Praval Singh - Your Mac is probably eating your Internet bandwidth (and you don’t know about it!). Bonus : other links on the subject : 1 2 3 4
Code signing
- Laszlo Pusztai - hdiutil Requires sudo for Read/Write
- Apple Developer Docs - About Code Signing
- Apple Developer Docs - macOS Code Signing In Depth
- Morten Johan Sørvig - An update on OS X Code Signing
- ouchangjian - difference between codesign and productsign ?
- Stack Overflow - what to sign, with which certificate ?
- Andy Brice - How to sign your Mac OS X App for Gatekeeper. Bonus : things have changed, see this article for the update
- anime-planet - one of the most complete manga and anime database for finding recommended content, or cataloging and reviewing your collection
- Rate Your Music - one of the most complete music database for cataloging, tagging and reviewing your music collection
- TasteKid - get recommendations for music but also tv shows, films, games, books...
- 16Personalities - Music Preferences by Personality Type
- jamb0ss/awesome-ambient-noises - A curated list of awesome ambient noises for listening while programming
- DΛTΛSSETTE - music for programming
- MorganGeek - work / programming playlists selection
- Tellement Nomade - [FR] forum for reviews, advices from audiophiles and discussions about music material (headphones, music players...)
- Tunefind - Music from all tv shows
- Tunefind - Music from all tv shows and movies
- Ranker - Some of the Best Songs Based on Game of Thrones
- My 90's TV - Go back to the 1990's via this nostalgic TV simulator and relive the original ads, music videos, movie trailers, shows and more!
- ProgrammableWeb - Music related APIs
- MusicIP - MusicIP analyses and fingerprints your music library
- Metal Torrent Tracker - a good metal music tracker
- RockBox - metal music torrent tracker
- Homenet Howto - Interesting guide to how computer networks work
- Y Combinator - Hacker News : social news aggregator focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship. Related : Additional news lists
- HCKR News - unofficial alternative hacker news interface, fixing some Hacker News UI Issues
- Y Combinator - Hacker news Show : where people share their work. Related : Newest Show HN
- HNfavorites - HNfavorites – Explore the hacker news community's favorite content
- Product Hunt - discover new products (apps, websites, services, ...)
- Lobsters - Lobsters is a technology-focused community centered around link aggregation and discussion
- TechCrunch - latest technology news and information on startups
- Le Gorafi - [FR] news satire
- Summaread - Millions of articles summarized daily
- Popurls - Mother of news aggregators - aggregate news from most popular internet front pages
- Alltop - News aggregator, similar to Popurls. Aggregates news by topic also
- Twoogle - Search tweets in realtime
- AcquiredBy - Definitive list of tech acquisitions
- Trendsmap - shows you the latest trends from Twitter, for anywhere in the world.
- Daniel Miessler - a very interesting blog about InfoSec, technology and humans
- Le blog d'un odieux connard - [FR] caustic news / news satire
Operations / IT OPS
- TechBeacon - 25 IT Ops pros and experts to follow on Twitter
- TechBeacon - IT-OPS articles & resources
- Michael Buckbee - Definitive Guide to DNS TTL Settings
- Vivek Gite - Linux / Unix: Dig Command Find Out TTL (Time to Live) Value For DNS Records
- DigitalOcean - What do you do with your first five minutes on a new server?
- Sylvain Kalache - First 5 Commands When I Connect on a Linux Server
- Bryan Kennedy - My First 5 Minutes On A Server; Or, Essential Security for Linux Servers
- Netflix - Linux Performance Analysis in 60,000 Milliseconds
- alicegoldfuss/oncall-handbook - Tips and tricks for getting through on-call
- Charity Majors - Lies My Parents Told Me (About Logs)
- Aurore Malherbes - Prevent command with a specific option to be run on your server
- Marvin Pinto - A Framework for Deployment of Immutable Infrastructure
- Dan Tehranian - Building a Better Dashboard for Virtual Infrastructure
- Pat Cable - Balancing Security and Your On-Call Rotation Using Deputize
- Brendan D. Gregg - Awesome 60s perf analysis cheatsheet : Host Perf Analysis in 60s
- Jon Prall - (2007) 85 Operations Rules to Live By
- John Allspaw - Knowing when you can fail is mandatory.
- LZone - Various Cheat Sheets about sysadmin, development, it ops, services management and virtualization
- LZone - IT Ops Cheat Sheet
- David Mytton - How we do HumanOps at Server Density
- Matthew Skelton - Let’s Talk About Operational Features, not Non-Functional Requirements
- David Mytton - How and why we use DevOps checklists
- kahun/awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources
- n1trux/awesome-sysadmin - (fork of kahun/awesome-sysadmin)
- Chandan Kumar - linux sysadmin cheatsheets
- AskF5 Support - Overview of colored status icons in the Configuration utility
- Deb Shinder - The rise and fall of the all-powerful admin
- Rundeck - Turn your operations procedures into self-service jobs.
- Damon Edwards - Jenkins is for Development. Rundeck is for Operations.
- Sysdig - troubleshooting and visibility tool for linux, windows and mac osx with native support for containers technologies
- aelsabbahy/goss - goss : Quick and Easy server testing/validation
- Stack Exchange - How to test provisioning and configuration in Ansible setup?
- Pedro Artino - Test Driven Infrastructure with Goss
- CollectNode - CollectNode makes easier the IT admin life
- DOESConsulting - Load Balancing FAQs and Key Concepts
- Tom Limoncelli - troubleshooting : a list of dumb (and not so dumb) things to check
- Justin Weissig - Bits Sysadmins Should Know
- Sysadmin Casts - Good resources for sysadmin / ops / devops
- Derek Weeks - Embedding Ownership: A DevOps Best Practice
- Charity Majors - Ops: It's everyone's job now
- Paul English - The truth about sysadmins
- plop_plop_sys - (2014) [FR] - Journal So, you wanna be a sysadmin ? (Trolldi inside)
- Duncan Crombie - System: Analyzing Apache Log Files
- Duncan Crombie - New Apache instance with Reverse Proxy
- Remy van Elst & Juerd - : Examples of strong Ciphers for Apache, nginx, Lighttpd and other tools
- DigiCert - Using Multiple SSL Certificates in Apache with One IP Address
- SSL Shopper - Apache SSL Installation Instructions
- SSL Shopper - Apache Redirect HTTP to HTTPS using mod_rewrite
- Apache Docs - Redirecting and Remapping with mod_rewrite
- Apache Docs - VirtualHost usage examples
- Jeff Starr - Stupid .htaccess Tricks
- Jeff Starr - .htaccess Cleanup
- Server Fault - difference between default:* and : in VirtualHost Context
- Dave Child - mod_rewrite Cheat Sheet
- Stack Overflow - Apache httpd.conf for redirecting ip to hostname
- Apache Docs - [FR] Virtualhost directive in Apache 2.4
- TBS Internet - [FR] Apache et VirtualHost SSL avec un wildcard ou multi-site
- Sebastien Lebreton - [FR] Authentification forte par certificats et transfert de certificats de Apache vers Tomcat.
- Splunk Plugin for Jenkins
- LZone - Splunk Cheat Sheet
- CloudBees - Jenkins at Splunk and Splunking Jenkins +Video on YouTube
- Eugen Paraschiv - 9 Logging Sins in Your Java Applications
- Duncan Crombie - System: Analyzing Apache Log Files
- Splunk Docs - Splunk Search reference
- Rafael Eyng - Monitoring Your Application Status With Cabot
- John Allspaw - The term “monitoring” needs clarification.
- John Allspaw - Owning Attention (Considerations for Alert Design)
- Server Density - 80 Linux Monitoring Tools
- Andrew Wulf - Monitor Or Fail
- Splunk Docs - Splunk Web : HipChat example for custom alert actions
- Splunkbase - Splunk App : HipChat Room Notification Alert
- Fortify8Fifty Labs - Configuring Splunk to Send HipChat Notifications
- BitMeter OS - a cross platform stupid simple and efficient bandwidth monitoring tool running locally with a web interface. Downloads, FAQs, Docs
- monitoring-fr - [FR] Inventory of most recommended open source monitoring solutions
- MorganGeek - monitoring solutions compared
- MorganGeek - monitoring tools summarized
- Julia Evans - Linux tracing systems & how they fit together
- Naresh Kumar - 10 Basic Linux Networking and Monitoring Commands You Should Know
- Naresh Kumar - Linux Server Monitoring and Networking Commands for Linux Server Administrators - Part 2
- Steven Vaughan-Nichols - 16 Linux server monitoring commands you really need to know
- Justyna Ilczuk - Bash monitoring tips - watch & tee
- Sysdig - troubleshooting and visibility tool for linux, windows and mac osx with native support for containers technologies
- Stack Exchange - How to test provisioning and configuration in Ansible setup?
