Reorganize Containers section
+ add (2019) DCSF19 Dockerfile Best Practices
This commit is contained in:
@ -1773,6 +1773,7 @@ See also [Infrastructure](#infrastructure)
* [Docker Hub]( - Docker Image for Consul, maintained by HashiCorp
## Containers
> News
* [Docker]( - Docker Blog
* [Docker Forums]( - latest topics on docker forums
* [DEV]( - Docker related articles on
@ -1782,19 +1783,11 @@ See also [Infrastructure](#infrastructure)
* [Container Journal]( - news about containers security, ecosystem, management, etc
* [Red Hat Blog]( - containers articles
* [Container Solutions Blog]( - thinking, news and research at Container Solutions.
* [Mike Simons]( - Mikes monster list of docker tips
* [Docker Docs]( - Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
* [Sonatype]( - KISSSSS : good approach to ensure you're successful with containers
* [Brian DeHamer]( - [Slides] (2015) Optimizing Docker Images
> Learn
* [Derek E. Weeks]( - 21 DevOps and Docker Reference Architectures
* [Csaba Palfi]( - (2014) 24 random docker tips
* [C.J. Scarlett aka Scarlz]( - (2016) Tricks of the Trades : Docker - Data Volumes and Data Containers
* [Deni Bertovic]( - Handling Permissions with Docker Volumes
* [Docker Docs]( - Manage sensitive data with Docker secrets
* [tcnksm/docker-alias]( - Docker aliases
* [James Turnbull]( - (2014) Useful Docker Bash Functions And Aliases
* [Lucas Carlson]( - (2014) 15 Quick Docker Tips
* [LZone]( - Docker Cheat Sheet
* [Docker Store]( - Containers from verified source
* [Denis Gladkikh]( - (2015) Collecting docker logs and stats with Splunk
* [Docker Docs]( - Splunk logging driver
@ -1805,7 +1798,6 @@ See also [Infrastructure](#infrastructure)
* [Docker Docs]( - docker exec
* [Docker Docs]( - docker commit examples
* [Flux7 Labs]( - 10 Docker Remote API Commands for Images
* [Docker Forums]( - Command to remove all unused images
* [Stack Overflow]( - Docker error : no space left on device
* [James Coyle]( - Export and Import a Docker Image Between Nodes
* [rhmjs/satellite5-docker]( - RHEL6 containers on a RHEL7 host registered to Satellite 5
@ -1813,56 +1805,37 @@ See also [Infrastructure](#infrastructure)
* [Red Hat Customer Portal]( - working with containers in Red Hat Satellite
* [Pradipta Kumar Banerjee]( - Howto create a Docker Image for RHEL
* [Derek Chamorro]( - (2016) Common Dockerfile Mistakes
* [Project Atomic]( - Container Best Practices
* [jwilder/docker-squash]( - Squash docker images to make them smaller
* [Jason Wilder]( - (2014) Squashing Docker Images
* [jwilder/dockerize]( - Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers
* [Nicolas Schoemaeker]( - Docker: Taming the Beast - Part II
* [Nicolas Schoemaeker]( - Docker: Taming the Beast - Part III: Building Images
* [Ansible Container]( - a tool to build Docker images and orchestrate containers using only Ansible playbooks
* [Evin]( - (2016) Using ansible to build and orchestrate clean docker images
* [strothj/vault/]( - Vault Unofficial Docker Image
* [Sreenivas Makam]( - (2017) Compare Docker for Windows options
* [Dan Tehranian]( - (2015) How Should I Get Application Configuration into my Docker Containers?
