I just want to centralize my findings and bookmarks in a central location, and share them. ## Contents * [Anime](#anime) * [Architecture / Design](#architecture--design) * [Collaboration & Problem solving](#collaboration--problem-solving) * [Creativity](#creativity) * [Culture](#culture) * [Data](#data) * [DevOps](#devops) * [Ansible](#ansible) * [Ansible Vault](#ansible-vault) * [Bitbucket](#bitbucket) * [Consul (by Hashicorp)](#consul-by-hashicorp) * [Containers](#containers) * [Jenkins](#jenkins) * [Kubernetes](#kubernetes) * [Microservices](#microservices) * [Maven](#maven) * [Nexus](#nexus) * [OpenShift](#openshift) * [SecOps](#secops) * [Vagrant](#vagrant) * [Vault (by Hashicorp)](#vault-by-hashicorp) * [VirtualBox](#virtualbox) * [Finding content](#finding-content) * [App discovery](#app-discovery) * [Event discovery](#event-discovery) * [Free online tools](#free-online-tools) * [Gaming](#gaming) * [Health and Work-Life Balance](#health-and-work-life-balance) * [Remote jobs](#remote-jobs) * [Hobbies](#hobbies) * [Humor](#humor) * [Images](#images) * [Linux / Unix](#linux--unix) * [Linux for fun](#linux-for-fun) * [Raspberry Pi](#raspberry-pi) * [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) * [Tuning](#tuning) * [Vim](#vim) * [Manga](#manga) * [Music](#music) * [News](#news) * [Operations / IT OPS](#operations--it-ops) * [Apache](#apache) * [Logging](#logging) * [Monitoring](#monitoring) * [ServiceNow](#servicenow) * [Philosophy](#philosophy) * [Photography](#photography) * [Podcasts](#podcasts) * [Prepping](#prepping) * [Principles](PRINCIPLES.md) * [Privacy](#privacy) * [Productivity](#productivity) * [Programming](#programming) * [API](#api) * [Clean code](#clean-code) * [ChatOps](#chatops) * [Debugging](#debugging) * [Gamedev](#gamedev) * [Git](#git) * [Golang / Go](#golang--go) * [Groovy](#groovy) * [Java](#java) * [JavaScript](#javascript) * [Mac](#mac) * [Machine learning](#machine-learning) * [Mobile development](#mobile-development) * [Productivity](#productivity-1) * [Programmer humor](#programmer-humor) * [Python](#python) * [Reverse engineering](#reverse-engineering) * [Ruby](#ruby) * [Rust](#rust) * [Psychology](#psychology) * [Quotes](QUOTES.md) * [Robots](#robots) * [Scripting](#scripting) * [Shell aliases](#shell-aliases) * [Security / Infosec](#security--infosec) * [GPG](#gpg) * [OpenSSL](#openssl) * [Web](#web) * [Society](#society) * [Sports](#sports) * [Testing](#testing) * [UX / UI](#ux--ui) * [Design humor](#design-humor) * [Web development](#web-development) * [Windows](#windows) # Anime * [anime-planet](http://www.anime-planet.com/) - one of the most complete manga and anime database for finding recommended content, or cataloging and reviewing your collection # Architecture / Design * [David Alia](http://blog.octo.com/design-for-failure/) - [FR] Les Patterns des Grands du Web – Design for failure * [Mathieu Poignant](http://blog.octo.com/zero-downtime-deployment/) - [FR] Les Patterns des Géants du Web – Zero Downtime Deployment * [Benoit Lafontaine](http://blog.octo.com/continuous-deployment/) - [FR] Les Patterns des Grands du Web – Continuous Deployment * [Olivier Mallassi, Rudy Krol](http://blog.octo.com/devops/) - [FR] Les Patterns des Grands du Web – DevOps * [Don MacAskill](https://don.blogs.smugmug.com/2011/04/24/how-smugmug-survived-the-amazonpocalypse/) - How SmugMug survived the Amazonpocalypse * [Krishnan Subramanian](https://www.cloudave.com/11973/designing-for-failure-some-key-facts/) - Designing For Failure: Some Key Facts * [Martin Fowler](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/MonolithFirst.html) - MonolithFirst # Collaboration & Problem solving * [Ben Balter](http://ben.balter.com/2014/11/06/rules-of-communicating-at-github/) - 15 rules for communicating at GitHub * [Jason Fried](https://m.signalvnoise.com/is-group-chat-making-you-sweat-744659addf7d) - Is group chat making you sweat? * [Dale Emery](http://cwd.dhemery.com/2005/05/motivation) - model of motivation : Motivation = Ability × Results × Preferences * [Jbrains.ca](http://blog.jbrains.ca/permalink/what-if-we-forget-to-write-the-tests) - What If We Forget To Write the Tests? * [Paul Kaye](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/control-stifles-creativity-growth-paul-kaye) - Control stifles creativity and growth * [Corinna Baldauf](http://wall-skills.com/2017/glasls-stages-of-conflict-escalation/) - Glasl’s Stages of Conflict Escalation * [Wall-Skills](http://wall-skills.com/) - Great 1-pagers to share in your company * [Corinna Baldauf](http://wall-skills.com/2016/team-self-selection-kit/) - Team Self-Selection Kit * [Corinna Baldauf](http://wall-skills.com/2016/silence-a-room-in-5-seconds/) - Silence a Room in 5 Seconds * [Corinna Baldauf](http://wall-skills.com/2016/tuckmans-stages-of-team-development/) - Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development * [Jason Fried](https://m.signalvnoise.com/depend-less-on-each-other-507fe0e23e4b) - Depend less on each other * [Vaidehi Joshi](https://dev.to/vaidehijoshi/crafting-better-code-reviews) - Crafting Better Code Reviews * [Karl E. Wiegers](http://www.processimpact.com/articles/humanizing_reviews.html) - Humanizing Peer Reviews * [Dr. Deborah Mowshowitz](http://www.columbia.edu/cu/biology/faculty/mowshowitz/explaining.html) - How to Explain * [Joe Landsberger](http://www.studygs.net/problem/problemsolvingv1.htm) - Defining a problem; identifying causes; gathering information * [Jason Davis](http://engineering.simondata.com/effective-communication-in-a-remote-eng-setting) - Effective Communication in a Remote Engineering Setting * [Mike Walker](https://opensource.com/open-organization/17/6/team-differentiator-not-tech) - Your team's differentiator isn't its tech * [John Allspaw](http://www.kitchensoap.com/2017/03/06/book-suggestion-dialogue-the-art-of-thinking-together/) - Dialogue: The Art Of Thinking Together * [MindTools](https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/Assertiveness.htm) - Assertiveness : Working WITH People, Not Against Them * [Gregg Caines](http://caines.ca/blog/2013/05/07/a-requiem-for-a-team/) - A Requiem for a Team * [Julie Zhuo](https://medium.com/the-year-of-the-looking-glass/how-to-work-with-engineers-a3163ff1eced) - How to Work with Engineers : A Cheat Sheet for Designers * [Julie Zhuo](https://medium.com/the-year-of-the-looking-glass/how-to-work-with-designers-6c975dede146) - How to Work with Designers : A Cheat Sheet for Engineers and PMs * [Julie Zhuo](https://medium.com/the-year-of-the-looking-glass/how-to-work-with-pms-3e852d5eccf5) - How to Work with PMs : A Cheat Sheet for Designers * [Raúl Ávila](https://dev.to/raulavila/my-experience-with-pair-programming) - My Experience with Pair Programming * [Ben Hilburn](https://bhilburn.org/a-keystone-of-success/) - What mature engineers do and don't do / what it means to be a mature engineer. * [Mart Virkus](https://blog.toggl.com/2017/02/seven-circles-of-developer-hell/) - The Seven Circles of Developer Hell [Infographic] * [David Mytton](https://blog.serverdensity.com/how-to-do-code-reviews/) - How to do code reviews # Creativity * [Innovating Now!](https://innovatingnow.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/ck-theory/) - CK Theory : The Concept Knowledge Theory * [Jason Fried](https://m.signalvnoise.com/the-intimidating-zero-4d90fcdcc3b2) - The Intimidating Zero * [DIY Projects](https://diyprojects.com/) - Craft Ideas & How To’s for Home Decor with Videos * [Hackaday](http://hackaday.com/) - fresh hacks every day * [Louis-Xavier Lavallée](https://www.slideshare.net/LouisXavierLavalle/10-reasons-why-successful-leaders-are-keeping-a-journal-58921004) - [Slides] 10 Reasons Why Successful Leaders Are Keeping a Journal * [NanoDano](http://www.devdungeon.com/content/i-know-how-program-i-dont-know-what-program) - "I know how to program, but I don't know what to program" * [Nathan Kontny](https://m.signalvnoise.com/how-to-be-original-8877c5feeeb1) - How to be original / aka whom creative ideas come from ? * [Marion PoetzNikolaus FrankeMartin Schreier](https://hbr.org/2014/11/sometimes-the-best-ideas-come-from-outside-your-industry) - Sometimes the Best Ideas Come from Outside Your Industry * [Dan Kim](https://m.signalvnoise.com/its-ok-to-be-pragmatic-with-a-little-help-from-the-crazy-ones-461f7773a176) - It’s OK to be pragmatic (with a little help from the “crazy ones”) # Culture * [SensCritique](https://www.senscritique.com) - [FR] french