- git alias to push to all remote whatever their name is - ansible-vault hack to print all secret strings from a ansible file with a mix of secrets and cleartext informations
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# Example aliases
# alias zshconfig="mate ~/.zshrc"
# alias ohmyzsh="mate ~/.oh-my-zsh"
# Git, dotfiles, ripgrep, Node.JS
alias gcls='git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules'
alias cm='chezmoi'
alias grep='rg'
alias npmlist='npm list -g --depth 0'
alias lg='lazygit'
alias lzd='lazydocker'
alias setorigin='grset origin'
alias neworigin='setorigin'
alias origin='setorigin'
alias gpar='gitpushallremote'
# Jira
alias jirasearch='issues'
alias cicdlist="jira issue jql \"project = 'CICD' AND resolution = Unresolved\""
alias backlogs="jira issue jql \"status = New AND project IN (CICD) AND Created > -2w ORDER BY Priority DESC\""
alias bakclogs='backlogs'
alias support="jira issue jql \"project in (CICD) AND (Created > -2w AND resolution = Unresolved AND (type = 'Engineering Incident' AND status not in ('Waiting for external information') OR type IN ('Engineering Request', 'Task', 'User Story') AND status in ('New', 'To be picked next')) OR resolution != Unresolved AND status = 'In Progress') ORDER BY key DESC\""
alias guardian="support"
alias lastissues='jira issue jql "project IN (CICD) AND Created > -2w ORDER BY Created DESC, Priority DESC"'
alias workingon="jira issue jql \"assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved AND status not in ('In Review', 'Done', 'In Testing', 'Waiting For Build') OR QA = currentUser() AND status = 'In Testing' ORDER BY updated DESC, priority DESC\""
alias toreview='jira issue jql "project in (CICD) AND Updated > -2w AND issue.property[development].openprs > 0 ORDER BY Created DESC, Priority ASC"'
alias newissues="jira issue jql \"project IN (CICD) AND Created > -2w AND resolution = Unresolved AND status not in ('In Progress') ORDER BY Created DESC, Priority DESC\""
alias n='newissues'
alias backlog=cicdlist
alias bakclog='backlog'
alias b='backlog'
alias mybacklog="jira issue ls && asana"
alias mb='mybacklog'
alias myissues='mb'
alias me='mb'
alias j='jira issue open'
# News
alias hack='hacker'
alias crypto='curl rate.sx'
# Twitter
alias twitter='\t'
alias tsearch='twitter search all'
alias tweets='tsearch --long -a -d'
alias tsearchfav='twitter search favorites'
alias tsearchtimeline='twitter search timeline'
# Search
alias ddg='ddgr'
alias goo='googler'
alias se='sr -elvi'
alias engines='sr -elvi'
# Events
alias agenda='calendar'
alias mails="gmail && gmail2"
alias mailperso="gmail2"
alias mailpro="gmail"
# Viewing files
alias cat='bat --style=plain --color "always"'
alias preview="fzf --preview 'bat --color \"always\" --style=plain {}' --cycle "
alias markdown2='pandoc README.md | lynx -stdin -dump'
alias markdown='glow'
# To do / Done
#alias done='task_done'
# Management / Security / SSH / SSL
alias mgmt='ssh $(whoami)@$PROXY_HOST -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519'
alias m='mgmt'
alias tunnel='ssh -D 8000 -N $(whoami)@$PROXY_HOST -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519'
alias sshpub='cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub'
alias ssla="openssl x509 -alias -noout -in" # Usage : ssla <cert>
alias encrypt='ansible-vault encrypt **/vault.yml --vault-password-file=$VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE'
alias decrypt='ansible-vault decrypt **/vault.yml --vault-password-file=$VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE'
alias newpass='bw generate --special --uppercase --lowercase --number --length 30'
# Network
alias ip='echo $(curl ident.me -4 2>/dev/null)'
alias ipinfo='curl "ipinfo.io/"$(ip)'
alias getips='\egrep "\b(([0-9]{1,2}|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}(1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]|[0-9]{1,2})\b"'
# Misc
alias h='cd $HOME'
alias bash="/usr/local/bin/bash"
alias diff='colordiff --side-by-side --ignore-space-change --width=200 --suppress-common-lines --recursive'
alias cp='cp -i' # confirmation before overwrite #
alias mv='mv -i' # confirmation before overwrite
alias rm='gomi'
alias df='df -H'
alias du='ncdu --color dark -rr -x --exclude .git --exclude node_modules'
#alias du='du -ch'
alias weather='weather "?lang=fr&"'
alias headers='curl -I --compress' # Find out if remote server supports gzip / mod_deflate or not #
alias hist='history'
alias path='echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}' # Explode and display current PATH
alias ping='prettyping -c 5 --nolegend' # Stop after sending count ECHO_REQUEST packets
alias https='http --default-scheme=https' # useful alias stealed from a colleague. http is provided by httpie
alias p='ps -ef | grep -i ' # Show matching processes. Usage : p <process name>
alias root='sudo -i'
alias s=ls
alias sl=ll
alias v=vi
alias ls='lsd'
alias tree='ls --almost-all --tree'
alias pip='pip3'
alias c='cat'
alias x='extract'
alias current_year='`echo date +"%Y"`'
alias learnmore="apropos . | sort --random-sort | awk 'NR == 1 {print$1}' | cut -d'(' -f 1 | xargs man"
alias biggerthan10='biggerthan 10M'
alias latency='curl cheat.sh/latency'
alias moon='curl "wttr.in/Moon?lang=fr"'
alias lune='moon'
alias help='tldr'
alias systeminfo='neofetch'
alias monitoring='glances'
alias ':q'='exit'
alias irc='weechat'
alias trello='3llo'
alias unix='curl -L http://git.io/unix'
alias coffee="curl -L http://git.io/coffee"
alias hotcoffee="curl -sL git.io/hotcoffee | sh"
alias usernames="python3 $HOME/Code/sherlock/sherlock.py --rank --print-found"
alias checken="aspell check -d en"
alias checkfr="aspell check -d fr"
alias gw='./gradlew'
alias terraform_landscape='landscape'
alias tf='terraform'
# Music
alias music='baton'
alias mytracks='music me saved tracks'
alias saved='mytracks'
alias liked='saved'
alias next='music next'
alias prev='music prev'
alias previous='prev'
alias like='music save'
alias curr='music status'
# K8S
alias k9s='COLORTERM=256bit k9s --all-namespaces'
alias 9=k9s
alias K=k9s
# Show/hide hidden files in Finder
alias show="defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true && killall Finder"
alias hide="defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool false && killall Finder"
# Hide/show all desktop icons (useful when presenting)
alias hidedesktop="defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop -bool false && killall Finder"
alias showdesktop="defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop -bool true && killall Finder"
# Flush Directory Service cache
alias flush="dscacheutil -flushcache && killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
# This is the end ;( ... for now ;D