* [Neil Batlivala]( - Why Docker Is Not Enough. **Related** : [tehranian/docker-atlassian-jira]( - Docker build for Atlassian Jira
* [Neil Batlivala]( - Why Docker Is Not Enough. **See also** : [tehranian/docker-atlassian-jira]( - Docker build for Atlassian Jira
* [Martin Rusev]( - (2015) Docker in production for the average DevOps
* [Nitin Agarwal]( - Docker Container’s Filesystem Demystified
* [Nitin Agarwal]( - Why use Docker for Development
* [Nitin Agarwal]( - Understanding the Docker Internals
* [Nitin Agarwal]( - Lifecycle of Docker Container
* [Nitin Agarwal]( - Docker Usecases
* [Nitin Agarwal]( - Best Practices for working with Dockerfiles
* [Gianluca Borello]( - Container isolation gone wrong
* [Stephane Manciot]( - [FR] :fr: DevOps avec Ansible et Docker
* [Thomas Graf]( - DockerCon 2017 - Cilium - Network and Application Security with BPF and XDP
* [Brendan D. Gregg]( - Awesome 60s perf analysis cheatsheet : Host Perf Analysis in 60s
* [Brendan D. Gregg]( - [Video] Container Performance Analysis at DockerCon 2017 + [Slides](
* [Julien Bisconti]( - Awesome-docker : A curated list of Docker resources and projects
* [Alex Hanson]( - Lessons Learned with Docker
* [Per-Gustaf Stenberg]( [PDF] Master's thesis: Container-based Continuous Delivery for Clusters, interesting for some parts
* [Faheetah]( - Docker patterns/anti-patterns : Generic Dockerfile demonstrating good practices
* [Scott Coulton]( - If it’s in a container it’s secure right ?
* [vfarcic/ms-lifecycle]( - an interesting project of Viktor Farcic used for demonstration in book The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit, where you can learn how to use Docker, Ansible & Vagrant to create a complete infrastructure
* [Justyna Ilczuk]( - (2015) Debugging - into rabbit hole with docker containers
* [Sreenivas Makam]( - Docker Networking - Common Issues and Troubleshooting Techniques
* [Nathan Leclaire]( - (2015) Using Ansible with Docker Machine to Bootstrap Host Nodes
* [dockerlint]( - Linting tool for Dockerfiles based on [Dockerfile Reference]( and [Best practices for writing Dockerfiles](
* [FROM:latest]( - an opinionated Dockerfile linter online
* [Red Hat Customer Portal]( - Differences between RHEL Server and RHEL Atomic Host
* [Red Hat Customer Portal]( - Using Red Hat Base Container Images (standard and minimal)
* [Thierry Carez]( - What makes OpenStack relevant in a container-driven world. [Related Video](
* :star: [**Aymen El Amri**]( - My Docker Cheat Sheet
* [CoreOS Docs]( - Running CoreOS Container Linux on Vagrant
* [Sysdig]( - troubleshooting and visibility tool for linux, windows and mac osx with native support for containers technologies
* [Maxime Greau]( - (2017) Tips * [Maxime Greau]( - (2017) Tips * [Maxime Greau]( - (2017) Tips * [Maxime Greau]( - Tips & Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss
* [aelsabbahy/dgoss-examples]( - dgoss examples
* [Ahmed Elsabbahy]( - Tutorial: How to test your docker image in half a second
* [drone]( - Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go
* [Nathan Osman]( - (2017) A 1 KB Docker Container
* [Julia Evans]( - (2016) Running containers without Docker
* [containerd]( - An open and reliable container runtime
* [wsargent/docker-cheat-sheet]( - Docker Cheat Sheet on GitHub
* [Aboullaite Mohammed]( - 15 Docker Hacks & Tips!