social networking service meant for discovery, cataloging, sharing reviews and tastes in films, tv series, music, books, comics and video games * [Rotten Tomatoes](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/) - quality measurement for movies & tv, by creating a score based on top critics * [Metacritic](http://www.metacritic.com/) - similar to Rotten Tomatoes. Aggregates reviews and provides a metascore for movies, tv, games and music * [Internet Movie Database](http://www.imdb.com/) - aka IMDb, the biggest online database of info related to films and tv # Data * [/r/dataisbeautiful](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/) - a place for visualizations that effectively convey information * [/r/Infographics](https://www.reddit.com/r/Infographics/) - all the latest infographics * [/r/funnycharts](https://www.reddit.com/r/funnycharts/) - funny charts # DevOps * [HashiCorp](https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/) - Hashicorp Blog * [CloudBees](https://www.cloudbees.com/blog) - CloudBees Blog * [Jenkins CI](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5JBtmoz7ePk-33ZHimGiDQ) - Jenkins CI Youtube Channel * [CloudBees](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKlF3GIFy9KVUefVbycx_vw) - CloudBees TV Youtube Channel * [DZone](https://dzone.com/devops-tutorials-tools-news) - DZone Devops * [/r/devops](https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/) - Everything Devops on reddit * [Netflix](https://medium.com/@NetflixTechBlog) - NetFlix Technology Blog * [DEV](https://dev.to/t/devops) - DevOps related articles on dev.to() * [Stack Exchange](https://devops.stackexchange.com/) - DevOps questions & answers * [ThoughtWorks](https://www.thoughtworks.com/radar) - Technology radar : trends, insights into tools, frameworks, languages, techniques & platforms shaping the future * [Puppet Blog](https://puppet.com/blog) * [Derek E. Weeks](https://devops.com/21-devops-docker-reference-architectures/) - 21 DevOps and Docker Reference Architectures * [Derek E. Weeks](https://devops.com/31-reference-architectures-devops-continuous-delivery/) - 31 Reference Architectures for DevOps and Continuous Delivery. [Slides here](https://www.slideshare.net/SonatypeCorp/nexus-and-continuous-delivery) * [Olivier Mallassi, Rudy Krol](http://blog.octo.com/devops/) - [FR] Les Patterns des Grands du Web – DevOps * [Martin Rusev](https://www.amon.cx/blog/how-i-replaced-ssh/) - How I Replaced SSH with ZeroMQ and Salt * [Martin Rusev](https://www.amon.cx/blog/saltstack-review/) - SaltStack - Review and how it fares against Ansible and Puppet? * [Josh Dreyfuss](http://blog.takipi.com/deployment-management-tools-chef-vs-puppet-vs-ansible-vs-saltstack-vs-fabric/) - Deployment Management Tools: Chef vs. Puppet vs. Ansible vs. SaltStack vs. Fabric * [Engin Yöyen ](http://enginyoyen.com/service-discovery-choosing-the-right-tool/) - Service Discovery : Choosing the Right Tool * [Viktor Farcic](https://technologyconversations.com/2017/03/06/the-ten-commandments-of-continuous-delivery/) - The Ten Commandments Of Continuous Delivery * [Pushkar Singh](https://theagilecoder.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/devops-maturity-model.png) - [PNG] Devops Maturity Model * [DevOpsGuys](https://www.devopsguys.com/2013/02/06/maturing-the-continuous-delivery-pipeline/) - Maturing the Continuous Delivery Pipeline * [Tony Bradley](https://devops.com/devops-just-automation/) - DevOps is More Than Just Automation * [Don Macvittie](https://devops.com/moving-big-project-cicd/) - Moving That Big Project to CI/CD * [Yaniv Yehuda](https://devops.com/7-highly-effective-continuous-delivery-principles/) - 7 Highly Effective Continuous Delivery Principles * [Automatic Software](https://automic.com/resources/tco-assessment-tools/devops-maturity-assessment) - DevOps Maturity model assessment : Where are you on your DevOps journey? * [Phillip Holmes](http://doatt.com/2015/02/02/fourth-the-build-system/index.html) - Fourth - The Build System * [Phillip Holmes](http://doatt.com/2015/04/27/the-build-methodology-decision/index.html) - The Build Methodology Decision * [Michael Hedgpeth](https://blog.chef.io/2017/04/13/guest-post-why-habitat/) - Why Habitat? - Chef Blog * [Samuele Resca](https://dev.to/samueleresca/continuos-delivery-using-feature-toggle) - Continuous Delivery using feature toggle * [Per-Gustaf Stenberg](http://lup.lub.lu.se/luur/download?func=downloadFile&recordOId=8778168&fileOId=8778169) [PDF] (Master's thesis) Container-based Continuous Delivery for Clusters, interesting for some parts * [Nathan Hurst](http://engineering.teacherspayteachers.com/2015/12/01/from-10-hours-to-10-minutes-scaling-release-automation-at-teachers-pay-teachers.html) - From 10 Hours to 10 Minutes: Scaling Release Automation at Teachers Pay Teachers * [Chris Short](https://opensource.com/open-organization/17/5/5-devops-laws) - 5 laws every aspiring DevOps engineer should know * [Viktor Farcic](https://www.cloudbees.com/blog/service-discovery-devops-20-toolkit) - Service Discovery (The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit) * [Josh @ Overseer](https://engr.overseerlabs.io/the-devops-tool-arsenal-results-from-100-devops-sre-surveys-c453483742f) - The DevOps tool arsenal: Results from ~100 DevOps/SRE surveys * [Josh @ Overseer](https://engr.overseerlabs.io/clouds-containers-microservices-infra-and-architecture-from-100-devops-sre-surveys-cb636b1a1589) - Clouds, containers & microservices: infra and architecture from ~100 DevOps/SRE surveys * [Josh @ Overseer](https://engr.overseerlabs.io/fears-and-favorites-from-100-devops-sre-surveys-84a1365a9f18) - Fears and favorites from 100+ DevOps/SRE surveys * [Gregg Caines](http://caines.ca/blog/2013/03/16/release-ophobia/) - Release-ophobia * [Gregg Caines](http://caines.ca/blog/2012/01/03/your-team-probably-doesnt-have-the-same-dvcs-requirements-as-linus/) - Your Team Probably Doesn't Have the Same DVCS Requirements as Linus * [OpenStack Docs](https://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/cli-cheat-sheet.html) - OpenStack command-line interface cheat sheet * [Sqreen](https://devops-security-checklist.sqreen.io/) - The DevOps Security Checklist * [David Mytton](https://blog.serverdensity.com/humanops-server-density/) - How we do HumanOps at Server Density * [Francisco Augusto](https://github.com/kahun/awesome-sysadmin) - kahun/awesome-sysadmin : A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources * [Crack Duck](https://github.com/n1trux/awesome-sysadmin) - n1trux/awesome-sysadmin : (fork of [Francisco Augusto](https://github.com/kahun/awesome-sysadmin)) * [DevOps on Slack](https://devopschat.co/) - DevOps fans on Slack * [DevOpsLinks on Slack](http://devopslinks.com/) - Where “software DEVelopment” meets “information technology OPerationS” * [Joran Le Cren](http://squad-twelve.com/2017/07/03/7-specific-suggestions-to-sabotage-devops-simply/) - 7 Specific Suggestions to Sabotage DevOps Simply * [Mattias Geniar](https://ma.ttias.be/why-do-we-automate/) - Why do we automate? * [Aaron Boodman](https://medium.com/@aboodman/in-march-2011-i-drafted-an-article-explaining-how-the-team-responsible-for-google-chrome-ships-c479ba623a1b) - how the team responsible for Google Chrome ships software * [Vishal Naik](https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/enabling-trunk-based-development-deployment-pipelines) - Enabling Trunk Based Development with Deployment Pipelines / learn from deployment pipeline anti patterns * [Phu Ha](http://blog.asg-service.net/post/continuous-integration-part-1-setting-up-vms-docker-and-jenkins/) - Continuous Integration: Part 1 - Setting Up VMs, Docker, and Jenkins * [Phu Ha](http://blog.asg-service.net/post/continuous-integration-part-2-setup-a-jenkins-slave-docker-registry-jenkinsfile/) - Continuous Integration: Part 2 - Setup a Jenkins Slave, Docker Registry, and Jenkinsfile (Pipeline) * [Suzie Prince](https://www.gocd.org/2017/05/16/its-not-CI-its-CI-theatre/) - It's not CI, it's just CI Theatre * [Maxime Choffat](https://nalysdevopsmeetup.github.io/devops_meetup_slides/#/cover) - [Slides] Introduction to DevOps - presentation of first [Belgium DevOps Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/belgium-devops-meetup/) * [XebiaLabs](https://xebialabs.com/the-ultimate-devops-tool-chest/) - The Ultimate DevOps Tool Chest * [Drue Placette](https://blog.profitbricks.com/51-best-devops-tools-for-devops-engineers/) - (2015) 51 Best