- Pedro Artino - Test Driven Infrastructure with Goss
- Silver Moon - 10 examples of Linux ss command to monitor network connections
- Silver Moon - 18 commands to monitor network bandwidth on Linux server
- Daniel Miessler - Security: How To Monitor Your Network Connections
- Joey Day - Integrating ServiceNow with HipChat
- ServiceNow Community - Benefits of integrating ServiceNow with Git
- John Andersen - REST Based ServiceNow / Jira Integration (PoC)
- ServiceNow Store - Service Now app store
- ServiceNow Docs - REST API
- ServiceNow Docs - Encoded Query Strings
- ServiceNow Docs - Scripting in Business Rules
- ServiceNow Docs - Debugging Business Rules
- ServiceNow Docs - Fix Scripts & Testing Fix Scripts
- ServiceNow Docs - Script Includes. Related : Use Script Includes
- The Minds Journal - Synchronicity Happens For A Reason — There Are No Accidents And No Coincidences
- Real News - some Socrates quotes worth the reading
- Daniel Miessler - Is It Wrong to Have Children?
- Muriel Lefevre - [FR] Stanislav Petrov, l'homme qui sauva le monde en ne faisant rien
- Exposure-Mat - build yourself a free light meter that fits in your wallet.
- Joe L. Wroten - What’s In A Photo?
- The Prepper Times Slack Community - Global club for chatting about prepping, survivance and SHTF
- Survival Sherpa - Helping each other on the climb to self-reliance and preparedness, one step at a time
- M.D. Creekmore - The Survivalist Blog
- Preparing for shtf - for people who are interested in survival topics, gear and how to prepare for any shtf situation
- Homesteading - 133 Homesteading Skills for the Modern Day Homesteader
- SHTF Plan - When the Shit Hits The Fan, you had be warned
- Survival Life - Emergency Preparedness | Survival Skills | Survival Gear Reviews
- Preparedness Community - Top Prepper Sites
- Primitive Technology - Primitive Technology youtube channel : Making primitive huts and tools from scratch using only natural materials in the wild
- /r/PrimitiveTechnology - discussions about primitive technology subject and official youtube channel
- Mo Bitar - Privacy is Power
- Walker Harrison - The Search for Self: How to obtain and analyze your history of Google searches
- /r/encryption - everything about encryption on reddit
- /r/privacy - everything about privacy on reddit
- Fried - introduction guide to online privacy. a bit outdated on some advices
- Privacy tools - knowledge, tools & tips to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance. Related : /r/privacytoolsIO/
- PRISM Break - which alternative softwares help you opting out of global data surveillance programs like PRISM, XKeyscore and Tempora.
- have i been pwned - Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach
- have i been pwned - Check if your password may have been compromised in a data breach
- /r/pwned - data breaches, site defacements, rm's, hack logs
- /r/selfhosted/ - alternatives to popular online services that can be self hosted
- Kickball/awesome-selfhosted - list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally
- Selfhosted on Slack - community for everything about self-hosted web apps and related technologies
- Just Delete Me - a directory of direct links to delete your account from web services
- Just Delete Me - Fake identity generator
- Tails - Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity
- ProtonMail - an friendly secure email service with built-in e2e encryption and state of the art security features. Based in Switzerland
- Ernesto Van der Sar - Which VPN Services Keep You Anonymous in 2017?
- Golden Frog - I Am Anonymous When I Use a VPN – 10 Myths Debunked
- KeeWeb - Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass. can be self hosted
- Panopticlick - Test : Is your browser safe against tracking?
- Am I unique - Test : are you unique ? (what your fingerprint reveals about you)
- Air Mail - temporary email service
- nBox - fake email service, create as many fake emails you wish for protecting your privacy
- DuckDuckGo - a search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers' privacy. Related : Suggested search engines by PrivacyTools
- DuckDuckGo - Fix Tracking : how to stop getting tracked on desktop and mobile
- Google - Google' guide : How to keep your stuff secure and private
- That One Privacy Guy - That One Privacy Site : a resource for those who value their privacy, with amazing comparisons of existing VPN / Emails services
- Security in a Box - Digital security tools and tactics with step by step instructions
- Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols - How to secure Windows 10: The paranoid's guide
- u/C-Ron - [GUIDE] How to disable data logging in W10.
- Reset The Net - Privacy Pack : applications for your phone and computer
- Martin Brinkmann - The ultimate Online Privacy Test Resource List
- cafai - Tor best practices | Privacy in Digital Era
- Le - [FR] (2013) NSA : un juge américain estime la collecte de données contraire à la Constitution
- /r/productivity - productivity tips & news on reddit
- Medium - The 30 second habit with a lifelong impact
- - The Two-Minute Rule / When You’re Buried in Email
- - Flow Requires Focus, Not Time
- The Minds Journal - A Japanese Technique for Overcoming Laziness / Kaizen, Or The One-Minute Principle
- Foundr - GTD : Superpower Your Productivity With Pen and Paper
- Dr. Travis Bradberry - 11 Tweaks to Your Morning Routine
- Gojko Adzic - Splitting user stories -- the hamburger method
- Jeff Haden - 10 Steps to Make Each Day Exceptionally Productive
- alphagov/govdesign - Lot of useful posters to print
- Edouard-Malo HENRY - Moving from a "how" to a "why" company
- Dr. Travis Bradberry - How Successful People Stay Calm
- Wall-Skills - Great 1-pagers to share in your company
- Corinna Baldauf - How to master any skill – Badass
- Karl E. Wiegers - Humanizing Peer Reviews
- SlideShare - Self Improvement related presentations
- pluralsight - 3 troubleshooting tips that can save you a world of time
- Jean-Yves Guyomarc'h/awesome-productivity - A curated list of delightful productivity resources.
- MindTools - tips for Overcoming Procrastination
- Google - Power searching with google
- How To Do Things - How to do things / Various how-to guides and tips for noobs
- wikiHow - How to do anything. However, if you take a look at sections such as Family Life it can be creepy.... (I mean, do we need a site to learn what is family about ?)
- HowStuffWorks - easy-to-understand answers and explanations of how the world actually works
- Instructables - How to make anything
- Vikas Kumar Yadav/awesome-list-of-productive-websites - various list of productive websites
- Johnny Webber - Unplug the tv : What should you watch if not the television ?
- Lifehacker - tips, tricks and downloads to getting things done
- Hackaday - fresh hacks every day
- IFTTT - use existing services together to automate tasks and make your life easier
- Mattias Geniar - Why do we automate?
- Bullet Journal - a simple system to improve your productivity using only paper
- Leo Babauta - Zen Habits is about finding simplicity and mindfulness in the daily chaos of our lives
- Hack Productivity on Slack - Slack group with productivity tips and tricks
- Productivity Hackers on Slack - Place to learn how to improve personal productivity
- Leo Babauta - The Clean-as-You-Go Principle
- Leo Babauta - The Perfect System
- Leo Babauta - A Guide to Developing the Self-Discipline Habit
- Leo Babauta - Small Actions, Huge Impact
- InterQuest Group - [Slides] Work & productivity hacks
- Louis-Xavier Lavallée - [Slides] 10 Reasons Why Successful Leaders Are Keeping a Journal
- Justyna Ilczuk - Maker Productivity 101
- Nathan Kontny - Speed Reading tips
- - (2012) [FR][IMG] Arguments réthoriques fallacieux
- James Clear - The Ivy Lee Method: The Daily Routine Experts Recommend for Peak Productivity
- Stack Exchange - Personal Productivity Stack Exchange
- Daniel Miessler - google search tips
- Daniel Miessler - The Secret to High Productivity
- Daniel Miessler - On Giving Advice to Friends
- Daniel Miessler - Three Questions Successful People Ask
- Anthony Panozzo - How to Actually Publish More Things
- Kévin Rocher - (2013) [FR] Comment tirer le meilleur parti de votre journée // Productivité, Habitudes & Motivation
- Morgangeek blog - (2014) [FR] La sélection naturelle de contenus
- Urban Dictionary - online dictionary of slang words and phrases
- Wait But Why - popular long form blog posts by two guys, about everything
- Stephen Thoma - HNfavorites – Explore the Hacker News community's favorite content
- Standuply - big list of Slack communities
- Self Improvement on SlideShare - Self Improvement presentations
- Marc Chernoff - 7 Shortcuts You Will Regret Taking in Life
- Daniel Miessler - How To Decide Who To Friend on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter
- Daniel Miessler - Lot of concepts summarized by Daniel Miessler
- Chris Barber/ToolsOfTheTrade - Tools of The Trade, from Hacker News.
- BugMeNot - no time to create an account ? try a domain or url and get shared logins
- Calvin Cheng - AwesomeSearch : find awesome lists more quickly.
- Sindre Sorhus/awesome - sindresorhus/awesome : Curated list of awesome lists
- Alexander Bayandin/awesome-awesomeness - A curated list of awesome awesomeness
- Adam Pritchard/markdown-here - Markdown Cheatsheet
- CommonMark - syntax reference for CommonMark, a rationalized version of Markdown syntax
- CommonMark - Try CommonMark / CommonMark Demo
- /r/dailyscripts - late-night hacks lazy people made when too annoyed by a task's length or difficulty
- /r/coolgithubprojects - cool github projects
- Next Chess Move - Calculate the best next Chess move
- Fost Plus - Together good sorting, better recycling : Enter your packaging below and find out whether it belongs to. French version
- PortForward - Router Screenshots Listed by Manufacturer
- IANA - Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- IANA - Root Zone Database
- PortForward - Port Forwarding Ports List
- MorganGeek - Inbox by Google search tricks
- Robert Zak - some useful chrome flags for a better UX in Google Chrome
- Karrar Haider - Use chrome flags to enable offline mode in Google Chrome
- wikiHow - How to Backup and Restore Google Chrome's Entire Settings
- Summaread - Millions of articles summarized daily
- Bash One-Liners - Bash one-liners, and best practices in Bash shell scripting
- Unshorten.It - Unshorten that URL!
