#!/bin/bash # List of GitHub repositories repos=( "atas/ssg" "cfenollosa/bashblog" "venthur/blag" "spekulatius/laravel-commonmark-blog" "imfunniee/gitfolio" "dannyvankooten/gozer" "hexojs/hexo" "hyde/hyde" "styxlab/next-cms-ghost" "jekyll/jekyll" "kabukky/journey" "sunainapai/makesite" "imathis/octopress" "getpelican/pelican" "williamd1k0/sake" "spress/Spress" "nakkaya/static" "vladris/tinkerer" "leonstafford" ) # Function to get the last commit date get_last_commit_date() { curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/$1/commits" | jq -r '.[0].commit.author.date // empty' } # Check and collect activity data activity_data=() for repo in "${repos[@]}"; do last_commit_date=$(get_last_commit_date "$repo") if [[ ! -z "$last_commit_date" ]]; then activity_data+=("$repo: $last_commit_date") else activity_data+=("$repo: No recent activity or inaccessible") fi done # Sort and print the activity data IFS=$'\n' sorted_activity_data=($(sort -t: -k2 <<<"${activity_data[*]}")) unset IFS echo "Repository activity (sorted by date):" for data in "${sorted_activity_data[@]}"; do echo "$data" done