* [Visakh S]( - CoreOS & Docker – An easy way to deploy secure, scalable web application infrastructure
* [Docker Docs]( - Docker security : running your app in production
* [Maxfield Stewart]( - Tutorial: Building With Jenkins Inside an Ephemeral Docker Container
@ -1870,98 +1843,134 @@ See also [Infrastructure](#infrastructure)
* [Jérôme Petazzoni]( - Anatomy of a Container: Namespaces, cgroups & Some Filesystem Magic - LinuxCon
* [Lachlan Evenson]( - 5 minutes dabbling with Docker Distributed Application Bundles (DAB)
* [Janakiram MSV]( - DockerCon 2016: Docker’s Plan to Dominate the Enterprise Data Center
* [Josh Reichardt]( - Lint your Dockerfiles with Hadolint
* [Jorge Morales Pou]( - (2015) ...Docker and devicemapper's thinpool in RHEL 7
* [Jorge Morales Pou]( - (2014) ...use a Proxy for speeding up docker images creation
* [Jérôme Petazzoni]( - (2014) Setting up a transparent proxy for your Docker containers
* [estesp/mquery]( - mquery shows the list of architectures supported by a specific docker image. via [Dieter Reuter](
* [Scott McCarty]( - (2016) Container Tidbits: Understanding the docker-latest Package
* [Dan Walsh]( - (2016) Secure Your Containers with this One Weird Trick
* [Dan Walsh]( - (2015) Why we don't let non-root users run Docker in CentOS, Fedora, or RHEL
* [Ian Miell]( - (2017) A Checklist for Docker in the Enterprise (Updated)
* [Ian Miell]( - (2017) Convert a Server to a Docker Container (Update II)
* [Jeff Geerling]( - (2017) Stopping Docker containers via fuzzy matching on the name
* [Jeff Geerling]( - (2017) dockrun oneshot — quick local environments for testing infrastructure
* [Jeff Geerling]( - (2016) How I test Ansible configuration on 7 different OSes with Docker
* [Scott McCarty]( - (2016) Container Tidbits: When Should I Break My Application into Multiple Containers?
* [CRI-O]( - a lightweight alternative to using Docker as the runtime for kubernetes. Implements Kubernetes CRI (Container Runtime Interface) & enables OCI (Open Container Initiative) compatible runtimes.
* [William Henry]( - (2017) Getting Started with Buildah | how to build container images compliant with the Open Container Initiative (OCI) image specification
* [Eric Chiang]( - (2017) Containers from Scratch **Bonus** : [Talk](
* [veggiemonk/awesome-docker]( - A curated list of Docker resources and projects
* [Julian Friedman]( - (2016) Build Your Own Container Using Less than 100 Lines of Go
* [Tony Bradley]( - (2016) 5 Docker Best Practices You Should Follow
* [Container Journal]( - (2017) Using CI/CD Over Containerization to Drive Down Pre-Production Costs
* [Rafael Benevides]( - (2016) 10 things to avoid in docker containers
* [Tatiana Kochedykova]( - (2016) 5 reasons to use Docker for productivity software installation
* [George Bolo]( - (2017) Building Tiny Secure Docker Containers
* [Carlos Leon]( - (2017) Semantic versioning and Tagging Docker images the right way
* [Erez Yaary]( - (2017) How to secure the container lifecycle
* [GoogleCloudPlatform/distroless]( - Language focused docker images, minus the operating system.
* [docker-slim/docker-slim]( - DockerSlim (docker-slim): Optimize and secure your Docker containers (free and open source)
* [Tom Donohue]( - (2017) Deploy and use the Nexus Docker registry in OpenShift
* [Cloud Native Computing Foundation website]( - Sustaining and integrating open source technologies like Kubernetes and Prometheus
* [Friz-zy/awesome-linux-containers]( - curated resources for Linux Containers
* [docker/docker-bench-security]( - Docker Bench for Security is a script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production.
* [CoreOS Blog]( - Clair: Open Source Vulnerability Analysis for your Containers
* [jessfraz/bane]( - AppArmor profile generator for Docker containers.
* [Kim Hirokuni]( - (2014) Gotchas in Writing Dockerfile
* [Center for Internet Security (CIS)]( - CIS Benchmarks: 100+ free downloadable configuration guidelines for various technology groups to safeguard systems against today’s evolving cyber threats. | Lot of useful information to harden windows/linux operating systems, secure server softwares, docker containers, etc.