- Popurls - Mother of news aggregators - aggregate news from most popular internet front pages
- Twoogle - Search tweets in realtime
- Linguee - online dictionary + search engine for translated sentences from the world wide web
- A random quote - Short summaries of books / Great books summarized in 5 quotes or less
- dswd/zVault - a highly efficient deduplicating backup solution
- Sepastop - [FR] resiliate your affiliation to all kinds of products and services
- chaconnewu/awesome-augmented - curated list of awesome lists
- Proxy Switchy! - a chrome extension to switch between multiple proxies, quick & easy
- @Voice Aloud Reader - this Android app let you listen to or read on screen the text from other Android apps, e.g. web pages, news articles, long emails, TXT, PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF ... useful to do multitasking specialists !!
- Morgangeek Blog - [FR] FileBot : le couteau suisse du renommage de films et séries
- Mastodon - take a break from twitter and switch to one of mastodon instances.
- InfoQ - news, videos, books for software developers
- SlideShare - featured software related presentations on SlideShare
- DZone - programming & devops news
- /r/programming - everything about programming on reddit
- Player FM - Programming podcasts
- Devoxx - Devoxx Youtube Channel
- Stack Exchange - All technology related sites on Stack Exchange
- Stack Exchange - Stack Exchange for code reviews
- Hack Reactor - Infographic of productivity tips for developers, to share with your teammates
- javarevisited - 11 Tips to become a better Interviewer?
- 10 C99 tricks
- Java Performance Tuning - regular tips and news about java performance tuning
- Joël Spolsky - The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code
- Corinna Baldauf - Agile Engineering Self Assessment
- Emiliano Soldi - Relentlessly Avoid Technical Debt
- Hadi Hariri - [Video] The Silver Bullet Syndrome (Devoxx Brussels 2015)
- Nick Janetakis - How to Pick a Good Monitor for Software Development
- Philip Reames - Things every practicing software engineer should aim to know. Bonus alternative link
- Engin Yöyen - Improving problem-solving skills for developers
- James Hood - Tips for New Software Developers
- Andrew Wulf - Lessons From A Lifetime Of Being A Programmer
- Mo Bitar - Surviving Open-Source
- Ben Hilburn - On Senior Engineers
- John Allspaw - On Being A Senior Engineer
- Gregg Caines - So You Want to Be a More Senior Engineer?
- Andrew Wulf - Your Progress As A Programmer Is All Up To You
- Justyna Ilczuk - Leveling up as a software developer
- Web Development Reading List - The 2017 Almanac : What happened in “News” in 2016?
- Web Development Reading List - The Evergreen List : selection of resources that are important for a longer time.
- ThoughtWorks - Technology radar : trends, insights into tools, frameworks, languages, techniques & platforms shaping the future
- StackShare - trending tools, find which tools other companies are using
- StackShare - trending technology stacks, find which stacks others companies are using
- GitHub Explore - Project showcases, discover interesting repositories
- GitHub Trending - Explore trending projects in GitHub community
- GitHub Showcases - Open source showcases, explore popular repositories
- Hugo Matilla - Summary of the book The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
- Methods & Tools - magazine about software development & testing with free content. See also Partner websites
- Colin Hughes - Project Euler proposes a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems
- Nick Parlante - CodingBat : practice your programming skills (exercices in java and python)
- Programming Praxis - A collection of etudes, updated weekly, for the education and enjoyment of the savvy programmer
- Hacker Rank - coding challenges (to make yourself ready for coding interviews
- /r/dailyprogrammer - programming challenges on reddit
- /r/codegolf - Challenges to test your code shortening skills. Not necessarily practical, but fun!
- Philip Stark - Latency numbers every programmer should know
- Sonkeng Maldini/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit - Best websites programmers should visit
- Vinh Quốc Nguyễn - Better Dev Link collects links around the web that aims to help you learn something new
- Andrew Wulf - The Biggest Difference Between Coding Today and When I Started in the 80’s
- Andrew Wulf - What Makes a Programmer Good?
- Stack Overflow - chat rooms on stack overflow
- RankRed - NASA’s 10 Coding Rules for Writing Safety Critical Program
- /r/tinycode - minimalistic, often but not always simple implementations of just about everything.
- /r/coolgithubprojects - cool github projects
- DemandRush - Get paid to build your next side project
- Ben Hilburn - What mature engineers do and don't do / what it means to be a mature engineer.
- DevStickers - Laptop Stickers and T-shirts for Web Designers and Developers
- Zazzle - Software Developer Stickers
- Redbubble - Moooaaar developer stickers
- Adam Williamson - I don't like computers : touching testimonial... because sometimes, we also feel that the web loses us
- OWASP Wiki - OWASP Secure coding practices
- Lars Kappert - Categorized overview of Programming Principles. Sources
- MorganGeek - some programming and life lessons, collected from various sources including myself
- DigitalOcean - development and sysadmin tutorials.
- Gojko Adzic - all articles by Gojko Adzic
- Ozan Onay - You Are Not Google
- Community Picks - recommended books for hacker subreddits
- O'reilly - contributions appearing in book 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know
- Geshan Manandhar - Software Companies Tech Competency Matrix / useful skill matrix for devops, security, database...
- Redbubble - Sysadmin stickers
- kevindeasis/awesome-fullstack - Learn front-end, middle-tier, back-end tier, algorithms, and continuous delivery
- Raphael Brugier - 5 laws every developer should know
- Anni Bond - Adopting minimalism in your docs
- Joel Grus - Why [Programming Language X] Is Unambiguously Better than [Programming Language Y]
- Chris Parnin - (2013) Software Engineering: The Next 50 Years
- The Daily WTF - is your how-not-to guide for developing software. We recount tales of disastrous development, from project management gone spectacularly bad to inexplicable coding choices.
- Trey Harris - The case of the 500-mile email
- Jonathan Callahan - Best Best Practices Ever (for scientific computing)
- openjck/best-practices - Programming Best Practices Tidbits : A Collection of quotes and paraphrases for developers from around the web. Bonus : source repo at timoxley/best-practices
- Ed Finkler - (2014) How To Be A Great Developer
- moviecode - Source Code in TV and Films / Images of the computer code appearing in TV and films and what they really are.
- Alfred Thompson - (2013) 5 Programming Mistakes To Warn Students About
- John Sonmez - (2013) 4 Things I Wish I Would Have Known When I Started My Software Development Career
- Adam DuVander - Top 10 API Worst Practices
- Gregg Caines - You Probably Don’t Need to Version Your Web API.
- Shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist - API Security Checklist
- ProgrammableWeb - Music related APIs
Clean code
- MorganGeek - some programming and life lessons, collected from various sources including myself
- Clean Code Cheat Sheet v2.4 - cheat sheet for clean code
- Corinna Baldauf - Simplicity Rules (from eXtreme Programming)
- Bruce Johnson - What we learned from Google: code reviews aren’t just for catching bugs
- Vaidehi Joshi - Crafting Better Code Reviews
- Gregg Caines - Code Slower
- Gregg Caines - Quality Is the Constraint
- Hugo Matilla/Refactoring-Summary - Summary of "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code" by Martin Fowler
- Wojtek Lukaszuk - Summary of 'Clean code' by Robert C. Martin
- Deniz Ozger/clean-code - Notes of clean coding practices, mostly based on book Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin
- Jose Angel Barroso/clean-code - Notes on the book Clean Code - A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin
- John Hanley - Collected Java Practices
- Christopher Diggins - The Principles of Good Programming
- /r/tinycode - minimalistic, often but not always simple implementations of just about everything.
- /r/codegolf - Challenges to test your code shortening skills. Not necessarily practical, but fun!
- Andrew Yurisich/unmaintainable-code - How To Write Unmaintainable Code
- Salvatore Gentile/cscs - A curated list of Coding Style Conventions and Standards. Discovered via DevHub
- dockerlint - Linting tool for Dockerfiles based on Dockerfile Reference and Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
- mcandre/linters - list of linters and introduction to static code analysis
- mre/Awesome Static analysis - A curated list of static analysis tools, linters and code quality checkers for various programming languages
- mre/Idiomatic Rust - Guidelines for writing elegant Rust programs
- Lucas Medeiros Reis - The Single Most Important Driver Of Software Quality
- clean-code-linters - Clean code linters on GitHub
- enginyoyen/Ansible Best Practises - A project structure that outlines some best practises of how to use ansible
- Kristories/Awesome Guidelines - A curated list of high quality coding style conventions and standards.
- Tom Preston-Werner - Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
- YAML Lint - The YAML Validator
- Google - Google JavaScript Style Guide
- rwaldron/idiomatic.js - Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript
- JS: The Right Way - JavaScript and its best practices
- EditorConfig - EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs
- Sylvain Soliman's Den - Prolog programming guidelines
- GNU - Portable Shell Programming
- bahamas10/bash-style-guide - Bash Style Guide : A style guide for writing safe, predictable, and portable bash scripts (not sh!)