DevOps Tools for #DevOps Engineers * [Electric Cloud](http://electric-cloud.com/plugins/continuous-integration/) - Continuous Integration Best Practices: Vision and Reality * [Electric Cloud](http://electric-cloud.com/plugins/build-automation/) - Build Automation: Top 3 Problems and How to Solve Them * [Damon Edwards](http://rundeck.org/news/2014/01/08/Jenkins-is-for-development-Rundeck-is-for-operations.html) - Jenkins is for Development. Rundeck is for Operations. ## Ansible * [Ansible](https://www.ansible.com/blog) - Ansible Blog * [Ansible Docs](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_best_practices.html) - Best Practices * [Ansible Best Practises](https://github.com/enginyoyen/ansible-best-practises) - A project structure that outlines some best practises of how to use ansible * [Timothy Appnel](https://www.ansible.com/blog/ansible-best-practices-essentials) - Ansible Best Practices: The Essentials * [Pierre Baillet](http://blog.ippon.tech/ansible-tips-and-tricks/) - 10 Ansible tips and tricks * [Timothy Appnel, James Martin](https://www.redhat.com/en/about/videos/ansible-best-practices-startups-enterprises) - [Video] Ansible best practices for startups to enterprises * [Ansible Galaxy](https://galaxy.ansible.com/list#/roles?page=1&page_size=10) - Ansible Galaxy Roles * [Scarlz](http://www.tricksofthetrades.net/2017/03/20/ansible-adhoc-modules/) - Tricks of the Trades : Ansible - Ad Hoc Commands and Modules * [Ansible](https://www.ansible.com/blog/ansible-performance-tuning) - Ansible Performance Tuning (for Fun and Profit) * [Ansible Docs](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_filters.html) - Jinja2 Filters * [Jinja2 Docs](http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/dev/templates/#builtin-filters) - Templates and Builtin filters * [Remy Van Elst](https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/Ansible_-_Only_if_a_file_exists_or_does_not_exist.html) - Ansible - Only if a file exists or does not exist * [Ansible Docs](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_configuration.html) - Available settings in Ansible configuration file * [Jens Depuydt](http://jensd.be/587/linux/tips-tricks-for-ansible) - Tips & tricks for Ansible * [Maxim Chernyak](http://hakunin.com/six-ansible-practices) - 6 practices for super smooth Ansible experience * [Nick Janetakis](https://github.com/nickjj/rolespec) - RoleSpec : A test library for testing Ansible roles * [Justin Ellingwood](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-manage-multistage-environments-with-ansible) - How to Manage Multistage Environments with Ansible * [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32526774/multistage-deployment-with-ansible) - Multistage deployment with ansible * [Osvaldo Toja](http://toja.io/using-host-and-group-vars-files-in-ansible/) - Organizing Group Vars Files in Ansible * [Ross Tuck](http://rosstuck.com/multistage-environments-with-ansible/) - Multistage environments with Ansible * [Ross Tuck](http://rosstuck.com/slightly-faster-ansible-testing-with-vagrant/) - (Slightly) Faster Ansible Testing with Vagrant * [Jeff Geerling](https://github.com/geerlingguy?utf8=%E2%9C%93&tab=repositories&q=ansible&type=&language=) - Lot of good ansible roles examples * [Maxime Thoonsen](https://www.theodo.fr/blog/2015/10/best-practices-to-build-great-ansible-playbooks/) - Best practices to build great Ansible playbooks * [Jon Warbrick](https://gist.github.com/andreicristianpetcu/b892338de279af9dac067891579cad7d) - (2014) An Ansible summary : Ansible Cheat Sheet (for Ansible 1.7) * [Ansible Docs](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_lookups.html) - Lookups * [Ansible Docs](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_variables.html) - Variables * [Roland Wolters](https://liquidat.wordpress.com/2016/02/29/useful-options-ansible-cli/) - Useful command line options for ansible-playbook * [Ansible Docs](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_checkmode.html) - Check Mode ("Dry Run") - because you just want to test sometimes * [Ansible Docs](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_roles.html#task-include-files-and-encouraging-reuse) - Playbook Roles and Include Statements * [Ansible Docs](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/user_module.html) - user - Manage user accounts * [Ansible Docs](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/authorized_key_module.html) - Authorized_key - Adds or removes an SSH authorized key * [Joseph Kahn](https://blog.josephkahn.io/articles/ansible-modules/) - For a Few Ansible Modules More * [Joseph Kahn](https://blog.josephkahn.io/articles/ansible/) - Ansible or: How I Learned to Stop Wasting Time Setting Up My Computer and Script It * [Ansible Docs](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/dev_guide/developing_modules.html#example) - Developing Modules * [Raphael Campardou](https://reinteractive.com/posts/167-ansible-real-life-good-practices) - Ansible (Real Life) Good Practices * [Deni Bertović](https://goodcode.io/articles/ansible-tips/) - Ansible tips * [Marlon Bernardes](http://codeheaven.io/15-things-you-should-know-about-ansible/) - 15 Things You Should Know About Ansible * [Ansible Container](https://github.com/ansible/ansible-container) - a tool to build Docker images and orchestrate containers using only Ansible playbooks * [Evin](https://tech.napsty.com/2016/06/using-ansible-to-build-and-orchestrate-clean-docker-images.html) - Using ansible to build and orchestrate clean docker images * [Dan Tehranian](https://dantehranian.wordpress.com/2015/08/10/automating-linux-security-best-practices-with-ansible/) - Automating Linux Security Best Practices with Ansible * [Dan Tehranian](https://dantehranian.wordpress.com/2015/06/18/testing-ansible-roles-with-test-kitchen/) - Testing Ansible Roles with Test Kitchen * [Michel Blanc](https://leucos.github.io/articles/ansible-contract-inventory/) - Making dynamic inventory usable with Ansible and Digital Ocean * [Dan Tehranian](https://dantehranian.wordpress.com/2015/01/20/ansible-vs-puppet-hands-on-with-ansible/) - Ansible vs Puppet – Hands-On with Ansible * [Stephane Manciot](https://www.slideshare.net/StephaneManciot/devops-avec-ansile-et-docker) - [FR] DevOps avec Ansible et Docker * [Łukasz Szczęsny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dofUuTIbAA) - [Video] JaaC - Jenkins as a Code * [Faheetah](https://gist.github.com/Faheetah/3dba8d86bb55a4e35726) - Ansible bash module boilerplate * [Corban Raun](https://blog.serverdensity.com/what-ive-learnt-from-using-ansible-exclusively-for-2-years/) - Lessons from using Ansible exclusively for 2 years. * [Ansible on Slack](http://www.ansiblenetwork.org/) - The Ansible Network * [Ansible Docs](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/list_of_notification_modules.html) - Notifications modules for Ansible : cisco spark, jabber, hipchat, mattermost, mail, rocket chat, slack, telegram, ... * [Viktor Farcic](https://github.com/vfarcic/ms-lifecycle) - ms-lifecycle is an interesting project used for demonstration in book The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit, where you can learn how to use Docker, Ansible & Vagrant to create a complete infrastructure * [Nathan LeClaire](https://nathanleclaire.com/blog/2015/11/10/using-ansible-with-docker-machine-to-bootstrap-host-nodes/) - Using Ansible with Docker Machine to Bootstrap Host Nodes ### Ansible Vault * [brianshumate](https://github.com/brianshumate/ansible-vault) - ansible-vault : Ansible role for Vault * [Ansible Docs](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_vault.html#what-can-be-encrypted-with-vault) - Ansible Vault Documentation * [Michael DeHaan](https://www.ansible.com/blog/2014/02/19/ansible-vault) - Introducing Ansible Vault : keeping encrypted data in Playbooks * [Patrice Laurent](https://www.patricelaurent.net/ansible-vault-cryptage-git/) - [FR] Ansible Vault : Automatiser le chiffrement avec Git * [Dan Tehranian](https://dantehranian.wordpress.com/2015/07/24/managing-secrets-with-ansible-vault-the-missing-guide-part-1-of-2/) - Managing Secrets with Ansible Vault – The Missing Guide (Part 1 of 2) * [Dan Tehranian](https://dantehranian.wordpress.com/2015/07/24/managing-secrets-with-ansible-vault-the-missing-guide-part-2-of-2/) - Managing Secrets with Ansible Vault – The Missing Guide (Part 2 of 2) * [Marvin Pinto](https://disjoint.ca/til/2016/04/25/using-git-diff-with-ansible-vault-encrypted-files/) - Using