[QUIZ: Which area of tech should you study?](https://careerswithstem.com.au/tech-study-and-career-quiz/#gsc.tab=0) # Results ## Design There is no generic design degree in tech study, so you're going to have to do a little research to help you decide where you'd like to end up. If you love the idea of working with technology like smart phones or websites, consider product design or UX design. If you're fixated on creativity and storytelling, try games design or animation. If you can't find a degree that fits exactly what you'd like to do, start looking at the majors you can study in more general degrees. ## When you're looking for study options, consider: - Animation - Games development - Industrial technology and design - Engineering degrees in product design - IT - Computer science - Software engineering ## You could look for a career in: - Software development - Games design - App development - Web development - Database development - Cybersecurity analysis - Data analysis - Computer systems analysis