- golang/go/CodeReviewComments - Go Code Review Comments : collects common comments made during reviews of Go code. This is a laundry list of common mistakes, not a style guide.
- Google - Google Java Style Guide
- Google - Google Python Style Guide
- Google - Google Style Guides
- sharipov-ru/all-coding-style-guides - (2015) All coding style guides in one right place
- Josh Reichardt - Lint your Dockerfiles with Hadolint
- nixCraft - 20 Examples: Make Sure Unix / Linux Configuration Files Are Free From Syntax Errors
- Liquibase - a tool to safely manage database migration / refactoring
- shlomi-noach/awesome-mysql - curated list of awesome MySQL software, libraries and resources
- Brian Peasland - Slash or no Slash in SQL scripts ?
- Kenneth Truyers - Git as a NoSql database
- The Geek Stuff - How to Debug C Program using gdb in 6 Simple Steps
- Jaroslav Tulach - Use the Debugger. Stupid!
- Bruce Johnson - What we learned from Google: code reviews aren’t just for catching bugs
- Justyna Ilczuk - Debugging - into rabbit hole with docker containers
- Aaron Maxwell - Use the Unofficial Bash Strict Mode (Unless You Looove Debugging). Bonus : some bash tips when dealing with bash strict mode
- Wikipedia - Rubber duck debugging
- openshift/debugging-openshift - Debugging / Troubleshooting OpenShift
- ServiceNow Docs - Debugging Business Rules
- nixCraft - 20 Examples: Make Sure Unix / Linux Configuration Files Are Free From Syntax Errors
- Trey Harris - The case of the 500-mile email
News & Communities
- GameDev - game development articles
- Stack Exchange - Q&A & discussions about Game development
- /r/gamedev - everything about game development on reddit
- Indiedevhour on Slack - Community of Indie game developers and hobbyists
- Indie Game Developers on Slack - Independent game developers group
- Gamasutra - articles about art and business of making games
- libGDX - libgdx : Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
- Indie DB - games made with libGDX
- faiface/Pixel - Pixel : A hand-crafted 2D game library in Go.
- Angel 2D - Angel 2D : A cross-platform 2D game prototyping framework based on OpenGL and C++. Looks dead...
- SFML - SFML is a simple, fast, cross-platform and object-oriented multimedia API. Written in C++ and provides bindings for various languages such as C, .Net, Ruby, Python.
- Plastic SCM - Distributed Version Control for big projects. Discovered via Garry' blog
- Open Source Game Clones - inventory of open-source remakes of great old games
- - a one minute game maker proof of concept, with ability to join others games online or fork their projects to create your own
- DEV - Git related articles on
- Think Like (a) Git - Git shouldn't be so hard to learn : a guide for the perplexed
- Oh shit, git! - git may be hard, screwing up is easy, here are some tips to fix your mistakes
- Emily Xie - [Video] Dissecting Git's Guts - Git Merge 2016 + Cheat Sheet of git commands
- Spencer Krum - [Video] 20 Tricks with Git and Shell - Git Merge 2016
- James Coyle - Git SSL Certificate Problem Caused By Self Signed Certificates
- Scott Nonnenberg - Better Git configuration. See also the shared .gitconfig file
- Scott Chacon and Ben Straub - available variables in git config
- Corinna Baldauf - git pretty – So you’ve got a mess on your hand …
- Joseph Kahn - Pre-commit Hooks: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
- Rafael Eyng - Simple Git Hooks With Ghooks
- gogits/gogs - Gogs is a painless self-hosted Git service.
- Patrice Laurent - [FR] Ansible Vault : Automatiser le chiffrement avec Git
- Marvin Pinto - Using git diff with Ansible Vault encrypted files
- Marvin Pinto - Modifying the date of a commit
- Nicola Paolucci - One weird trick for powerful Git aliases
- Nicola Paolucci - Must Have Git Aliases: Advanced Examples + list available on BitBucket
- Nicola Paolucci - Git: Twelve Curated Tips And Workflows From The Trenches
- Rob Miller - shared .gitconfig with some useful Git aliases
- Richard Bateman - shared .gitconfig with some useful Git aliases
- Harry Roberts/dotfiles - shared .gitconfig with some useful Git aliases
- Ben Hilburn/dotfiles - shared configs / dotfiles / rcfiles / etc.
- Amber Yust - Concerns about Git, Dotfiles, and Hardlinks
- Michael White - The Ultimate Git Alias Setup
- Git SCM Wiki - Collection of git aliases
- Nicola Paolucci - The power of Git subtree
- GitAlias/gitalias - Git alias commands for faster easier version control
- Nicola Paolucci - I love staring at branches and shuffle, reorder and squash commits
- Robby Russell/oh-my-zsh - git aliases from oh-my-zsh
- Kernel Docs - git-push
- Git-SCM Docs - git-diff
- Nicola Paolucci - Git submodules: core concept, workflows, and tips
- Christophe Porteneuve - Mastering Git submodules
- Git-SCM Docs - Submodules documentation
- git-tips - Collection of most commonly used git tips and tricks
- Lars Vogel - Git - Tutorial
- Pere Orga - The most useful git commands
- Christophe Porteneuve - Getting solid at Git rebase vs. merge
- Christophe Porteneuve - 30 Git CLI options you should know about
- Markus Wein - A few of my Git tricks, tips and workflows
- Andy Jeffries - 25 Tips for Intermediate Git Users
- Christophe Porteneuve - [Video] Collaboration best practices with Git and GitHub - Slides
- Christophe Porteneuve - Fix conflicts only once with git rerere
- Buddy Reno - Bash Shortcuts to Enhance Your Git Workflow
- Buddy Reno - Removing Git Commits From Master (Safely)
- Buddy Reno - Git Please: how to force push without being a jerk
- Christophe Porteneuve - Mastering Git Reset: Commit Alchemy
- Alex Blewitt - Git Tip of the Week: Reflogs. The same blog contains a lot of git tips
- Markus Wein - Subtree merging and you
- Markus Wein - git-new-workdir
- Ryan Hodson - [Cached] Tips & Tricks (Ry’s Git Tutorial)
- Nicola Paolucci - Git and project dependencies
- Nicola Paolucci - Pull request proficiency: Fetching abilities unlocked!
- Pratul Kalia - Using git to generate versionName and versionCode for Android apps
- Joe L. Wroten - Self Code Review with Git Add Patch
- Joe L. Wroten - Easy Git Commit Targeting
- Jason McCreary - 3 Git Commands I Use Every Day
- Jason McCreary - Tweak your Terminal for Git
- Jason McCreary - Stop aliasing core Git commands
- Tamir Bahar - Don't Amend, Fix
- AbdulBasit KABIR - Which is the right git workflow for my next project?
- Kenneth Truyers - Git as a NoSql database
- Mislav Marohnić - A few git tips you didn't know about
- Mislav Marohnić - Every line of code is always documented
- Andrew Peterson - Interactive Git Cheatsheet with a weird UI
- Justin Hileman - [Chart] git-pretty : Escape a Git mess, step by step
- Gregg Caines - Your Team Probably Doesn't Have the Same DVCS Requirements as Linus
- Harry Roberts - Little Things I Like to Do with Git
- Donne Martin/gitsome - gitsome : A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI)
- Alain Gilbert/git2graph - git2graph : Generate a git graph structure from linear git history
- rtyley/BFG Repo-Cleaner - an alternative to git-filter-branch. Sources on Github
- Sven Hofmann - Simply git cheatsheet
- Markus Wein - git add --patch and --interactive
- Git SCM Docs - git-archive
- Nathan LeClaire - On the Matter of Beautiful git Diffs
- Hacker News - Don't put secret keys in your repository.
- - code improvement tips posted as a comment on your Github commits
- Seth Robertson - Git Best practices : commit often, perfect later, publish once, etc.
- Bitbucket Docs - Tips & tricks for code search in Bitbucket
- Gary Ewan Park - Control your GitHub releases with GitVersion and GitReleaseManager
- Nicola Paolucci - Becoming a Git Master / some interesting tips provided in this presentation
- lorey/top-regional-repositories - The most-relevant GitHub repositories for all countries and many cities worldwide.
- Amit Agarwal - What You Can Do With Gists on Github?
- Oli Young - shared .gitconfig with some useful Git aliases
- agis/Git Style Guide - inspired by How to Get Your Change Into the Linux Kernel, the git man pages and various practices popular among the community.
- Sönke Sothmann - How to rollback changes with Git
- Atlassian Docs - Tutorials : Undoing Changes with git checkout / revert / reset / clean
- Maksym Grebenets - JIRA ID in Git Commit Messages
- Delicious Insights - [FR] Comprendre et maîtriser les subtrees Git
- Joshua Wehner - How to undo (almost) anything with Git
Golang / Go
- faiface/pixel - Pixel : A hand-crafted 2D game library in Go.
