AppleAntiAliasingThreshold 1 AppleScrollAnimationEnabled 0 AppleSmoothFixedFontsSizeThreshold 1 AppleWindowTabbingMode manual Default Bookmark Guid 15B87686-16CF-448A-9B73-5E38F56A2179 HotkeyMigratedFromSingleToMulti LoadPrefsFromCustomFolder NSNavLastRootDirectory ~ NSNavPanelExpandedSizeForOpenMode {712, 448} NSQuotedKeystrokeBinding NSRepeatCountBinding NSScrollAnimationEnabled NSScrollViewShouldScrollUnderTitlebar NSTableView Columns v2 KeyBingingTable YnBsaXN0MDDUAQIDBAUGNjdYJHZlcnNpb25YJG9iamVjdHNZJGFyY2hpdmVyVCR0b3AS AAGGoK4HCA8aGxwdHh8gJjAxMlUkbnVsbNIJCgsOWk5TLm9iamVjdHNWJGNsYXNzogwN gAKACoAN0xAJChEVGVdOUy5rZXlzoxITFIADgASABaMWFxiABoAHgAiACVpJZGVudGlm aWVyVVdpZHRoVkhpZGRlblEwI0BowAAAAAAACNIhIiMkWiRjbGFzc25hbWVYJGNsYXNz ZXNcTlNEaWN0aW9uYXJ5oiMlWE5TT2JqZWN00xAJCicrGaMSExSAA4AEgAWjLC0YgAuA DIAIgAlRMSNAdKGdsi0OVtIhIjM0Xk5TTXV0YWJsZUFycmF5ozM1JVdOU0FycmF5XxAP TlNLZXllZEFyY2hpdmVy0Tg5VUFycmF5gAEACAARABoAIwAtADIANwBGAEwAUQBcAGMA 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0.20454354275567976 Red Component 0.041207635309547186 Ansi 1 Color Blue Component 0.18431372549019609 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.19607843137254902 Red Component 0.86274509803921573 Ansi 10 Color Blue Component 0.45882352941176469 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.43137254901960786 Red Component 0.34509803921568627 Ansi 11 Color Blue Component 0.51372549019607838 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.4823529411764706 Red Component 0.396078431372549 Ansi 12 Color Blue Component 0.58823529411764708 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.58039215686274515 Red Component 0.51372549019607838 Ansi 13 Color Blue Component 0.7686274509803922 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.44313725490196076 Red Component 0.42352941176470588 Ansi 14 Color Blue Component 0.63137254901960782 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.63137254901960782 Red Component 0.57647058823529407 Ansi 15 Color Blue Component 0.8901960784313725 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.96470588235294119 Red Component 0.99215686274509807 Ansi 2 Color Blue Component 0.0 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.59999999999999998 Red Component 0.52156862745098043 Ansi 3 Color Blue Component 0.0 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.53725490196078429 Red Component 0.70980392156862748 Ansi 4 Color Blue Component 0.82352941176470584 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.54509803921568623 Red Component 0.14901960784313725 Ansi 5 Color Blue Component 0.50980392156862742 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.21176470588235294 Red Component 0.82745098039215681 Ansi 6 Color Blue Component 0.59607843137254901 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.63137254901960782 Red Component 0.16470588235294117 Ansi 7 Color Blue Component 0.83529411764705885 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.90980392156862744 Red Component 0.93333333333333335 Ansi 8 Color Alpha Component 1 Blue Component 0.489013671875 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.40845434382630458 Red Component 0.093540579080581665 Ansi 9 Color Blue Component 0.086274509803921567 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.29411764705882354 Red Component 0.79607843137254897 BM Growl Background Color Alpha Component 1 Blue Component 0.1885986328125 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.15130124290420305 Red Component 0.0055023282766342163 Background Image Location Badge Color Alpha Component 0.5 Blue Component 0.0 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.1491314172744751 Red Component 1 Blinking Cursor Blur Bold Color Blue Component 0.63137254901960782 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.63137254901960782 Red Component 0.57647058823529407 Character Encoding 4 Close Sessions On End Columns 80 Command Cursor Color Blue Component 