git diff with Ansible Vault encrypted files * [Michel Blanc](https://leucos.github.io/articles/transparent-vault-revisited/) - Transparent encryption with ansible vault revisited * [Tristan Fisher](https://gist.github.com/tristanfisher/e5a306144a637dc739e7) - Working with ansible-vault : A short tutorial on how to use Vault in your Ansible workflow * [Chris Short](https://opensource.com/article/16/12/devops-security-ansible-vault) - Improve your DevOps security game with Ansible Vault ## Bitbucket * [Atlassian docs](https://developer.atlassian.com/stash/docs/latest/how-tos/updating-build-status-for-commits.html) - Updating build status for commits ## Consul (by Hashicorp) * [Stephane Jourdan](https://42notes.wordpress.com/2015/05/01/use-vault-with-consul-on-docker/) - Use Vault with Consul on Docker * [Consul Docs](https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/checks.html) - health checks / check definitions * [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/_/consul/) - Docker Image for Consul, maintained by HashiCorp ## Containers * [Docker](http://blog.docker.com/curated/) - Docker Blog * [Docker Forums](https://forums.docker.com/latest) - latest topics on docker forums * [DEV](https://dev.to/t/docker) - Docker related articles on dev.to() * [Docker](https://www.youtube.com/user/dockerrun) - Docker Youtube channel * [CoreOS](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGORzzCxacx2r_NsF6_DteQ) - CoreOS Youtube Channel * [Mike Simons](https://dev.to/mikesimons/mikes-monster-list-of-docker-tips) - Mikes monster list of docker tips * [Docker Docs](https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/dockerfile_best-practices/) - Best practices for writing Dockerfiles * [Sonatype](http://blog.sonatype.com/docker-devops-new-ordinary) - KISSSSS : good approach to ensure you're successful with containers * [SlideShare](https://www.slideshare.net/BrianDeHamer/optimizing-docker-images) - Optimizing Docker Images * [Derek E. Weeks](https://devops.com/21-devops-docker-reference-architectures/) - 21 DevOps and Docker Reference Architectures * [Csaba Palfi](https://csabapalfi.github.io/random-docker-tips/) - (2014) 24 random docker tips * [Scarlz](http://www.tricksofthetrades.net/2016/03/14/docker-data-volumes/) - Tricks of the Trades : Docker - Data Volumes and Data Containers * [Deni Bertovic](https://denibertovic.com/posts/handling-permissions-with-docker-volumes/) - Handling Permissions with Docker Volumes * [Docker Docs](https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/secrets/) - Manage sensitive data with Docker secrets * [tcnksm/docker-alias](https://github.com/tcnksm/docker-alias/blob/master/zshrc) - Docker aliases * [James Turnbull](https://kartar.net/2014/03/useful-docker-bash-functions-and-aliases/) - Useful Docker Bash Functions And Aliases * [Lucas Carlson](https://www.ctl.io/developers/blog/post/15-quick-docker-tips/) - (2014) 15 Quick Docker Tips * [LZone](http://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/Docker) - Docker Cheat Sheet * [Docker Store](https://store.docker.com/search?q=source%3Dverified&source=verified&type=image) - Containers from verified source * [Denis Gladkikh](https://www.splunk.com/blog/2015/08/24/collecting-docker-logs-and-stats-with-splunk/) - Collecting docker logs and stats with Splunk * [Docker Docs](https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/logging/splunk/) - Splunk logging driver * [Denis Gladkikh](https://www.splunk.com/blog/2015/12/16/splunk-logging-driver-for-docker/) - Splunk Logging Driver for Docker * [Yohan Liyanage](http://blog.yohanliyanage.com/2015/05/docker-clean-up-after-yourself/) - Docker – Clean Up After Yourself! * [Docker Docs](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/) - docker build * [Docker Docs](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/run/) - docker run * [Docker Docs](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/exec/) - docker exec * [Docker Docs](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/commit/#examples) - docker commit examples * [Flux7 Labs](http://blog.flux7.com/blogs/docker/docker-tutorial-series-part-9-10-docker-remote-api-commands-for-images) - 10 Docker Remote API Commands for Images * [Docker Forums](https://forums.docker.com/t/command-to-remove-all-unused-images/20/5) - Command to remove all unused images * [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30604846/docker-error-no-space-left-on-device) - Docker error : no space left on device * [James Coyle](https://www.jamescoyle.net/how-to/1512-export-and-import-a-docker-image-between-nodes) - Export and Import a Docker Image Between Nodes * [Matt Smith](https://github.com/rhmjs/satellite5-docker) - RHEL6 containers on a RHEL7 host registered to Satellite 5 * [Red Hat Customer Portal](https://access.redhat.com/containers/#/explore) - Red Hat Container Catalog * [Red Hat Customer Portal](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Satellite/6.1/html/User_Guide/chap-Red_Hat_Satellite-User_Guide-Working_with_Containers.html#proc-Red_Hat_Satellite-User_Guide-Creating_Containers-To_Create_a_Container) - working with containers in Red Hat Satellite * [Pradipta Kumar Banerjee](http://cloudgeekz.com/625/howto-create-a-docker-image-for-rhel.html) - Howto create a Docker Image for RHEL * [Derek Chamorro](https://developer.atlassian.com/blog/2016/06/common-dockerfile-mistakes/) - Common Dockerfile Mistakes * [Project Atomic](http://docs.projectatomic.io/container-best-practices/) - Container Best Practices * [Jason Wilder](https://github.com/jwilder/docker-squash) - docker-squash : Squash docker images to make them smaller * [Jason Wilder](http://jasonwilder.com/blog/2014/08/19/squashing-docker-images/) - Squashing Docker Images * [Jason Wilder](https://github.com/jwilder/dockerize) - dockerize : Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers * [Nicolas Schoemaeker](https://nschoe.com/articles/2016-07-03-Docker-Taming-the-Beast-Part-2.html) - Docker: Taming the Beast - Part II * [Nicolas Schoemaeker](https://nschoe.com/articles/2016-10-12-Docker-Taming-the-Beast-Part-3.html) - Docker: Taming the Beast - Part III: Building Images * [Ansible Container](https://github.com/ansible/ansible-container) - a tool to build Docker images and orchestrate containers using only Ansible playbooks * [Evin](https://tech.napsty.com/2016/06/using-ansible-to-build-and-orchestrate-clean-docker-images.html) - Using ansible to build and orchestrate clean docker images * [strothj/vault/](https://hub.docker.com/r/strothj/vault/) - Vault Unofficial Docker Image * [Sreenivas Makam](https://sreeninet.wordpress.com/2017/05/13/docker-for-windows-different-modes/) - Compare Docker for Windows options * [Dan Tehranian](https://dantehranian.wordpress.com/2015/03/25/how-should-i-get-application-configuration-into-my-docker-containers/) - How Should I Get Application Configuration into my Docker Containers? * [Neil Batlivala](https://www.delphix.com/blog/data-virtualization/why-docker-not-enough) - Why Docker Is Not Enough. Related [tehranian/docker-atlassian-jira](https://github.com/tehranian/docker-atlassian-jira) * [Martin Rusev](https://www.amon.cx/blog/docker-in-production-for-the-average-devops/) - Docker in production for the average DevOps * [Nitin Agarwal](https://medium.com/@nagarwal/docker-containers-filesystem-demystified-b6ed8112a04a) - Docker Container’s Filesystem Demystified * [Nitin Agarwal](https://medium.com/@nagarwal/why-use-docker-for-development-f3d1d1b61b05) - Why use Docker for Development * [Nitin Agarwal](https://medium.com/@nagarwal/understanding-the-docker-internals-7ccb052ce9fe) - Understanding the Docker Internals * [Nitin Agarwal](https://medium.com/@nagarwal/lifecycle-of-docker-container-d2da9f85959) - Lifecycle of Docker Container * [Nitin Agarwal](https://medium.com/@nagarwal/docker-usecases-3b62f4d68bc4) - Docker Usecases * [Nitin Agarwal](https://medium.com/@nagarwal/best-practices-for-working-with-dockerfiles-fb2d22b78186) - Best Practices for working with Dockerfiles * [Gianluca Borello](https://sysdig.com/blog/container-isolation-gone-wrong/) - Container isolation gone wrong * [Stephane Manciot](https://www.slideshare.net/StephaneManciot/devops-avec-ansile-et-docker) - [FR] DevOps avec Ansible et Docker * [Thomas Graf](https://www.slideshare.net/ThomasGraf5/dockercon-2017-cilium-network-and-application-security-with-bpf-and-xdp) - DockerCon 2017 - Cilium - Network and Application