- Go Docs - Package flag
- Pipat Methavanitpong - Setting Atom for Golang on Windows
- Francesc Campoy Flores - Twelve Go Best Practices
- Marcio Castilho - Handling 1 Million Requests per Minute with Go
- Marcio Castilho - Supercharging the Atom Editor for Go Development
- The Go Playground - Useful for code snippet validation
- Golang - Golang source code, useful for learning
- Go Docs - Package list and documentation
- Go Docs - Package crypto
- Andrew Gerrand - (2012) 10 things you (probably) don't know about Go
- Gophers on Slack - Group to discuss Go language
- Avelino/awesome-go - curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. See also
- GolangLibs - inventory of go libraries an apps
- Checkmarx/Go-SCP - Go secure coding practices for web applications. Sources on GitHub
- Justyna Ilczuk - Golang Code Reuse - Generalization tricks
- Go Resources - Structs and Interfaces
- Stack Overflow - Why can't I assign a *Struct to an *Interface?
- Christoph Berger - Who needs generics? Use ... instead!
- Nathan LeClaire - Interfaces and Composition for Effective Unit Testing in Golang
- Nathan LeClaire - You're Not Using This Enough, Part One: Go Interfaces
- bahlo/Go Styleguide - Opinionated Styleguide for the Go language
- Peter Bourgon - (2016) Go best practices, six years in
- drone - Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go
- golang/go/CodeReviewComments - Go Code Review Comments : collects common comments made during reviews of Go code. This is a laundry list of common mistakes, not a style guide.
- Stack Overflow - how to pipe multiple shell commands
- Hubert Klein Ikkink - Groovy Goodness: Working with Lines in Strings
- Tess Thyer - Calling Other Processes From Groovy
- Joerg Mueller - Executing shell commands in Groovy
- Hugo Matilla/Effective-JAVA-Summary - Summary of the book Effective Java 2nd Edition by Joshua Bloch
- John Hanley - Collected Java Practices
- Nick Parlante - CodingBat : practice your java skills
- Lieven Doclo - Why I Never Use the Maven Release Plugin
- findJAR - a JAR search engine to help developers finding JAR libraries containing specific Java classes.
- Spring Initializr - bootstrap your application now : Generate Maven / Gradle projects with Groovy / Java / Kotlin and Spring Boot
- Google - Google Java Style Guide
- oci-pronghorn/GreenLightning - Small Java HTTP/s server many times faster than Netty or NGINX
- Chen Harel - GitHub’s 10,000 Most Popular Java / Ruby / JavaScript Projects: Here are the Top Libraries They Use
Java EE
- Arjan Tijms - The state of portable authentication in Java EE, end 2016 update
- Arjan Tijms - Implementing container authentication in Java EE with JASPIC
- Tom Alcott - What's new in WebSphere Application Server V9?
- Tom Alcott - WebSphere Liberty core versus Liberty profile
- Ilse Garcia - The JS Path: JavaScript Best Practices Pt. 1
- Front-end Rescue - How to keep up to date on Front-End Technologies - The Recipe
- Michal Mikolajczyk - Top 18 Most Common Mistakes that AngularJS Developers Make
- Sindre Sorhus/avajs/ava - AVA : Futuristic JavaScript test runner
- Alexandru Vladutu - Top 10 Mistakes Node.js Developers Make
- Azat Mardan - Seven Things You Should Stop Doing with Node.js
- verekia/js-stack-from-scratch - Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.
- Google - Google JavaScript Style Guide
- rwaldron/idiomatic.js - Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript
- JS: The Right Way - JavaScript and its best practices
- Chen Harel - GitHub’s 10,000 Most Popular Java / Ruby / JavaScript Projects: Here are the Top Libraries They Use
Machine Learning
- Jason Brownlee - Introduction to the Python Deep Learning Library TensorFlow
- TensorFlow Docs - TensorFlow Mechanics 101
- Amirsina Torfi/TensorFlow-World-Resources - TensorFlow resources
Mobile Development
- Pratul Kalia - Using git to generate versionName and versionCode for Android apps
- The Android Arsenal - inventory / categorized directory of libraries and tools for Android
- Will Verduzco - Decompile, Edit, and Recompile in One Tool with APK Studio
- Java Code Geeks - 10 Productivity tips for software developers
- - Avoiding Distractions While Programming
- Moran Danieli-Cohen - 3 Effective Ways to Maintain High Energy Levels at Work for Software Engineers
- Alex Thunder - Don't wake up the programmer
- Marcos Placona - That "5 minutes chat" with a developer
- Paul Graham - How Context Switching destroys Developers Productivity and how to fix it.
- Dan Richman - Just shut up and let your devs concentrate
- Clean Coder Blog - Blue. No! Yellow! Comparative Productivity of Programming Languages
- Nick Janetakis - Who Else Wants to Boost Their Terminal Productivity With tmux?
- Aurore Malherbes - Become a better developer with an efficient technical watch
- Joseph Kahn - Ansible or: How I Learned to Stop Wasting Time Setting Up My Computer and Script It
- Dwijadas Dey - 6 Tools to Search Source Code for Developers in Linux
- Sindre Sorhus/awesome - Curated list of awesome lists
- Gregg Caines - We're in the Stone Age of Software Engineering Management
- Gregg Caines - Agile: The Good Parts
- Evan Hahn - Install a list of Atom packages from a file
- Habitica - improve your habits by making a game of your life
- jamb0ss/awesome-ambient-noises - A curated list of awesome ambient noises for listening while programming
- DΛTΛSSETTE - music for programming
- /r/dailyscripts - late-night hacks lazy people made when too annoyed by a task's length or difficulty
- Atom on Slack - Slack community for Atom Text editor
- Automations Tools Bootcamp on Slack - Development tools that enable automation of software projects
- Code search for Developers - search for code snippets
- Command line fu - a place to find those command-line gems that you return to again and again.
- chrisallenlane/cheat - cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. You can obviously improve the existing ones with your own content. It's also inspiring for shell aliases creation
- NanoDano - "I know how to program, but I don't know what to program"
- URL Encoded Characters - mapping table of encoded characters in URLS (%20, %22, %7D, ...)
- mehcode/Awesome Atom - A curated list of delightful Atom packages and resources
- MorganGeek - some programming and life lessons, collected from various sources including myself
- Bash One-Liners - Bash one-liners, and best practices in Bash shell scripting
- Andrew Gallant - ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift}
- jq Docs - online manual for jq (a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor)
- Online syntax highlighting - Online syntax highlighting for multiple languages
- Codeanywhere - cross platform Cloud IDE
- Coderwall - programming tips / learn something new
- Atom - All packages
- Jessica Kerr - Growing Your Tech Stack: When to Say No
- Heather Knight - What Writers Can Teach Programmers
- Tom Limoncelli - troubleshooting : a list of dumb (and not so dumb) things to check
- Ask Ubuntu - How to navigate long commands faster?
- Whitson Gordon - Become a Command Line Ninja With These Time-Saving Shortcuts
- Daniel Miessler - A tmux Primer
- Daniel Miessler - 9 Enhancements to Shell and Vim Productivity
- Daniel Miessler - How to Connect to a Local Port on a Remote SSH Server
- Stack Exchange - Has Stack Overflow saved billions of dollars in programmer productivity?
Programmer humor
- CommitStrip - daily life of developers
- Geek&Poke - cartoons
- The Profound Programmer - Programming frustrations expressed through profane, beautiful photographs
- Programming excuses - Excuses for lazy coders
- Developer excuses - Excuses for lazy coders
- Aaron Bassett - Excuses for programmers
- Simran Savani - [IMG] How to Get Out of Doing Work (Full size)
- Christina Ng - Excuses generator for remote workers
- Jeff Atwood - New Programming Jargon
- MonkeyUser - software development satire web comic
- The Coding Love - the_coding_love(); /* epic gifs for developers */
- Scott Adams - Dilbert comic : satiric humor about a micromanaged office featuring engineer Dilbert
- Devhumor - humor for developers
- /r/ProgrammerHumor - programmer humor on reddit
- Jose Aguinaga - What if companies interviewed translators the way they interview coders?
- Luís Silva/IdleWork - IdleWork : Useful scripts to make you look like you're working and also look awesome doing so.
- /r/badcode - the most terrible code you can find
- /r/shittyprogramming - like stack overflow, but with trolls only
- /r/itsaunixsystem - every satirical, embarrassing, incorrect usage of Technology in Movies, TV Shows, and Video Games!
- /r/Sysadminhumor - for sysadmins with a sense of humor
- /r/PBSOD - public BSODs, crashes, and other errors
- /r/techsupportgore - tech support horrors
- Mart Virkus - The Seven Circles of Developer Hell [Infographic]
- Christian Haschek - How to defend your website with ZIP bombs
- Heaps legit links - Like a URL shortener, but worse
- Aloria - Infosec Reactions
- /r/ProgrammerReactions - reactions related to Software Development
- Life of a Software Engineer - another reactions tumblr related to Software Development
- Passive Aggressive Passwords - The Passive Aggressive Password Machine
- - geek comic site about developers
- Classic Programmer Paintings - funny tumblr about software engineering as depicted by artists through history
- Access Main Computer File - a Visual Study of computer GUI in cinema
- Wikipedia - Rubber duck debugging
- Fast Good Cheap - pick any two ...