0.58823529411764708 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.58039215686274515 Red Component 0.51372549019607838 Cursor Guide Color Alpha Component 0.25 Blue Component 1 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.9268307089805603 Red Component 0.70213186740875244 Cursor Text Color Blue Component 0.25882352941176473 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.21176470588235294 Red Component 0.027450980392156862 Custom Command No Custom Directory No Default Bookmark No Description Default Disable Window Resizing Flashing Bell Foreground Color Blue Component 0.58823529411764708 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.58039215686274515 Red Component 0.51372549019607838 Guid 15B87686-16CF-448A-9B73-5E38F56A2179 Horizontal Spacing 1 Idle Code 0 Jobs to Ignore rlogin ssh slogin telnet Keyboard Map 0x2d-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x1f 0x32-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x00 0x33-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x1b 0x34-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x1c 0x35-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x1d 0x36-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x1e 0x37-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x1f 0x38-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x7f 0xf700-0x220000 Action 10 Text [1;2A 0xf700-0x240000 Action 10 Text [1;5A 0xf700-0x260000 Action 10 Text [1;6A 0xf700-0x280000 Action 11 Text 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 0xf701-0x220000 Action 10 Text [1;2B 0xf701-0x240000 Action 10 Text [1;5B 0xf701-0x260000 Action 10 Text [1;6B 0xf701-0x280000 Action 11 Text 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42 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Component 0.35916060209274292 Red Component 0.0 Minimum Contrast 0.0 Mouse Reporting Name MorganGeek Non Ascii Font Monaco 12 Non-ASCII Anti Aliased Normal Font MesloLGMForPowerline-Regular 14 Option Key Sends 0 Prompt Before Closing 2 Right Option Key Sends 0 Rows 25 Screen -1 Scrollback Lines 0 Selected Text Color Blue Component 0.63137254901960782 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.63137254901960782 Red Component 0.57647058823529407 Selection Color Blue Component 0.25882352941176473 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.21176470588235294 Red Component 0.027450980392156862 Send Code When Idle Shortcut Silence Bell Sync Title Tags Terminal Type xterm-256color Transparency 0.0 Unlimited Scrollback Use Bold Font Use Bright Bold Use Italic Font Use Non-ASCII Font Vertical Spacing 1 Visual Bell Window Type 0 Working Directory /Users/morganwattiez ASCII Anti Aliased Ambiguous Double Width Ansi 0 Color Blue Component 0.0 Green Component 0.0 Red Component 0.0 Ansi 1 Color Blue Component 0.0 Green Component 0.0 Red Component 0.73333334922790527 Ansi 10 Color Blue Component 0.3333333432674408 Green Component 1 Red Component 0.3333333432674408 Ansi 11 Color Blue Component 0.3333333432674408 Green Component 1 Red Component 1 Ansi 12 Color Blue Component 1 Green Component 0.3333333432674408 Red Component 0.3333333432674408 Ansi 13 Color Blue Component 1 Green Component 0.3333333432674408 Red Component 1 Ansi 14 Color Blue Component 1 Green Component 1 Red Component 0.3333333432674408 Ansi 15 Color Blue Component 1 Green Component 1 Red Component 1 Ansi 2 Color Blue Component 0.0 Green Component 0.73333334922790527 Red Component 0.0 Ansi 3 Color Blue Component 0.0 Green Component 0.73333334922790527 Red Component 0.73333334922790527 Ansi 4 Color Blue Component 0.73333334922790527 Green Component 0.0 Red Component 0.0 Ansi 5 Color Blue Component 0.73333334922790527 Green Component 0.0 Red Component 0.73333334922790527 Ansi 6 Color Blue Component 0.73333334922790527 Green Component 0.73333334922790527 Red Component 0.0 Ansi 7 Color Blue Component 0.73333334922790527 Green Component 0.73333334922790527 Red Component 