* [Diogo Mónica]( - (2017) Why you shouldn't use ENV variables for secret data
* [Scott McCarty]( - (2015) Architecting Containers Part 1: Why Understanding User Space vs. Kernel Space Matters
* [Laurens Van Houtven]( - (2015) Don't expose the Docker socket (not even to a container)
* [JP La Torre]( - 50+ Useful Docker Tools
* [Jérôme Petazzoni]( - (2017) DevOps, Docker, and Empathy | Just because we’re using containers doesn’t mean that we “do DevOps.”
* [Jérôme Petazzoni]( - (2016) Go + Docker = ♥ | tips and tricks showing how Docker can be useful when working with Go code
* [The HFT Guy]( - (2016) Docker in Production: A History of Failure
* [Jennifer Riggins]( - (2018) 6 Lessons from Bitnami’s Transition to Container-Based Ops
* [can I haz non-privileged containers?]( - Advocacy site for the uptake of using non-privileged containers.
* [praqmatim]( - Atlassian high availability as code | Containerized Data Center on Kubernetes
* [Chris Ward]( - (2017) A Comparison of Docker GUIs
* [Evan Klein]( - (2018) Container Vulnerability Management with OpsSight
* [David Appelbaum]( - (2018) It’s 2018 and your Docker containers need to be secure
* [Cliff Turner]( - (2018) These 10 tips will ensure your containers are compliant
* [jay-johnson/owasp-jenkins]( - test your apps vs OWASP and NIST using Jenkins, Ansible and docker
* [Andrew Lock]( - (2018) Handy Docker commands for local development - Part 1
* [Andrew Lock]( - (2018) Handy Docker commands for local development - Part 2
* [Alex Ellis]( - (2017) Builder pattern vs. Multi-stage builds in Docker
* [Andrew Lock]( - (2017) Home, home on the range: Installing Kubernetes using Rancher 2.0
* [Alex Ellis]( - (2017) Colorisebot and OpenFaaS
* [Finnian Anderson]( - (2017) Colourising Video with OpenFaaS Serverless Functions
* [Alex Ellis]( - (2017) What you need to know: Kubernetes and Swarm
* [moby/buildkit]( - concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
* [Docker Community]( - Docker Captains
* [Stack Overflow]( - Docker - Cannot remove dead container | `rm: cannot remove /var/lib/docker/overlay/<hash>/merged: Device or resource busy` Solution : grep <hash> /proc/*/mountinfo then find the pid of <hash> and kill it
* [Coda Hale]( - (2016) The Happy Genius Of My Household | approach to containers and the economics underlying that approach.
* [Docker Docs]( - Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
* [Carl Boettiger]( - (2014) Docker tricks of the trade and best practices thoughts
* [Marc Campbell]( - (2016) Refactoring a Dockerfile for Image Size
* [Gerred Dillon]( - (2017) Even Smaller Docker Image Sizes
* [Stephane Manciot]( - :fr: [FR] [Slides] (2015) DevOps avec Ansible et Docker
* :star: [**Bridget Kromhout**]( - (2018) Containers Will Not Fix Your Broken Culture (and Other Hard Truths) | Complex socio-technical systems are hard;
* [James Turnbull]( - (2017) An introduction to local development with containers
* [Jérôme Petazzoni]( - [Slides] (2013) Docker and Go: why did we decide to write Docker in Go?
* [Venkatesan Murugan]( - (2018) Top 10 Benefits You Will Get by Using Docker
* [Diogo Monica]( - [Video] (2016) Best practices for building secure Docker images
* [Praveen Durairaj]( - (2018) An Exhaustive Guide to Writing Dockerfiles for Node.js Web Apps
* [Praveen Durairaj]( - (2018) An Exhaustive Guide to Writing Dockerfiles for Node.js Web Apps
* [Shahidh K Muhammed]( - (2018) The Ultimate Guide to Writing Dockerfiles for Go Web-apps
* [Daniel Oh]( - (2017) 10 layers of Linux container security
* [aelsabbahy/goss]( - dgoss is a convenience wrapper around goss that aims to bring the simplicity of goss to docker containers.
