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[123test.com](https://www.123test.com/disc-personality-test) - Your DISC Personality Report
## Introduction
Your specific distribution of scores on the DISC personality test is an indication of your unique personality. You can think of this as your DISC Personality 'DNA'. In the pie chart below you see your distribution of scores.
The highest percentage is likely to be your most dominant personality factor, the second highest your next most dominant personality factor and so on. As such for you the DISC factors are ordered as: Steadiness, Compliance, Influence, Dominance.

## DISC Personality Model
To help you understand the DISC model of personality here are definitions of the four factors measured.
### Dominance
Describes the way you deal with problems, assert yourself and control situations.
### Influence
Describes the way you deal with people, the way you communicate and relate to others.
### Steadiness
Describes your temperament - patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness
### Compliance
Describes how you approach and organize your activity, procedures and responsibilities.
## Your DISC personality type
Your unique sequence of scores characterizes you in a specific way. The positive impact you are likely to make on people is:
You are tenacious and determined to follow a course of action - to achieve objectives. You are a clear thinker. You have an inner need to be objective and analytical. You like to pursue a definite course of action. You respond to logic rather than emotion. You are likely to be particularly good at handling challenging technical assignments.
## DISC Patterns or Profiles
As you will appreciate, there are literally thousands of different combinations of scores. Therefore to help interpretation, communication and understanding, DISC Personality Model experts have defined - through statistical analysis of the score combinations - fifteen DISC 'Patterns' or 'Profiles'.
The 'Profiles' are often given names. The objective of these names is to give a single descriptive term that captures the essence of that Profile. Names often used are Achiever, Coach, Evaluator, Counselor, Creative, Individualist, Inspirational, Investigator, Objective Thinker, Perfectionist, Persuader, Practitioner, Enthusiast, Results-Oriented or Specialist