### self suggestions of content to import ___ > currently working on * [ ] Highlight news sites in each section because everything seems equally important now * [ ] Add links from inbox (by gmail) * [ ] Add onetab links / bookmarks from other computers * [ ] work computer * [x] personal portable (windows) * [ ] personal portable (linux) * [ ] personal desktop * [ ] Add links from IM hipchat ___ > foreseen * [ ] Add links from IM slack * [ ] Add links from IM fb * [ ] Add [tweets](https://twitter.com/MorganGeek) and [bookmarks](https://twitter.com/MorganGeek/likes) from twitter * [ ] Add [stars from github](https://github.com/MorganGeek?tab=stars) * [ ] Add [cheatsheets from bitbucket](https://bitbucket.org/morgangeek/cheatsheet) * [ ] Add links from [shaarli](http://www.morgangeek.be/shaarli/) * [ ] Add bookmarks from backups * [ ] 2014' backup * [ ] 2013' backup * [ ] 2007' backup * [ ] need to search for other backups * [x] Add bookmarks from mobile device * [ ] Add links from [blog](http://www.morgangeek.be/blog/) * [ ] Add [saved links from reddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/MorganGeek/saved/) * [ ] Add [favorites](https://stackexchange.com/users/2315914/morgangeek?tab=favorites) from stack exchange communities * [ ] Add likes from social networks ([fb](https://www.facebook.com/mwattiez/allactivity?privacy_source=activity_log&log_filter=likes), [google+](https://plus.google.com/+MorganWattiez)) * [ ] Add links from [rememberthemilk](https://www.rememberthemilk.com/app/#all) * [ ] Add lists from my bullet journal (developer values ...) * [ ] Add some must-watch youtube [likes](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3gqyF0Mvh7EaOIa31JkEXA/videos?view=15&sort=dd&shelf_id=0) / [channels](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3gqyF0Mvh7EaOIa31JkEXA/channels?view=56&shelf_id=0) * [ ] Add [likes from stumbleupon](http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/MorganGeek/likes)