* [Anthony Lapenna]( - [Video] (2018) Manage your Docker environments easily with Portainer, by Anthony Lapenna (founder of Portainer), at Docker Belgium Meetup
* [Dieter Adant]( - [Video] (2018) How Collibra uses Docker to Encourage Teamwork, at Docker Belgium Meetup
* [arminc/clair-scanner]( - Docker containers vulnerability scan. **See also** [](arminc/clair-local-scan)
* [Docker]( - [Videos] content from DockerCon 2017
* [Mike Ensor]( - (2018) Containers: The Software Development Life Cycle’s Last Mile
* [Philipp Hauer]( - (2016) Version Numbers for Continuous Delivery with Maven and Docker
* [Sean Kane]( - (2018) 6 creative ways to solve problems with Linux containers and Docker
* [Play with Docker Classroom]( - The Play with Docker classroom brings you labs and tutorials that help you get hands-on experience using Docker
> Best practices
* [Docker Docs]( - Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
* [Project Atomic]( - Container Best Practices
* [Nitin Agarwal]( - Best Practices for working with Dockerfiles
* [Tony Bradley]( - (2016) 5 Docker Best Practices You Should Follow
* [Docker Docs]( - Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
* [Carl Boettiger]( - (2014) Docker tricks of the trade and best practices thoughts
* [Diogo Monica]( - [Video] (2016) Best practices for building secure Docker images
* [Hacker News]( - Ask HN: What best practices for in-house Docker Registry? | examples of using labels and tags when building the docker images
* [Théo Chamley]( - (2018) 7 best practices for operating containers
* [Google Cloud]( - (2018) Best Practices for Building Containers
* [jessfraz/dockfmt]( - Dockerfile format and parser. Like `gofmt` but for Dockerfiles.
* [GoogleContainerTools/jib]( - 🏗 Build container images for your Java applications.
* [Tibor Vaas and Sebastiaan van Stijn]( - (2019) DCSF19 Dockerfile Best Practices
* [Sonatype]( - KISSSSS : good approach to ensure you're successful with containers
* [Faheetah]( - Docker patterns/anti-patterns : Generic Dockerfile demonstrating good practices
* [Ian Miell]( - (2017) A Checklist for Docker in the Enterprise (Updated)
> Tips
* [Mike Simons]( - Mikes monster list of docker tips
* [Carl Boettiger]( - (2014) Docker tricks of the trade and best practices thoughts
* [Pēteris Ņikiforovs]( - (2017) Persisting state between AWS EC2 spot instances | Persisting state between AWS EC2 spot instances using Docker on an external volume
* [tcnksm/docker-alias]( - Docker aliases
* [Brian DeHamer]( - [Slides] (2015) Optimizing Docker Images
* [Csaba Palfi]( - (2014) 24 random docker tips
* [C.J. Scarlett aka Scarlz]( - (2016) Tricks of the Trades : Docker - Data Volumes and Data Containers
* [James Turnbull]( - (2014) Useful Docker Bash Functions And Aliases
* [Lucas Carlson]( - (2014) 15 Quick Docker Tips
* [LZone]( - Docker Cheat Sheet
* [Docker Forums]( - Command to remove all unused images
* [Jason Wilder]( - (2014) Squashing Docker Images
* [Alex Hanson]( - Lessons Learned with Docker
* [Sreenivas Makam]( - Docker Networking - Common Issues and Troubleshooting Techniques
* :star: [**Aymen El Amri**]( - My Docker Cheat Sheet
* [Maxime Greau]( - Tips & Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss
* [Ahmed Elsabbahy]( - Tutorial: How to test your docker image in half a second
* [wsargent/docker-cheat-sheet]( - Docker Cheat Sheet on GitHub
* [Aboullaite Mohammed]( - 15 Docker Hacks & Tips!