- presquejamais - [FR] [STRIPS] Les aventures d'une barre de téléchargement
- I Am Devloper - the funniest developer on twitter
- I Am Devloper - Leave Me Alone Driven Development.
- I Am Devloper - Things to try when fixing a bug: 1. Google 2. Stack Overflow 3. Documentation ... 8277. Disturb your co-worker who has headphones in
- Lauris Beinerts - (2014) [Video] The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch) Funny business meeting illustrating how hard it is for an engineer to fit into the corporate world!
- Sylvain Soliman's Den - Prolog programming guidelines
- Sylvain Soliman's Den - Creating Prolog executables
- Nick Parlante - CodingBat : practice your python skills
- Python Software Foundation - PEP 8 : Style Guide for Python
- Valentin Bryukhanov - PEP 8 code checker
- OpenStack/python-jenkins - python-jenkins : a python wrapper for the Jenkins REST API
- OpenStack/python-jenkins - [PDF] python-jenkins documentation
- pycontribs/jenkinsapi - A Python library to automate most common Jenkins operations
- pypi/feedparser - Parse Atom and RSS feeds in Python.
- Google - Google Python Style Guide
Reverse engineering
- Bob Pan/dex2jar - dex2jar : Tools to work with android .dex and java .class files and do some conversion
- APK Downloader - download any APK directly in your browser
- Decompilers online - Decompile Apk and Dex Android files to Java
- raidzero - : Print all strings from android resources.arsc file Raw
- OVERSIMPLE - [FR] Désassembler une application Android
- The Android Arsenal - android decompilers
- Will Verduzco - Decompile, Edit, and Recompile in One Tool with APK Studio
- JD Project - yet another fast java decompiler
- Caleb Fenton/apkfile - ApkFile : Android app analysis and feature extraction library
- Caleb Fenton/simplify - Simplify : Generic Android Deobfuscator
- LZone - RVM Cheat Sheet
- Chen Harel - GitHub’s 10,000 Most Popular Java / Ruby / JavaScript Projects: Here are the Top Libraries They Use
- New Rustacean - a podcast about learning Rust
- mre/Idiomatic Rust - Guidelines for writing elegant Rust programs
- Player FM - Programming podcasts
- 16Personalities - Music Preferences by Personality Type
- Carl Golden - The 12 Different Personality Archetypes
- College Match Up - Best jobs for your personality type
- 16Personalities - Neris Type explorer : Free Personality Test
- 16Personalities - INFP personality "The Mediator"
- MBTI - INFP "The Idealist"
- MBTI - [FR] INFP et travail selon Myers-Briggs. Related : SenCampus - [FR] Personnalité : le type INFP, SenCampus - [FR] Personnalité : le type INFJ
- MBTI - Portrait of an ISFJ
- TruthTheory - 16 Things You’ll Notice When You’re In The Presence Of An Empath
- Leo Babauta - How to Be Happy When You’re in an Unhappy Situation
- Leo Babauta - How to Love Your Dark Side
- Luke Miller - 5 Reasons INFJ Personality Type Is So Hard To Understand
- LTO - LTO (Lewis Temperament Order) Personality Types
- LTO - LTO Personality History
- Curiosophy - MBTI in a nutshell
- Open Source Psychometrics Project - a collection of interactive personality tests with detailed results
- College Match Up - Best Jobs for Your Personality Type
- Business Insider - [IMG] The Best Jobs for Every Personality Type
- Pinterest - Art and Pictures about psychology of color
- Pinterest - Art and Pictures about MBTI types.
- Pinterest - More Art and Pictures about MBTI Types
- Pinterest - More Art and Pictures about MBTI Types
- Pinterest - Art and Pictures about Zodiac Signs
- Pinterest - Art and Pictures about MBTI / Zodiac Signs
- 16Personalities - [FR] La personnalité "Défenseur" (ISFJ-A / ISFJ-T)
- 16Personalities - [FR] La personnalité "Avocat" (INFJ-A / INFJ-T)
- Mubashar Iqbal - Will robots take my job ? Make the test ;-)
- /r/Automate - automation & robots discussion on reddit
- /r/totallynotrobots - a place where
robotshumans share their thoughts (humor) - /r/RobotNews - discussions and news about robotisation of society
- /r/shittyrobots - useless, stupid, shitty funny robots
- Kurzgesagt - The Rise of the Machines – Why Automation is Different this Time
- Gojko Adzic - When automation goes horribly wrong
- Humans vs Computers - a book about wrong assumptions, computer bugs, and people caught in between
- Hacker Rank - Bash challenges (bash, grep, sed, awk ...)
- Hacker Rank - Linux Shell challenges, funny but nothing fancy
- Commandline Challenge - Linux Shell challenges
- Bash Hackers Wiki - obsolete and deprecated syntax
- Bash Pitfalls - common errors that Bash programmers make
- ShellCheck - finds bugs in your shell scripts. Source code. Can be used online, in Vim, Atom, Sublime Text, ...
- Nicola Paolucci - Ten tips for wonderful bash productivity
- - Mastering Bash and Terminal
- - Best Practices for Writing Bash Scripts
- Aaron Zauner/community_bash_style_guide - Community Bash Style Guide. Discovered via DevHub
- Matt Might - 3 shell scripts to improve your writing
- Quickshiftin - Template method pattern in BASH
- Fahd Shariff - Shell Scripting - Best Practices
- Fahd Shariff - Shell Scripting: <, << and <<<
- Nitin Bhadauria - Foolproof Your Bash Script – Some Best Practices
- David Pashley - Writing Robust Bash Shell Scripts
- Paul Armstrong - Shell Style Guide by Google
- Aaron Maxwell - Use the Unofficial Bash Strict Mode (Unless You Looove Debugging). Bonus : some bash tips when dealing with bash strict mode
- Aaron Maxwell - How "Exit Traps" Can Make Your Bash Scripts Way More Robust And Reliable
- Ray Smith - [PDF] Shell Scripting Craftsmanship
- Pádraig Brady - Common shell script mistakes
- Mendel Cooper - Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide / An in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting
- chrisallenlane/cheat - cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. You can obviously improve the existing ones with your own content. It's also inspiring for shell aliases creation
- - write down a command-line to see the help text that matches each argument
- sstephenson/bats - Bash Automated Testing System
- Sandra Henry-Stocker - Changing how bash behaves
- FLOZz' MISC - Bash tips: Colors and formatting
- - An A-Z Index of the Bash command line for Linux.
- - Bash Keyboard Shortcuts
- Marvin Pinto - How to determine the file size of a remote HTTP object
- Vitaly Belman - My favorite command-line utilities / How I stopped worrying about GUI and learned to love the terminal
- Faheetah - Ansible bash module boilerplate
- LZone - Bash Cheat Sheet
- LZone - Bash Regex Cheat Sheet
- Vivek Gite - zcommands: Read gzip Compressed Text Files On a Fly
- /r/dailyscripts - late-night hacks lazy people made when too annoyed by a task's length or difficulty
- Eric Pement - useful one-liners for sed. FR version
- raidzero/dotfiles - some shared linux dotfiles
- Rich Felker - Rich’s sh (POSIX shell) tricks
- Justyna Ilczuk - Bash monitoring tips - watch & tee
- Bash One-Liners - Bash one-liners, and best practices in Bash shell scripting
- Andrew Gallant - ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift}
- Eric Wendelin - grep is a beautiful tool
- alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets - A collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users
- Sam Rowe - Advancing in the Bash Shell
- nojhan/Liquid Prompt - a useful adaptive prompt for Bash & zsh
- Boris Huisgen - [FR] various and interesting linux / sysadmin / devops tips & tricks with command line examples
- Andy Ray - Online Bash Prompt Builder for Git / Hg / SVN
- Matthieu Parisot - [FR] Bash Pro Tips for logs / errors handling etc.
- Journal du hacker - [FR] tips & tricks with command line examples
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- herrbischoff/awesome-osx-command-line - Use your OS X terminal shell to do awesome things.
- fish shell - Finally, a command line shell for the 90s
- Kfir Lavi - Defensive BASH Programming
- GreyCat - BashWeaknesses : There are certain things BASH is not very good at.
- GNU - Portable Shell Programming
- bahamas10/bash-style-guide - Bash Style Guide : A style guide for writing safe, predictable, and portable bash scripts (not sh!)
- Ask Ubuntu - How to navigate long commands faster?
- Whitson Gordon - Become a Command Line Ninja With These Time-Saving Shortcuts
- Daniel Miessler - 9 Enhancements to Shell and Vim Productivity
- Josh Reichardt - Powershell for Linux!
- PowerShell commands - A-Z of windows powershell commands
- Disassembler0/Win10-Initial-Setup-Script - script to automate tasks on a fresh windows 10 / windows server 2016
- - some scripts, tutoriels for powershell. Warning : some dead links here
- JeffOps - The Scripting dutchman : lot of scripts and tips for powershell
- PSScriptAnalyzer - provides script analysis and checks for potential code defects in the scripts by applying a group of built-in or customized rules on the scripts being analyzed.
