diff --git a/cron/generate_indieblog_rss.php b/cron/generate_indieblog_rss.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b7e04f6..0000000
--- a/cron/generate_indieblog_rss.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// Configuration
-$jsonUrl = "https://indieblog.page/export"; // Source JSON URL
-$rssFile = "/app/data/public/indieblog_feed.xml"; // RSS output file
-$cacheFile = "/app/data/cache/indieblog_cache.txt"; // Cache for processed IDs
-$recentCutoff = time() - 86400; // Articles published within the last 24 hours
-// Ensure necessary directories exist
-@mkdir(dirname($rssFile), 0777, true);
-@mkdir(dirname($cacheFile), 0777, true);
-// Load JSON data
-$jsonData = @file_get_contents($jsonUrl);
-if (!$jsonData) {
-    die("Error: Unable to fetch JSON from $jsonUrl\n");
-// Decode JSON into an array
-$data = json_decode($jsonData, true);
-if (!$data) {
-    die("Error: Invalid JSON data from $jsonUrl\n");
-// Load cache of already processed IDs
-$includedIds = file_exists($cacheFile) ? file($cacheFile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES) : [];
-// Filter recent items
-$recentItems = array_filter($data, function ($item) use ($recentCutoff, $includedIds) {
-    return isset($item['published'], $item['itemid']) &&
-           $item['published'] >= $recentCutoff &&
-           !in_array($item['itemid'], $includedIds);
-// Sort items by publication date (newest first)
-usort($recentItems, fn($a, $b) => $b['published'] <=> $a['published']);
-// Generate RSS feed
-$rss = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0"></rss>');
-$channel = $rss->addChild('channel');
-$channel->addChild('title', 'IndieBlog Feed (Recent)');
-$channel->addChild('link', 'https://indieblog.page/');
-$channel->addChild('description', 'RSS feed of articles published in the last 24 hours');
-$channel->addChild('language', 'en');
-// Add recent items to RSS feed
-$newEntries = [];
-foreach ($recentItems as $item) {
-    $rssItem = $channel->addChild('item');
-    $rssItem->addChild('title', htmlspecialchars($item['itemtitle'] ?? 'No title'));
-    $rssItem->addChild('link', htmlspecialchars($item['itemurl'] ?? ''));
-    $rssItem->addChild('pubDate', date(DATE_RSS, $item['published']));
-    // Fetch original RSS feed content for the entry
-    $originalContent = fetchOriginalContent($item['itemurl']);
-    $rssItem->addChild('description', htmlspecialchars($originalContent ?? $item['feedtitle'] ?? 'No content'));
-    $newEntries[] = $item['itemid'];
-// Update cache with newly processed IDs
-if (!empty($newEntries)) {
-    file_put_contents($cacheFile, implode("\n", array_merge($includedIds, $newEntries)));
-// Save RSS feed
- * Fetches the original content from a given URL.
- *
- * @param string $url The URL of the article to fetch.
- * @return string|null The extracted content, or null if unavailable.
- */
-function fetchOriginalContent(string $url): ?string
-    $html = @file_get_contents($url);
-    if (!$html) {
-        return null;
-    }
-    // Extract content between <body> tags (basic extraction, adapt as needed)
-    if (preg_match('/<body.*?>(.*?)<\/body>/si', $html, $matches)) {
-        // Clean HTML content (strip tags, keep minimal formatting)
-        return strip_tags($matches[1], '<p><br><a><strong><em>');
-    }
-    return null;