* [Jorge Morales Pou]( - (2014) ...use a Proxy for speeding up docker images creation
* [Dan Walsh]( - (2016) Secure Your Containers with this One Weird Trick
* [Jeff Geerling]( - (2017) Stopping Docker containers via fuzzy matching on the name
* [Jeff Geerling]( - (2017) dockrun oneshot — quick local environments for testing infrastructure
* [Jeff Geerling]( - (2016) How I test Ansible configuration on 7 different OSes with Docker
* [Rafael Benevides]( - (2016) 10 things to avoid in docker containers
* [Kim Hirokuni]( - (2014) Gotchas in Writing Dockerfile
* [Center for Internet Security (CIS)]( - CIS Benchmarks: 100+ free downloadable configuration guidelines for various technology groups to safeguard systems against today’s evolving cyber threats. | Lot of useful information to harden windows/linux operating systems, secure server softwares, docker containers, etc.
* [Cliff Turner]( - (2018) These 10 tips will ensure your containers are compliant
* [Andrew Lock]( - (2018) Handy Docker commands for local development - Part 1
* [Andrew Lock]( - (2018) Handy Docker commands for local development - Part 2
* [Stack Overflow]( - Docker - Cannot remove dead container | `rm: cannot remove /var/lib/docker/overlay/<hash>/merged: Device or resource busy` Solution : grep <hash> /proc/*/mountinfo then find the pid of <hash> and kill it
* [Gerred Dillon]( - (2017) Even Smaller Docker Image Sizes
* [Sean Kane]( - (2018) 6 creative ways to solve problems with Linux containers and Docker
> Tools
* [Julien Bisconti]( - Awesome-docker : A curated list of Docker resources and projects. **See also** [GitHub repository](
* [dockerlint]( - Linting tool for Dockerfiles based on [Dockerfile Reference]( and [Best practices for writing Dockerfiles](
* [FROM:latest]( - an opinionated Dockerfile linter online
* [jwilder/dockerize]( - Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers
* [jwilder/docker-squash]( - Squash docker images to make them smaller
* [Ansible Container]( - a tool to build Docker images and orchestrate containers using only Ansible playbooks
* [drone]( - Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go
* [containerd]( - An open and reliable container runtime
* [Josh Reichardt]( - Lint your Dockerfiles with Hadolint
* [estesp/mquery]( - mquery shows the list of architectures supported by a specific docker image. via [Dieter Reuter](
* [Jeff Geerling]( - (2017) dockrun oneshot — quick local environments for testing infrastructure
* [CRI-O]( - a lightweight alternative to using Docker as the runtime for kubernetes. Implements Kubernetes CRI (Container Runtime Interface) & enables OCI (Open Container Initiative) compatible runtimes.
* [William Henry]( - (2017) Getting Started with Buildah | how to build container images compliant with the Open Container Initiative (OCI) image specification
* [docker-slim/docker-slim]( - DockerSlim (docker-slim): Optimize and secure your Docker containers (free and open source)
* [Friz-zy/awesome-linux-containers]( - curated resources for Linux Containers
* [docker/docker-bench-security]( - Docker Bench for Security is a script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production.
* [CoreOS Blog]( - Clair: Open Source Vulnerability Analysis for your Containers
* [jessfraz/bane]( - AppArmor profile generator for Docker containers.
* [JP La Torre]( - 50+ Useful Docker Tools
* [Chris Ward]( - (2017) A Comparison of Docker GUIs
* [Evan Klein]( - (2018) Container Vulnerability Management with OpsSight
* [jay-johnson/owasp-jenkins]( - test your apps vs OWASP and NIST using Jenkins, Ansible and docker
* [moby/buildkit]( - concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
* [aelsabbahy/goss]( - dgoss is a convenience wrapper around goss that aims to bring the simplicity of goss to docker containers.