Shell Aliases
- robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh - common aliases from oh-my-zsh
- Vivek Gite - 30 Handy Bash Shell Aliases For Linux / Unix / Mac OS X
- Sandra Henry-Stocker - Unix tips: Making troubleshooting with lsof easier. See also Unix commands: Troubleshooting with lsof
- Sandra Henry-Stocker - Unix aliases for good and evil
- tcnksm/docker-alias - Docker aliases for zsh
- James Turnbull - Useful Docker Bash Functions And Aliases
Security / Infosec
- - Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet
- have i been pwned - Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach
- IT Security Blog - Top 100 Information Security Blogs for Data Security Professionals
- Max Veytsman - Should you encrypt or compress first?
- pentestmonkey - Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet
- Ben Wilson - Basic Linux Privilege Escalation
- Unhide - open source forensic tool to find hidden processes
- Sqreen - The DevOps Security Checklist
- Jacob Appelbaum/ioerror/duraconf - duraconf : A collection of hardened configuration files for SSL/TLS services
- Remy van Elst - SSL Decoder : check the SSL/TLS configuration of a server
- Remy van Elst & Juerd - : Examples of strong Ciphers for Apache, nginx, Lighttpd and other tools
- /r/netsec - network security on reddit
- /r/blackhat - hackers on steroid
- /r/crypto - cryptography news and discussions
- /r/codes - Hiding data, cracking codes, finding hidden messages
- /r/security - security news on reddit
- DiabloHorn - a site for people attempting to understand security
- /r/opsec - opsec, to learn about proper habits and policies for minimizing attack surfaces and SPOF
- /r/OperationsSecurity - Operations security news, resources, questions & discussions
- /r/websec - Web security
- /r/compsec - computer security
- /r/NSALeaks - everything about NSA leaks, news from Edward Snowden or governmental abuses
- /r/pwned - data breaches, site defacements, rm's, hack logs
- Hack-with-Github/Awesome-Hacking - various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers
- sbilly/awesome-security - awesome-security : resources and cools stuffs about security.
- Why No Padlock - find out why your web page is treated as insecure
- Chandan Kumar - 9 free useful online SSL/TLS Certificate Tools
- Chandan Kumar - Verify your SSL, TLS & Ciphers implementation.
- Chandan Kumar - Test your website for SQL injection attack
- Geek Flare - general security articles, tips & tools
- SecurityHQ on Slack - Security professionals and newbies
- Offensive Security - Google Hacking Database (GHDB) Your Home for "googledorks"
- rought - Google Hacks (dork list). Similar lists by hardikdobariya
- Julian Alexander Murillo - Google tricks / dorks
- Offensive Security - Archived Shellcode for various Operating Systems and Architectures
- Offensive Security - exploits database
- berzerk0 (Ben)/Probable-Wordlists - 5+ Billion Passwords in Order of Most Popular... is yours in the list ?
- sgoedecke - A dead simple introduction to the blockchain (with ~90 line JavaScript demo)
- SSL247 - What is RSA, DSA and ECC?
- James McGivern - (Devoxx UK 2014) [Slides] ECC vs RSA: Battle of the Crypto-Ninjas
- PortForward - The most comprehensive default router password list on the Internet.
- KeeWeb - Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass. can be self hosted
- Maarten Billemont - Master Password, a password generator algorithm to remove the need of password managers.
- AV-TEST - Antivirus test results on Mobile devices (Android), Windows, Mac
- AV-Comparatives - independent tests of antivirus softwares
- VirusTotal - free online scanner for virus, malware and URL, to avoid downloading crap on your machine
- Jotti - online virus scanner
- Security in a Box - Digital security tools and tactics with step by step instructions
- DiabloHorn - Discovering the secrets of a pageant minidump
- Aaron Toponce, Thomas H. Ptacek, ... - Cryptographic Best practices
- Ethical hacking tools - Find subdomains / free online subdomain enumeration tool
- Patrik Hudak - the art of subdomain enumeration
- COMODO CA - : Certificate search online for any domain
- DNSdumpster - tool for dns recon & research, find & lookup dns records
- Ethical Hacking tools - online penetration testing tools
- Vincent Yiu/RedTips - Red Team Tips
- Heaps legit links - Like a URL shortener, but worse
- OWASP Wiki - OWASP Secure coding practices
- Nick Congleton - How to Secure Your Linux Desktop with Iptables
- Christof Paar - [Videos] Introduction to Cryptography
- Shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist - API Security Checklist
- Aloria - Infosec Reactions
- Johannes Gilger - SSH Agent Forwarding considered harmful
- Hacker News - Don't put secret keys in your repository.
- Vivek Gite - 20 Linux Server Hardening Security Tips
- Passive Aggressive Passwords - [Humor] The Passive Aggressive Password Machine
- have i been pwned - Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach
- have i been pwned - Check if your password may have been compromised in a data breach
- Aptive - guide for SSL / TLS penetration testing
- Computer Science Department at FSU - Offensive Computer Security Course with Lecture / Videos / Slides / Reading
- Walter Goulet - Summarizing PKI certificate validation
- Walter Goulet - Using a HSM doesn't automatically make you more 'secure'
- Stack Exchange - Information Security Stack Exchange
- Daniel Miessler - Security: How To Monitor Your Network Connections
- Daniel Miessler - Web Application Security Testing Resources
- Daniel Miessler - Building a Professional Firewall with Linux and Iptables
- Daniel Miessler - Why Putting SSH On Another Port is a Good Idea
- Daniel Miessler - Security and Obscurity: Does Changing Your SSH Port Lower Your Risk
- Daniel Miessler - Obscurity is a Valid Security Layer
- Daniel Miessler - Information Security Interview Questions
- Daniel Miessler - 10 Essential Firefox Plugins for the Infosec Professional
- Daniel Miessler - Information Security Concepts
- Daniel Miessler - An Information Security Metrics Primer
- Daniel Miessler - Information Security Assessment Types
- Daniel Miessler - Multi-dimensional Vulnerability Hierarchies
- Dan Walsh - Secure Your Containers with this One Weird Trick
- Daniel J Walsh - Your visual how-to guide for SELinux policy enforcement
- Dan Walsh - Why we don't let non-root users run Docker in CentOS, Fedora, or RHEL
- Charles Zachary Lockhart - GPG Cheat Sheet
- Riseup! - [FR] Gestion des clés OpenPGP
- Riseup! - [FR] Bonnes pratiques pour l'utilisation d'OpenPGP
- Jacob Appelbaum/ioerror/duraconf - Example of hardened GPG config file from duraconf
- GnuPG Docs - GNU Privacy Guard Manual
- GnuPG Docs - CLI options for using gpg gen-key from a script (aka unattended GPG key generation). Discovered via Stack Overflow
- Nitin Venkatesh - PGP and SSH keys - Generate, export, backup and restore
- GnuPG Docs - (1999) The GNU Privacy Handbook
- /r/GnuPG - resources on everything about GnuPG, PGP, OpenPGP
- /r/pgp - everything about PGP
- /r/GPGpractice - community of people learning GPG (Gnu Privacy Guard).
- Saraev Nikita - GnuPG with 32kb RSA keys
- ZyTrax - Survival guides - TLS/SSL and SSL (X.509) Certificates
- LZone - OpenSSL Cheat Sheet
- Remy van Elst - Encrypt and decrypt files to public keys via the OpenSSL Command Line
- LinuxConfig - Using OpenSSL to encrypt messages and files on Linux
- Tom Dryer - Simple File Encryption with OpenSSL
- Stack Overflow - File encryption with OpenSSL and Why you should use GPG instead
- Chandan Kumar - 21 OpenSSL command examples
- Why No Padlock - find out why your web page is treated as insecure
- Qualys SSL Labs - SSL Server test : analysis of any web server configuration
- Chandan Kumar - 9 free useful online SSL/TLS Certificate Tools
- Chandan Kumar - Verify your SSL, TLS & Ciphers implementation.
- SSL Shopper - The Most Common OpenSSL Commands
- SSL Shopper - tools & commands examples for certificates format conversion
- Paul Heinlein - OpenSSL cookbook / command-line howto
- Nick Burch - howtos for installing other people's certificates
- Andrej - for quick validation of Java SSL configuration
- SSL Shopper - java keytool keystore cheatsheet
- Brusten Philip & Van der Velpen Jan - a few frequently used SSL commands (openssl, keytool, certutil)
- CheapSSLSecurity - SSL commands list
- DigiCert - .pem SSL creation instructions
- Arun GP - differences between PEM, DER, P7B/PKCS#7, PFX/PKCS#12 certificates
- SSL Shopper - Special Types of SSL Certificates
- DigiCert - Using Multiple SSL Certificates in Apache with One IP Address
- Deb Shinder - SSL Acceleration and Offloading: What Are the Security Implications?
- Aptive - guide for SSL / TLS penetration testing
- University of Wisconsin KB - Verifying that a Private Key Matches a Certificate
- University of Wisconsin KB - Verifying that a Certificate is issued by a CA
- John Herbert - Telling OpenSSL About Your Root Certificates / for *Nix and OS X
- John Herbert - Five Essential OpenSSL Troubleshooting Commands
- Sebastien Lebreton - [FR] Authentification forte par certificats et transfert de certificats de Apache vers Tomcat.