Security with BPF and XDP * [Brendan D. Gregg](https://twitter.com/tgraf__/status/855100288251961346/photo/1) - Awesome 60s perf analysis cheatsheet : Host Perf Analysis in 60s * [Brendan D. Gregg](http://www.brendangregg.com/blog/2017-05-15/container-performance-analysis-dockercon-2017.html) - [Video] Container Performance Analysis at DockerCon 2017 + [Slides](https://www.slideshare.net/brendangregg/container-performance-analysis) * [Julien Bisconti](https://veggiemonk.github.io/awesome-docker/) - Awesome-docker : A curated list of Docker resources and projects * [Alex Hanson](https://dev.to/ahansondev/lessons-learned-with-docker) - Lessons Learned with Docker * [Per-Gustaf Stenberg](http://lup.lub.lu.se/luur/download?func=downloadFile&recordOId=8778168&fileOId=8778169) [PDF] Master's thesis: Container-based Continuous Delivery for Clusters, interesting for some parts * [Faheetah](https://gist.github.com/Faheetah/a2a401a01d2d56fa7d1a9d7ab0d2831b) - Docker patterns/anti-patterns : Generic Dockerfile demonstrating good practices * [Scott Coulton](https://speakerdeck.com/scottyc/if-its-in-a-container-its-secure-right-1) - If it’s in a container it’s secure right ? * [Viktor Farcic](https://github.com/vfarcic/ms-lifecycle) - ms-lifecycle is an interesting project used for demonstration in book The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit, where you can learn how to use Docker, Ansible & Vagrant to create a complete infrastructure * [Justyna Ilczuk](http://tinystruggles.com/2015/05/30/debugging-adventure-docker0.html) - Debugging - into rabbit hole with docker containers * [Sreenivas Makam](https://www.slideshare.net/SreenivasMakam/docker-networking-common-issues-and-troubleshooting-techniques) - Docker Networking - Common Issues and Troubleshooting Techniques * [Nathan Leclaire](https://nathanleclaire.com/blog/2015/11/10/using-ansible-with-docker-machine-to-bootstrap-host-nodes/) - Using Ansible with Docker Machine to Bootstrap Host Nodes * [dockerlint](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dockerlint) - Linting tool for Dockerfiles based on [Dockerfile Reference](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/) and [Best practices for writing Dockerfiles](https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/dockerfile_best-practices/) * [FROM:latest](https://www.fromlatest.io/#/) - an opinionated Dockerfile linter online * [Red Hat Customer Portal](https://access.redhat.com/articles/2772861) - Differences between RHEL Server and RHEL Atomic Host * [Red Hat Customer Portal](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux_atomic_host/7/html/getting_started_with_containers/using_red_hat_base_container_images_standard_and_minimal) - Using Red Hat Base Container Images (standard and minimal) ## ChatOps * [nixCraft](https://www.cyberciti.biz/open-source/awesome-chatops-foss-software-for-conversation-driven-development-management/) - 7 Awesome ChatOps Open Source Software For Conversation-driven Development and Management * [Richard Jones](https://www.metabrew.com/article/how-we-use-irc-at-lastfm) - (2009) How we use IRC at Last.fm * [Vinay Nadig](https://www.icicletech.com/blog/automate-your-development-activities-with-hubot) - Automate Your Development Activities with Hubot * [Pete Nicholls](http://hubot-script-catalog.herokuapp.com/) - Hubot Script Catalog. [Repository](https://github.com/Aupajo/hubot-script-catalog) * [GitHub](https://github.com/github/hubot) - Hubot on GitHub * [Hubot Docs](https://hubot.github.com/docs/) - Getting started with Hubot. See also : [Adapters for Hubot](https://hubot.github.com/docs/adapters/), [Scripting Doc](https://hubot.github.com/docs/scripting/), [Deploying on Unix](https://hubot.github.com/docs/deploying/unix/) * [Hubot Scripts](https://github.com/hubot-scripts) - Hubot Scripts on GitHub. Other related repo on GitHub by tag : [hubot-scripts](https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=topic%3Ahubot-scripts+&type=Repositories), [hubot](https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=topic%3Ahubot+&type=Repositories), [hubot-adapter](https://github.com/search?q=topic%3Ahubot-adapter&type=Repositories) * [Rocket.Chat](https://rocket.chat/) - your self hosted cross-platform open source chat solution as an alternative to slack. Related : [GitHub repo](https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat), [Integrate with Rocket.Chat !](https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.Ops) * [RocketChat/hubot-rocketchat](https://github.com/RocketChat/hubot-rocketchat) - Rocket.Chat Hubot adapter * [Botmakers](https://botmakers.org/) - Slack Community of bot fans who make and share online bots for Twitter, Slack, etc. * [ChatBots & AI group](https://chatbotsgroup.engazify.com/) - Slack community of bot & AI enthusiasts who help each other learn, build, and promote chatbots across various platforms * [Lita](https://www.lita.io/) - A free extensible robot companion, written in Ruby, for your company's chat room. [Plugins here](https://plugins.lita.io/) * [Atlassian Docs](https://confluence.atlassian.com/hipchatkb/using-bots-in-hipchat-753404057.html) - Using bots in HipChat : Lita, Hubot, Will, wobot, Err... * [HipChat Docs](https://developer.atlassian.com/hipchat) - HipChat developer documentation. [Rest API here](https://developer.atlassian.com/hipchat/guide/hipchat-rest-api), [Sending Messages here](https://developer.atlassian.com/hipchat/guide/sending-messages), [Send room notifications](https://www.hipchat.com/docs/apiv2/method/send_room_notification), [Send room message](https://www.hipchat.com/docs/apiv2/method/send_message), [Capabilities description](https://www.hipchat.com/docs/apiv2/capabilities) * [Atlassian](http://botlab.hipch.at/) - HipChat Bot Lab : ready to use bots * [Dan Riti](https://gist.github.com/danriti/7345074) - example of how sending messages to a HipChat room using curl and API v2 * [Ansible Docs](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/list_of_notification_modules.html) - Notifications modules for Ansible : cisco spark, jabber, hipchat, mattermost, mail, rocket chat, slack, telegram, ... * [Bill Cawthra](https://github.com/bonovoxly/ansible_snippets/blob/master/snippets.yml) - ansible snippet to notify hipchat room from ansible * [HipChat](https://github.com/hipchat/hubot-hipchat) - HipChat adapter for Hubot * [Jabber plugin for Jenkins](https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jabber+Plugin) * [Cisco Spark](https://depot.ciscospark.com/integrations/categories/developer-tools) - Cisco Spark integrations with developer tools * [Dmitri Zimine](https://stackstorm.com/2015/12/10/chatops_pitfalls_and_tips/) - Chatops Pitfalls and Tips * [Joey Day](http://joeyday.com/2015/05/18/integrating-servicenow-with-hipchat/) - Integrating ServiceNow with HipChat * [Jason Fried](https://m.signalvnoise.com/is-group-chat-making-you-sweat-744659addf7d) - Is group chat making you sweat? * [XKCD](https://xkcd.com/1810/) - xKCD about chat systems * [Sameroom.io](https://cdn.sameroom.io/chat-timeline.pdf) - a brief history of chat services from 1973 to the present day * [Pidgin](https://bitbucket.org/pidgin/main/pull-requests/91/implmeth-webex-token-sasl-auth-for-jabber/diff) - Implmeth WEBEX-TOKEN SASL auth for jabber. * [matterbridge](https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/commit/ee643de5b6031b6bdbf2e957f2fea8f1222ace64) - Add compatibility for Cisco Jabber (xmpp) ## Jenkins * [Plugins Index](https://plugins.jenkins.io/) * [Cloudbees](https://www.cloudbees.com/blog/categories/Jenkins) - Jenkins articles on CloudBees site * [Jenkins Community Blog](https://jenkins.io/node/) - Jenkins articles * [Jenkins CI](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5JBtmoz7ePk-33ZHimGiDQ) - Jenkins CI Youtube Channel * [CloudBees](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKlF3GIFy9KVUefVbycx_vw) - CloudBees TV Youtube Channel * [Cloudbees](https://support.cloudbees.com/hc/en-us/articles/226122247-How-to-Customize-Checkout-for-Pipeline-Multibranch) - How to Customize Checkout for Pipeline Multibranch * [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/jenkins-blueocean) - Q&A about Blue Ocean * [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/jenkins-pipeline) - Q&A about Jenkins pipeline * [Jenkins Governance Meeting Agenda](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Governance+Meeting+Agenda#GovernanceMeetingAgenda-MeetingDates/Archives) - all