0.73333334922790527 Ansi 8 Color Blue Component 0.3333333432674408 Green Component 0.3333333432674408 Red Component 0.3333333432674408 Ansi 9 Color Blue Component 0.3333333432674408 Green Component 0.3333333432674408 Red Component 1 BM Growl Background Color Blue Component 0.0 Green Component 0.0 Red Component 0.0 Background Image Location Badge Color Alpha Component 0.5 Blue Component 0.0 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.1491314172744751 Red Component 1 Blinking Cursor Blur Bold Color Blue Component 1 Green Component 1 Red Component 1 Bound Hosts Character Encoding 4 Close Sessions On End Columns 80 Command Cursor Color Blue Component 0.73333334922790527 Green Component 0.73333334922790527 Red Component 0.73333334922790527 Cursor Guide Color Alpha Component 0.25 Blue Component 1 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.9268307089805603 Red Component 0.70213186740875244 Cursor Text Color Blue Component 1 Green Component 1 Red Component 1 Custom Command No Custom Directory No Default Bookmark No Description Default Disable Window Resizing Flashing Bell Foreground Color Blue Component 0.73333334922790527 Green Component 0.73333334922790527 Red Component 0.73333334922790527 Guid 15A093AF-9137-4B3A-90D8-BCD98572EDBC Horizontal Spacing 1 Idle Code 0 Jobs to Ignore rlogin ssh slogin telnet Keyboard Map 0x2d-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x1f 0x32-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x00 0x33-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x1b 0x34-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x1c 0x35-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x1d 0x36-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x1e 0x37-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x1f 0x38-0x40000 Action 11 Text 0x7f 0xf700-0x220000 Action 10 Text [1;2A 0xf700-0x240000 Action 10 Text [1;5A 0xf700-0x260000 Action 10 Text [1;6A 0xf700-0x280000 Action 11 Text 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 0xf701-0x220000 Action 10 Text [1;2B 0xf701-0x240000 Action 10 Text [1;5B 0xf701-0x260000 Action 10 Text 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Component 0.73423302173614502 Color Space sRGB Green Component 0.35916060209274292 Red Component 0.0 Mouse Reporting Name New Profile Non Ascii Font Monaco 12 Non-ASCII Anti Aliased Normal Font MesloLGMForPowerline-Regular 14 Option Key Sends 0 Prompt Before Closing 2 Right Option Key Sends 0 Rows 25 Screen -1 Scrollback Lines 0 Selected Text Color Blue Component 0.0 Green Component 0.0 Red Component 0.0 Selection Color Blue Component 1 Green Component 0.8353000283241272 Red Component 0.70980000495910645 Send Code When Idle Shortcut Silence Bell Sync Title Tags Terminal Type xterm-256color Transparency 0.0 Unlimited Scrollback Use Bold Font Use Bright Bold Use Italic Font Use Non-ASCII Font Vertical Spacing 1 Visual Bell Window Type 0 Working Directory /Users/morganwattiez NoSyncHaveRequestedFullDiskAccess NoSyncHaveWarnedAboutPasteConfirmationChange NoSyncInstallationId 6053078B-123D-4964-ABE5-B70BC0C708E3 NoSyncNeverRemindPrefsChangesLostForFile NoSyncNeverRemindPrefsChangesLostForFile_selection 0 NoSyncPermissionToShowTip NoSyncTimeOfFirstLaunchOfVersionWithTip 569923461.412552 PointerActions Button,1,1,, Action kContextMenuPointerAction Button,2,1,, Action kPasteFromClipboardPointerAction Gesture,ThreeFingerSwipeDown,, Action kPrevWindowPointerAction Gesture,ThreeFingerSwipeLeft,, Action kPrevTabPointerAction Gesture,ThreeFingerSwipeRight,, Action kNextTabPointerAction Gesture,ThreeFingerSwipeUp,, Action kNextWindowPointerAction PrefsCustomFolder /Users/morganwattiez SUEnableAutomaticChecks SUFeedAlternateAppNameKey iTerm SUFeedURL SUHasLaunchedBefore SULastCheckTime 2019-02-26T13:53:46Z SUSendProfileInfo TabStyleWithAutomaticOption 4 WordCharacters /-+\~_. iTerm Version 3.2.7 kCPKSelectionViewPreferredModeKey 0 kCPKSelectionViewShowHSBTextFieldsKey