- mdoehle - PKI / openSSL Cheat Sheet
- BogPeople - OpenSSL Cheat Sheet
- ThorneLabs - OpenSSL Commands Cheat Sheet
- LZone - OpenSSL Cheat Sheet
- James Coyle - OpenSSL Certificate Cheat Sheet
- Jamie Nguyen - OpenSSL Certificate Authority / a guide to demonstrate how to act as your own CA using OpenSSL
- German Jaber - SSL/TLS certificates beginner's tutorial
- gorhill/uBlock - uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean. Replace Ghostery and Adblock by uBlock
- gorhill/uMatrix - uMatrix: Point and click matrix to filter net requests according to source, destination and type
- EFForg/privacybadger - Privacy Badger - Block third party tracking in your browser
- Two Factor Auth - List of websites and whether or not they support Two Factor Auth (2FA).
- chrome notifications settings open
in Chrome to manage notifications exceptions - Daniel Miessler - A Security-focused HTTP Primer
- Proxy Switchy! - a chrome extension to switch between multiple proxies, quick & easy
- Daniel Miessler - The Connected Web: Why It’s Time For Strong Authentication
- Frédéric Kayser - (2017) [FR] HTTPS : de SSL à TLS 1.3
- MoveItFootballHead - A simple, yet powerful, lesson on privilege
- Grise Bouille - [FR] Ailleurs, c’est pire
- Topito - (2014) [FR] [IMG] Plus fort que la pancarte de manif’ : le miroir
- Yves Miserey - (2012) [FR] Les OGM ont perdu la guerre contre les mauvaises herbes
- Le blog d'un odieux connard - (2014) [FR] [IMG] - Les Aventures Magiques de l'Extrême-Droite
- Horace Dediu - (2014) [IMG] There are two types of people in the world. // using the Internet vs not using the Internet
- Cameron Power - (2014) [IMG] Wtf is wrong with this dude? What is he looking at? The world?
- Electric Unicycle Forum - forum for reviews and discussions related to electric unicycles
- Aaron Maxwell - Building a Automated Testing/Quality Assurance System
- sstephenson/bats - Bash Automated Testing System
- David Greenlees - How the Usability Matrix of Emotions Can Benefit Your Software Testing
- Joe Colantonio - Automation Testing Resources & Best Practices
- Gregg Caines - Continuous Testing
- Andrew Wulf - My Job As A Programmer Is To Make Testers Miserable
- Locust - a modern open source load testing framework
- Gojko Adzic - Five ways to reduce the cost of large test suites
- aelsabbahy/goss - goss : Quick and Easy server testing/validation
- aelsabbahy/dgoss-examples - dgoss examples
- Ahmed Elsabbahy - Tutorial: How to test your docker image in half a second
- Stack Exchange - How to test provisioning and configuration in Ansible setup?
- Pedro Artino - Test Driven Infrastructure with Goss
- metacloud/molecule - Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles.
- Serverspec - RSpec tests for your servers configured by CFEngine, Puppet, Ansible, Itamae or anything else
- Dan Tehranian - Testing Ansible Roles with Test Kitchen
- Daniel Miessler - Web Application Security Testing Resources
- Rusty Harold - [Video] Testing Legacy Code Elliotte
- David Greenlees - (2013) How the Usability Matrix of Emotions Can Benefit Your Software Testing
- Kevin Marks - How the Web Became Unreadable
- Little Big Details - a curated collection of the finer details of design, updated every day.
- Christelle Mozzati - (2013) [FR] Les dark patterns en design d’interface
- Anthony Tseng - 9 Small User Experience Details Most Websites Miss
- Tom Lloyd - A good advice about the CV for Design students
Design Humor
- Jon Moore - 100 Excuses for Designers, Because sometimes you need one!
- Jon Moore - Guilty Pleasures for Designers
- Christian Beck - Terrible UX Trends for 2017
- Kamal Nayan - Designer Excuses, based on Jon Moore' article on medium
- Bored Elon Musk - Modern web design explained in a simple Venn Diagram
Web development
- Steve Francia - Hugo is a fast & modern static site generator
- Amanda Visconti - Building a static website with Jekyll and GitHub Pages
- BuiltWith - Find out what technology a website is built with
- Web Development Reading List - The 2017 Almanac : What happened in “News” in 2016?
- Web Development Reading List - The Evergreen List : selection of resources that are important for a longer time.
- Google - PageSpeed Insights : Analyze a website performance
- Socialtalents - Loadme - cloud-based load / stress testing service for you website or API
- Dead Link Checker - Online Dead Link Checking Tool
- Broken Link Checker - Online Dead Link Checking Tool
- W3C - Link Checker : Check links and anchors in Web pages or full Web sites
- W3C - Various website validation tools
- Remy van Elst - SSL Decoder : check the SSL/TLS configuration of a server
- First Site Guide Blog - articles, infographics, cheatsheets about site/blog creation
- A List Apart - explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices.
- r/webdev - web development resources & news
- Why No Padlock - find out why your web page is treated as insecure
- Qualys SSL Labs - SSL Server test : analysis of any web server configuration
- Chandan Kumar - 9 free useful online SSL/TLS Certificate Tools
- Chandan Kumar - Verify your SSL, TLS & Ciphers implementation.
- Chandan Kumar - Test your website for SQL injection attack
- Rex Swain - HTTP Viewer : See exactly what an HTTP request returns to your browser
- IntoDNS - checks the health and configuration and provides DNS report and mail servers report.
- Down for everyone or just me - Check if your website is down or up
- Christian Haschek - How to defend your website with ZIP bombs
- shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist - API Security Checklist
- Yahoo Developer Network - Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site
- Daniel Miessler - The Difference Between URLs and URIs
- Daniel Miessler - A DNS Primer
- Daniel Miessler - An Encoding Primer
- Daniel Miessler - A Security-focused HTTP Primer
- Daniel Miessler - 10 Ways to Test Your Website Performance
- Tali Garsiel and Paul Irish - (2011) How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers
- Kevin Marks - (2016) How the Web Became Unreadable
- tota11y - an accessibility visualization toolkit testing accessibility (a11y) of your site + showing what is wrong in your document
- HTML_CodeSniffer - Check that your HTML code conforms to your coding standard
- gulpjs/gulp - Gulp: The streaming build system
- gruntjs/grunt - Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
- Maxime Thirouin - (2013) [FR] Automatisez votre workflow front-end
- NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager
- Chocolatey - All Packages for Chocolatey, the package manager for windows
- Rob Reynolds - Chocolatey: Creating your own Chocolatey packages
- Korben - [FR] Windows tips & tools
- Nir Sofer - Nirsoft : lot of free tools & utilities for windows, free of malwares and developed over decades by Nir Sofer, who's not stopping More info about that
- Puppet Blog - Posts about Chocolatey
- Awesome-Windows/Awesome - curated list of best applications and tools for Windows.
- Awesome-Windows/awesome-windows-command-line - cool stuffs you can do with windows terminal
- WinAdmins on Slack - Worldwide chat of Windows admins
- wikiHow - How to Backup and Restore Google Chrome's Entire Settings
- Rackspace - Check DNS records on Windows with nslookup
- Microsoft Docs - How to enable and disable SMBv1, SMBv2, and SMBv3 in Windows and Windows Server
- Just Install - The simple package installer for Windows. I didn't tried yet, but it seems a good alternative to Chocolatey, following KISS principle
- CMD commands - A-Z of windows terminal commands
- PowerShell commands - A-Z of windows powershell commands
- Disassembler0/Win10-Initial-Setup-Script - script to automate tasks on a fresh windows 10 / windows server 2016
- Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols - How to secure Windows 10: The paranoid's guide
- u/C-Ron - [GUIDE] How to disable data logging in W10.
- babypunchingrampage - Add Chocolatey repo to Windows 10 PackageManagement and install apps using Install-Package!
- Jianyunt/ChocolateyGet - a good provider of chocolatey packages for OneGet
- MoonPoint - Using PuTTY to set up a SOCKS Proxy Connection
- MoonPoint - Configuring IE 10 to use an SSH SOCKS Proxy Server
- - Samba Optimizations and Speed Tuning for Performance
- PSScriptAnalyzer - provides script analysis and checks for potential code defects in the scripts by applying a group of built-in or customized rules on the scripts being analyzed.
- Pester - PowerShell BDD style testing framework
- - some scripts, tutoriels for powershell. Warning : some dead links here
- JeffOps - The Scripting dutchman : lot of scripts and tips for powershell
- Eric Ravenscraft - How to Save the Windows 10 Lock Screen Images You Like
- Garrett Serack - 10 things about OneGet that are completely different than you think.
- Craig Buckler - How to Unblock Unsafe Attachments in Microsoft Outlook
- Boxstarter - Repeatable, reboot resilient windows environment installations made easy using Chocolatey packages
- Jeff Geerling - (2014) Running Ansible within Windows
- Jeff Geerling - (2016) Using Ansible through Windows 10's Subsystem for Linux
- Jason Stewart - Faster Samba (SMB / CIFS) Share Performance
- Josh Reichardt - Powershell for Linux!
🔖 ~5K awesome resources for geeks and software crafters 🍺
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