internal meetings and decision notes, since 2011. Very interesting * [Joel Wilsson](https://wjoel.com/posts/ansible-jenkins-pipeline-part-1.html) - Creating Jenkins pipelines with Ansible, Part 1. See also [Part 2](https://wjoel.com/posts/ansible-jenkins-pipeline-part-2.html) * [Robert Sandell / James Nord](https://www.cloudbees.com/sites/default/files/2016-jenkins-world-no_you_shouldnt_do_that_lessons_from_using_pipeline.pdf) - No, You Shouldn't Do That! Lessons from Using Pipeline * [Wilson Mar](https://wilsonmar.github.io/jenkins2-pipeline) - Jenkins2 Pipeline jobs using Groovy code in Jenkinsfile * [tuxfight3r](https://gist.github.com/tuxfight3r/eca9442ff76649b057ab) - Decrypting Jenkins password * [Jenkins Docs](https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/) - Pipeline Steps reference * [Jenkins Docs](https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/jenkinsfile/) - Using a Jenkinsfile * [Jenkins Docs](https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/workflow-basic-steps/) - Pipeline Basic Steps * [Jenkins Docs](https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/examples/) - Pipeline Examples + [Code on GitHub](https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-examples) * [Jenkins Docs](https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/) - Pipeline syntax * [Jenkins Docs](https://jenkins.ci.cloudbees.com/job/core/job/acceptance-test-harness-stable/changes) - Latest builds of Jenkins acceptance-test-harness-stable. See also [The new Jenkins CI page](https://ci.jenkins.io/) * [Vyacheslav Voronenko](https://www.codementor.io/slavko/setup-configure-jenkins-recommended-plugins-du107z6nr) - Setup & Configure Jenkins for Your Team * [Łukasz Szczęsny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dofUuTIbAA) - [Video] JaaC - Jenkins as a Code * [Afonso F](https://github.com/afonsof/jenkins-material-theme) - Material Design UI for Jenkins * [Damien Coraboeuf](https://jenkins.io/blog/2016/06/15/jenkins-pipeline-scalability/) - Jenkins Pipeline Scalability in the Enterprise * [Jenkins CI](https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-model-definition-plugin/tree/master/pipeline-model-definition/src/test/resources) - Examples of Pipeline scripts (Tests source code), useful for exploring the possible for Jenkinsfile * [Funkwerk AG](https://github.com/funkwerk/jenkins-workflow/tree/master/vars) - jenkins-workflow : repository with examples of jenkins workflow scripts * [Andrew Bayer](https://www.slideshare.net/andrewbayer/seven-habits-of-highly-effective-jenkins-users-2014-edition) - Seven Habits of Highly Effective Jenkins Users (2014 edition! * [CloudBees](https://www.cloudbees.com/sites/default/files/declarative-pipeline-refcard.pdf) - [PDF] Declarative Pipeline Quick Reference * [Jenkins Doc](https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-model-definition-plugin/wiki/Syntax-Reference) - full syntax for Jenkins Declarative Pipeline * [Jenkins CI](https://github.com/jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin/blob/master/job-dsl-core/src/main/groovy/javaposse/jobdsl/dsl/helpers/step/MSBuildContext.groovy) - source code of msbuild step * [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37657810/job-dsl-plugin-vs-pipeline-plugin) - Job DSL vs Pipeline Plugin * [Liam Newman](https://www.cloudbees.com/blog/sending-notifications-pipeline) - Sending Notifications in Pipeline, contains examples for Slack, Email, HipChat * [Andrew Bayer](https://gist.github.com/abayer) - examples of complex/advanced pipeline scripts * [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42290133/jenkins-pipeline-git-command-submodule-update) - Example Pipeline for git submodule update * [Jason Davis](http://engineering.simondata.com/can-we-use-jenkins-for-that) - Can We Use Jenkins for That? * [Keyan Pishdadian](http://engineering.teacherspayteachers.com/2017/05/16/unifying-deployments-for-microservices-via-jenkins.html) - Unifying Deployments for Microservices with Jenkinsfile Pipelines * [/r/devops](https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/5mbb5g/jenkinsfiles/) - Interesting discussion about difficulties to work with Jenkinsfiles on /r/devops * [JFrog](https://github.com/JFrogDev/project-examples/tree/master/jenkins-pipeline-examples) - Jenkins pipeline example scripts * [Faheetah](https://gist.github.com/Faheetah/e11bd0315c34ed32e681616e41279ef4) - Jenkinsfile idiosynchrasies with escaping and quotes : Examples of weirdness of Jenkinsfile syntax * [Isaac Cohen](https://www.cloudbees.com/blog/ensuring-corporate-standards-pipelines-custom-marker-files) - Ensuring Corporate Standards in Pipelines with Custom Marker Files * [Jenkins CI](https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-plugin/blob/master/COMPATIBILITY.md) - [jenkinsci/pipeline-plugin] Plugin Compatibility with Pipeline * [CloudBees](https://www.cloudbees.com/sites/default/files/2016-jenkins-world-jenkins_at_splunk.pdf) - Jenkins at Splunk and Splunking Jenkins +[Video on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlsEprySOrg) * [Jenkins Wiki](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Splunk+Plugin+for+Pipeline+Job+Support) - Splunk Plugin for Pipeline Job Support * [David Hoover](https://www.cloudbees.com/sites/default/files/2016-jenkins-world-jenkins_inside_google.pdf) - Jenkins inside Google +[YoutuBe Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ERV9C20GSE&feature=youtu.be) * [Garry Newman](https://garry.tv/2017/05/06/jenkinsfile/) - Garry explains how to write Jenkinsfiles * [Garry Newman](https://garry.tv/2017/05/14/jenkins-library/) - Garry explains how he's using Global Jenkins library * [Andrew Bayer](https://www.cloudbees.com/sites/default/files/2016-jenkins-world-introducing_a_new_way_to_define_jenkins_pipelines_1.pdf) - [PDF] Introducing a New Way to Define Jenkins Pipelines * [Jenkins CI](https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins-scripts/tree/master/scriptler) - [jenkinsci/jenkins-scripts] collection of utility scripts for use with Jenkins * [Jenkins CI](https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-examples/blob/master/docs/BEST_PRACTICES.md) - collection of tips, advice, gotchas and other best practices for using Jenkins Pipeline * [fabric8](https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-jenkinsfile-library) - library of reusable Jenkinsfile, which make use of Fabric8 Pipeline library * [fabric8](https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-pipeline-library) - Source code of Fabric8 Pipeline library for Jenkins * [Terradatum](https://github.com/terradatum/jenkins-pipeline-library/tree/master/vars) - source code of Terradatum Pipeline library for Jenkins * [Pedro Amador Rodríguez](https://github.com/pedroamador/jenkins-pipeline-library) - another Jenkins Pipeline Library * [Jenkins Docs](https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/shared-libraries/) - Extending with Shared Libraries * [James Linder](https://medium.com/garbage-collection/jenkins-pipelines-what-i-wish-i-knew-starting-out-6e3d4eb2ff5b) - Jenkins Pipelines: What I Wish I Knew Starting Out * [Liam Newman](https://jenkins.io/blog/2017/02/15/declarative-notifications/) - Declarative Pipeline: Notifications and Shared Libraries * [OpenStack](https://github.com/openstack/python-jenkins) - python-jenkins : a python wrapper for the Jenkins REST API * [OpenStack](https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/python-jenkins/latest/python-jenkins.pdf) - [PDF] python-jenkins documentation * [jenkinsapi](https://github.com/pycontribs/jenkinsapi) - A Python library to automate most common Jenkins operations * [Developer code search](http://codegists.com/search?q=jenkinsfile) - Examples of Jenkinsfile (returned by a search engine) * [Christian Galsterer](https://christiangalsterer.wordpress.com/2015/04/23/continuous-integration-for-pull-requests-with-jenkins-and-stash/) - Continuous Integration for Pull Requests with Jenkins and Bitbucket Server (Stash) ## Kubernetes * [Bilgin Ibryam](https://thenewstack.io/introducing-microservices-hierarchy-needs/) - The Microservices Hierarchy of Needs and Where Kubernetes fits * [Kubernetes on Slack](http://slack.k8s.io/) - Slack community about Kubernetes * [Stackpoint.io on Slack](http://slack.stackpoint.io/) - Web-based interface for deployment of Kubernetes cluster * [Fabric8 on Slack](https://slack.fabric8.io/) - Open source integrated development platform for