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  • Shared problems are solved faster
  • Transparency forces authenticity and honesty
  • Participative communities are more open to change
  • Open standards provide business agility
  • With more eyes, all typos are shallow
  • Jon Prall - (2007) 85 Operations Rules to Live By
  • Make decisions using the path of least regret
  • The simplest explanation is always the most likely.
  • Christopher Diggins - The Principles of Good Programming

from my Bullet Journal


  • Learn the basics of a language before learning frameworks
  • DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) is not about code, but about knowledge
  • Refactoring is a development technique, not a project
  • Break rules, take risks.
  • True leaders want everybody to be great.
  • True leaders don't respect discipline.
  • Build and grown trust otherwise it can't work
  • Best way to convince is by giving an example / by showing it exists
  • Everything we do expresses a need
  • We often eat only what we already like / know
  • We all criticize, we need to be aware of it
  • Violence is an answer to unsatisfied needs
  • Take pleasure in simple things
  • Ban negative thoughts
  • Take the time you need, don't go too fast
  • Take risks
  • Ask for help when struggling
  • Don't do to others what you don't want done to you
  • Write down your ideas and your Aha moments
  • Share your feelings, don't hide your humanity
  • Don't let other people decide your future for you
  • Give your word.
  • Say no rather than "I don't know" or "whatever you wish"
  • Doing / saying nothing is already telling something
  • Let go of control / release the need to control
  • The faster you do a task the more you learn and the sooner you become satisfied
  • The slower you do a task the more painful it will be
  • Say thanks
  • Smile
  • Give, share
  • Take time for you, for important things and people
  • Keep in touch, maintain friendship
  • Market yourself. You're putting on the effort, make sure you show it
  • Go right to the point
  • Ask why
  • Keep your ability to be amazed by things and people, they won't last forever
  • Act to fight perfectionism
  • Take advantage of any opportunities that present themselves
  • Physical and visual contact rather than emails, sms, chat
  • Accept people as they are
  • Select your friends
  • More slow, minder stress
  • Remain calm and quiet about everything which you will experience
  • Reinvent yourself, evolve
  • Grow and progress in love, work, leisure
  • Be yourself, know yourself
  • Be curious, observe and play (mentally, physically) with what surrounds you
  • Be positive
  • Be realistic, concrete
  • Understand your goals and others' goals
  • Taking notes, writing things down is a way to free your mind and not forget or lose anything. It's also a way to train your senses of observation and reflection
  • Observe without judging, relate facts
  • Choose the right tool for the job
  • Don't multitask
  • Achieve what you're doing before you move to something else
  • Life doesn't get easier you just get stronger
  • living isn't fucking easy but at least you can make your life more fun

Art of Questions

  • Just ask
  • Explain your misunderstanding
  • Explain / state what you know / don't know
  • Sound confident
  • Have a come back
  • Know first which answer type you're expecting : Opinion ? Factually correct answer ? Well reasoned judgment ?
  • Avoid "yes" or "no" questions
  • Dig deeper (5 Why...)
  • Use the power of silence
  • Don't interrupt
  • Prepare the topic (know a bit what you are talking about)
  • Check your assumptions (are you sure about what you think you know ?)
  • Find the right person to ask
  • Use correct grammar
  • Keep the question simple
  • Differenciate between open (Why ?) vs closed (when ? who ?) question types
  • Explain why you are asking

Art of Communication

  • Never use "never", always avoid "always"
  • Suggest, don't criticize
  • Don't make important decisions alone
  • Don't cut communication, don't go away, don't flee
  • Share your needs, your wills, your tastes / opinions
  • Mutually listen to each other. Know how to listen. Use your right ear for listening (right ear = left brain)
  • Feedback is important : Show interest (nod, smile, ...)
  • Talk about the connection you have with the other person
  • When you communicate a hard decision, don't hide behind emails, talk directly to your audience
  • Use the SBI tool (Situation - Behavior - Impact)
  • Assertiveness is ability to say yes to the person, no to the task
  • Respond rather than react
  • Prepare, verify carefully what you will communicate
  • Check if your message has been heard and understood
  • Expect / Give feedback
  • Know the 7 C's : Clear Concise Concrete Correct Coherent Complete Courteous
  • Set the main idea first
  • Focus on your audience
  • Avoid passive constructions
  • Be open minded, don't think you know eveything about your audience
  • Use the body language (physical and visual contact, ...)
  • Stay calm : Wrap up then stop talking. Pause. Repeat. Ask clarification of a statement. Be clear.
  • Look for humor.
  • Look for compromise if the other cares about something not important for you
  • Agree to disagree : take beak so everyone calms down
  • Assert yourself : express (negative) opinions and needs positively. Ask for help. Learn from errors. Accept feedback. Say no
  • Observe rather than interpret. Communicate facts not interpretations
  • Understand people's needs/feelings
  • Use non violent communication