* [Anthony Lapenna]( - [Video] (2018) Manage your Docker environments easily with Portainer, by Anthony Lapenna (founder of Portainer), at Docker Belgium Meetup
* [arminc/clair-scanner]( - Docker containers vulnerability scan. **See also** [](arminc/clair-local-scan)
* [jessfraz/dockfmt]( - Dockerfile format and parser. Like `gofmt` but for Dockerfiles.
* [GoogleContainerTools/jib]( - 🏗 Build container images for your Java applications.
## Gradle
* [Viktor Farcic]( - (2014) Java Build Tools: Ant vs Maven vs Gradle
@ -2037,7 +2046,7 @@ See also [Infrastructure](#infrastructure)
* [David Hoover]( - [Video] Jenkins World 2016 - Jenkins Inside Google
* [rhwood/jenkins-slave-osx]( - Example of Jenkins slave setup script for Mac OSX
* [Alvin Huang]( - (2017) Codifying the Build and Release Process with a Pipeline Shared Library
* [Maxime Greau]( - (2017) Tips * [Maxime Greau]( - (2017) Tips * [Maxime Greau]( - (2017) Tips * [Maxime Greau]( - Tips & Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss
* [Maxime Greau]( - Tips & Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss
* [aelsabbahy/dgoss-examples]( - dgoss examples, including examples for jenkins
* [Hannah Inman]( - (2017) Extending your Pipeline with Shared Libraries, Global Functions and External Code. **Bonus** : [Slides from Brent Laster](
* [Oleg Nenashev]( - Managing Security in Jenkins. Cheat Sheet
@ -2165,7 +2174,7 @@ See also [Infrastructure](#infrastructure)
## Maven
* [Maven Docs]( - How to keep the master password on removable drive
* [Lieven Doclo]( - Why I Never Use the Maven Release Plugin
* [Maxime Greau]( - (2017) Tips * [Maxime Greau]( - (2017) Tips * [Maxime Greau]( - (2017) Tips * [Maxime Greau]( - Tips & Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss
* [Maxime Greau]( - Tips & Tricks to migrate hundred maven jenkins jobs to Pipeline as code with Docker, Goss / Dgoss
* [Viktor Farcic]( - (2014) Java Build Tools: Ant vs Maven vs Gradle
* [Spring Initializr]( - bootstrap your application now : Generate Maven / Gradle projects with Groovy / Java / Kotlin and Spring Boot
* [Rafael Eyng]( - Using Nexus 3 as Your Repository - Part 1: Maven Artifacts
@ -3639,6 +3648,7 @@ See also [AWS](#aws) and [Terraform](#terraform)
* [Rosemary Wang]( - (2019) Test-Driven Development for Infrastructure
* [Nic Jackson]( - (2018) HashiCorp Terraform: Modules as Building Blocks for Infrastructure
* [k1LoW/awspec]( - RSpec tests for your AWS resources.
* [Jeff Geerling]( - (2017) dockrun oneshot — quick local environments for testing infrastructure
## Jira
> News
@ -6629,6 +6639,7 @@ See also [Dotfiles / Aliases](#dotfiles--aliases)
* [k1LoW/awspec]( - RSpec tests for your AWS resources.
* [Gregg Caines]( - (2018) Zero Defect Policy
* [Gilles Scokart]( - [Slides] (2016) Stop testing start designing
* [Jeff Geerling]( - (2017) dockrun oneshot — quick local environments for testing infrastructure
# Transportation :train2: :oncoming_automobile:
> Learn
@ -6699,6 +6710,7 @@ rpm --rebuilddb
* [Downdetector]( - offers a realtime overview of status information and outages for all kinds of services. | online monitoring of your favorite services
* [Seth Robertson]( - (2013) On undoing, fixing, or removing commits or mistakes in git | A git choose-your-own-adventure!
* [MorganGeek]( - My Network cheatsheet
* [Sean Kane]( - (2018) 6 creative ways to solve problems with Linux containers and Docker
# UX / UI
> News
Reference in New Issue
Block a user