Kubernetes * [Ramit Surana](https://github.com/ramitsurana/awesome-kubernetes) - Awesome Kubernetes resources ## Microservices * [Bilgin Ibryam](https://thenewstack.io/introducing-microservices-hierarchy-needs/) - The Microservices Hierarchy of Needs and Where Kubernetes fits * [Martin Fowler](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/MonolithFirst.html) - MonolithFirst ## Maven * [Maven Docs](https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-encryption.html#How_to_keep_the_master_password_on_removable_drive) - How to keep the master password on removable drive * [Lieven Doclo](https://dzone.com/articles/why-i-never-use-maven-release) - Why I Never Use the Maven Release Plugin ## Nexus * [Rafael Eyng](http://codeheaven.io/using-nexus-3-as-your-repository-part-1-maven-artifacts/) - Using Nexus 3 as Your Repository - Part 1: Maven Artifacts * [Rafael Eyng](http://codeheaven.io/using-nexus-3-as-your-repository-part-3-docker-images/) - Using Nexus 3 as Your Repository - Part 3: Docker Images ## OpenShift * [OpenShift Docs](https://ci.openshift.redhat.com/openshift-docs-master-testing/latest/welcome/index.html) - OpenShift Latest Documentation * [OpenShift Blog](https://blog.openshift.com/) - OpenShift latest news * [Marek Jelen](https://blog.openshift.com/deploying-from-private-git-repositories/) - Deploying From Private Git Repositories * [OpenShift Docs](https://docs.openshift.org/latest/minishift/using/interacting-with-openshift.html) - Interacting with OpenShift - Using Minishift * [OpenShift Docs](https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.1/cli_reference/basic_cli_operations.html) - Developer CLI Operations * [Rafael Benevides](https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2016/10/11/four-creative-ways-to-create-an-openshiftkubernetes-dev-environment/) - Four creative ways to create an OpenShift/Kubernetes dev environment * [Chris Houseknecht](https://galaxy.ansible.com/chouseknecht/minishift-up-role/) - Ansible Galaxy : chouseknecht.minishift-up-role - Run OpenShift locally using minishift * [OpenShift Docs](https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.0/admin_guide/http_proxies.html) - Working with HTTP Proxies * [OpenShift Docs](https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/builds/build_inputs.html#using-a-proxy-for-git-cloning) - Using a Proxy for Git cloning * [OpenShift Docs](https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/builds/index.html) - How Builds Work * [OpenShift Docs](https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.1/dev_guide/builds.html) - Builds * [OpenShift Docs](https://docs.openshift.org/latest/minishift/getting-started/installing.html) - Installing Minishift * [OpenShift Docs](https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.1/dev_guide/deployments.html) - Deployments * [OpenShift Docs](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.4/install_config/persistent_storage/persistent_storage_glusterfs.html) - Persistent Storage Using GlusterFS * [OpenShift Docs](https://access.redhat.com/solutions/1542293) - Troubleshooting OpenShift Container Platform: Basics * [Red Hat Customer Portal](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/openshift_enterprise/3.1/html/cluster_administration/admin-guide-sdn-troubleshooting) - Troubleshooting OpenShift SDN * [openshift/origin](https://github.com/openshift/origin/blob/master/docs/debugging-openshift.md) - Debugging / Troubleshooting OpenShift * [OpenShift Docs](https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.0/dev_guide/new_app.html) - Creating New Applications * [OpenShift](https://www.openshift.com/container-platform/resources.html) - Learning Resources (webinars, datasheets, whitepapers, infographic, tools, videos...) * [OpenShift](https://blog.openshift.com/openshift-v3-deep-dive-docker-kubernetes/) - OpenShift V3 Deep Dive Tutorial | The Next Generation of PaaS * [OCTO Talks](http://blog.octo.com/openshift-3-le-paas-prive-avec-docker/) - [FR] OpenShift 3 : le PaaS privé avec Docker * [Ansible Docs](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-container/openshift/minishift.html) - Minishift role for Ansible * [Michael Hausenblas](http://kubernetesbyexample.com/) - Kubernetes By Example * [Michael Hausenblas](https://github.com/mhausenblas/openshift-cheat-sheet) - Cheat sheet for OpenShift * [Michael Hausenblas](https://blog.openshift.com/kubernetes-application-coupling/) - Kubernetes: Application Coupling * [Laurent Broudoux](https://blog.openshift.com/multiple-deployment-methods-openshift/) - Multiple Deployment Methods for OpenShift * [Raffaele Spazzoli](https://blog.openshift.com/managing-secrets-openshift-vault-integration/) - Managing Secrets on OpenShift – Vault Integration * [Openshift Switzerland Community](https://github.com/oscp/awesome-openshift3) - Awesome Openshift 3 resources * [OpenShift Interactive Learning Portal](https://learn.openshift.com/) - Interactive learning scenarios. Can be used for experimentation ## SecOps * [Pete Cheslock](https://blog.threatstack.com/how-to-create-a-security-minded-devops-organization-three-best-practices) - How to Create a Security-Minded DevOps Organization: Three Best Practices ## VirtualBox * [LZone](http://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/VirtualBox) - VirtualBox Cheat Sheet * [Thomas-Krenn](https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Headless_Mode_for_Virtual_Machines_of_VirtualBox) - Headless Mode for VirtualBox * [VirtualBox issues tracker](https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/14374) - Network adapters not working after host returns from sleep Win 7 host Linux Mint 17.2 guest ## Vagrant * [Adam Hawkins](https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/getting-started-with-vagrant) - Getting Started with Vagrant * [Ross Tuck](http://rosstuck.com/slightly-faster-ansible-testing-with-vagrant/) - (Slightly) Faster Ansible Testing with Vagrant * [mitchellh](https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/1755) - Re-associate vagrant with vm * [Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVV](https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVV/wiki/Connect-to-Your-Vagrant-Virtual-Machine-with-PuTTY) - Connect to Your Vagrant Virtual Machine with PuTTY * [Hashicorp](https://atlas.hashicorp.com/puppetlabs) - Official Puppet Vagrant boxes * [Willem Meints](http://fizzylogic.nl/2015/01/27/building-containerized-apps-with-vagrant/) - Building Containerized Apps With Vagrant * [Viktor Farcic](https://github.com/vfarcic/ms-lifecycle) - ms-lifecycle is an interesting project used for demonstration in book The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit, where you can learn how to use Docker, Ansible & Vagrant to create a complete infrastructure ## Vault (by Hashicorp) * [HashiCorp](https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/) - Hashicorp Blog * [strothj/vault/](https://hub.docker.com/r/strothj/vault/) - Vault Unofficial Docker Image * [Vault Docs](https://www.vaultproject.io/intro/getting-started/deploy.html) - Deploy Vault * [Aun Raza](https://linoxide.com/how-tos/secure-secret-store-vault/) - How to Securely Store Passwords and Api Keys Using Vault * [Katacoda](https://www.katacoda.com/courses/docker-production/vault-secrets) - Interactive Course : Docker in Production - Store Secrets using Hashicorp Vault * [Stephane Jourdan](https://42notes.wordpress.com/2015/05/01/use-vault-with-consul-on-docker/) - Use Vault with Consul on Docker * [Vyacheslav Voronenko](https://www.codementor.io/slavko/how-to-install-vault-hashicorp-secure-deployment-secrets-du107xlqd) - Using Vault to Secure Your Deployment Secrets * [brianshumate](https://github.com/brianshumate/ansible-vault) - ansible-vault : Ansible role for Hashicorp Vault * [Vault Docs](https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/auth/userpass.html) - Auth Backend: Username & Password * [Hashicorp](https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/vault-0-6/) - Vault 0.6 Release announcement * [Sreenivas Makam](https://sreeninet.wordpress.com/2016/10/01/vault-use-cases/) - Vault – Use cases * [Vault Docs](https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/secrets/ssh/) - SSH Secret Backend * [Vault Docs](https://www.vaultproject.io/api/) - HTTP API * [Vault Docs](https://www.vaultproject.io/intro/getting-started/authentication.html) - Authentication * [Peter A. Tierno](https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/HashiCorp+Vault+Plugin) - HashiCorp Vault Plugin for Jenkins * [Seth Vargo](https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/codifying-vault-policies-and-configuration/) - Codifying Vault Policies and Configuration * [Martin Rusev](https://www.amon.cx/blog/managing-all-secrets-with-vault/) - Managing all your secrets with Vault - Review and Walkthrough * [Vault Docs](https://www.vaultproject.io/intro/getting-started/acl.html) - Access Control Policies (ACLs) * [Vault Docs](https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/concepts/tokens.html) - Tokens * [Raffaele Spazzoli](https://blog.openshift.com/managing-secrets-openshift-vault-integration/) - Managing Secrets on OpenShift – Vault Integration # Finding content * [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/6583hl/piracy_megathread_v20/) - Piracy Megathread on reddit * [**/r/piracy**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/) - piracy on reddit * [Library Genesis](http://libgen.io/) - ebooks and scientific articles * [b-ok.org](http://b-ok.org/) - ebooks * [Soulseek](http://www.slsknet.org/news/) - for hard to find music . * [RuTracker](https://rutracker.org/forum/index.php) - torrent for music * [OpenSubtitles.org](https://www.opensubtitles.org/) - large open subtitles database for tv shows and movies * [TVsubtitles.net](http://www.tvsubtitles.net/) - large collection of subtitles for tv shows * [Addic7ed.com](http://www.addic7ed.com/) - free subtitles for tv show and movies * [arXiv.org](https://arxiv.org/) - Cornell University library : e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics * [InterfactLIFT](https://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/downloads/date/any/) - High resolution photography wallpapers for every screen size * [Sindre Sorhus](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) - sindresorhus/awesome : Curated list of awesome lists * [Calvin Cheng](https://awesomelists.top/) - AwesomeSearch : find awesome lists more quickly. * [Alexander Bayandin](https://github.com/bayandin/awesome-awesomeness) - A curated list of awesome awesomeness * [FindLectures](https://www.findlectures.com/) - Great collection of lectures to discover interesting topics that you might not think to look for. Bonus : [related subreddit with new suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/FindLectures/) * [ThePirateBay Proxy List](https://thepiratebay-proxylist.org/) * [NextWarez](http://nextwarez.com/torrent/actu-torrent/) - [FR] news and ranking about download sites and downloaded contents * [Kooba](http://koob.jake.run/) - an interactive graph for finding new books * [Urban Dictionary](http://www.urbandictionary.com/) - online dictionary of slang words and phrases * [The Load Guru](http://theloadguru.com/how-to-get-started-with-xdcc/) - How To Get Started With XDCC * [The Load Guru](http://theloadguru.com/how-to-configure-mirc/) - How To Configure mIRC For Downloading * [Cr4wlGa](https://www.cr4wl.ga/) - A plain XDCC indexer * [SunXDCC](http://sunxdcc.com/#search) - a XDCC indexer * [TorrentFreak](https://torrentfreak.com/) - file sharing, privacy & copyright news * [Opentrackers](https://opentrackers.org/) - private torrent trackers & file sharing * [Torrent Franais](http://www.xn--torrentfranais-qjb.fr/) - [FR] file sharing & torrent news * Top torrent sites according to [TorrentFreak](https://torrentfreak.com/top-10-most-popular-torrent-sites-of-2017-170107/) : [YTS.AG](https://yts.ag/browse-movies), [Limetorrents](https://www.limetorrents.cc/), [Torrentz](https://torrentz2.eu/) a meta search engine, [1337x](http://1337x.to/), [TorrentProject](http://torrentproject.se/), [Torrent Downloads](https://www.torrentdownloads.me/). Others : [Sky torrents](https://www.skytorrents.in/) * [MorganGeek](https://gist.github.com/MorganGeek/aa1f21c3b87e90a2cde567a73209ef13) - download sites compared using some searches * [The Pirate Bay](https://thepiratebay.org/) - yet one of the best place to find good torrents * [iDope](https://idope.se/) - torrent indexer / tribute to kickass * [Extreme Download](https://www.extreme-down.one/home.html) - [FR] a good place to find direct download links for various content * [Zone Telechargement](https://www.zone-telechargement.ws/) - [FR] an alternative place to find direct download links * [Torrent9](http://www.torrent9.cc/) - [FR] Torrent9 because T411 ~~starts to suck~~ is out of business * [torrents.me](https://torrents.me/) - good torrent indexer (lot of content), but results quality may depend on your criteria * [TorrentProject](https://torrentproject.se/) - torrent indexer with lot of content * [TwoDDL](https://2ddl.unblocked.srl/) - a place for direct download links, but not the best * [DuckDuckGo](https://duckduckgo.com/) - a search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers' privacy. **Related** : [Suggested search engines by PrivacyTools](https://privacytoolsio.github.io/privacytools.io/#search) * [WikiLeaks](https://wikileaks.org/) - publishes full online archives of information that has been censored or suppressed, or is likely to be lost. **Related** : [/r/WikiLeaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiLeaks/) * [dvdcompare.net](http://dvdcompare.net/) - dvd & blu-ray informations & comparisons * [VileR](http://int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts/) - world's biggest collection of classic text mode fonts, system fonts and BIOS fonts from DOS-era IBM PCs and compatibles * [Movie-Censorship.com](http://www.movie-censorship.com/) - News about movie censorship + comparisons of alternate versions (Movies, Comics, Series, Games and more) * [caps-a-holic.com](http://www.caps-a-holic.com/) - DVD und Blu-ray Comparisons * [BestTariff.be](http://www.bestetarief.be/index.php) - Find the best offer for your mobile / internet / phone usage profile * [Twoogle](https://twoogle.info/?q=) - Search tweets in realtime * [Fast Andes](https://fastandes.com/) - a search engine that shows you products highly scored by reddit comments and submissions. * [IMSE](http://www.imse.co/) - Internet Movie Search Engine * [SoMeFilm](https://somefilm.net/auth/guest) - Movies / tv shows recommendations : what will you watch tonight ? * [Book Suggestions Ninja](https://www.booksuggestions.ninja/) - books suggestions * [Reading Stash](http://readingstash.com/index) - Just a book recommender * [Tunefind](https://www.tunefind.com/browse/tv) - Music from all tv shows * [Tunefind](https://www.tunefind.com/browse/tv-movie) - Music from all tv shows and movies ## App discovery * [Y Combinator](https://news.ycombinator.com/show) - Hacker news Show : where people share their work. Related : [**Newest Show HN**](https://news.ycombinator.com/shownew) * [**Product Hunt**](https://www.producthunt.com/) - discover new products (apps, websites, services, ...) * [AlternativeTo](https://alternativeto.net/) - crowdsourced software recommendations, find alternatives to existing softwares * [Similarsites](http://www.similarsites.com/) - easily find similar websites * [Superbly Space](http://superbly.space/directory-categories/) - inventory of valuable quality softwares, services, websites, usually matching the ones I look for * [Product Hunt](http://500makers.com/) - a list of top 500 makers on [Product Hunt](https://www.producthunt.com/) * [AppRecs](https://apprecs.com) - app search engine * [StumbleUpon](https://www.stumbleupon.com/) - discover the best of the web, one click at a time. This service learns what you like and brings you more like it * [Random Hunt](http://randomhunt.com/) - Like StumbleUpon, but for Product Hunt. Meaning : best of products, one random product at a time * [The Useless Web](http://www.theuselessweb.com) - Take you to another random useless website * [Discuvver](https://www.discuvver.com) - Take you to one random useful website ## Event discovery * [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com) - meet groups of people near you who share your interests # Free online tools * [BuiltWith](https://builtwith.com/) - Find out what technology a website is built with * [Google](https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/) - PageSpeed Insights : Analyze a website performance * [Socialtalents](http://loadme.socialtalents.com/Begin/New) - Loadme - cloud-based load / stress testing service for you website or API * [Dillinger](http://dillinger.io/) - Online Markdown Editor * [Air Mail](http://en.getairmail.com/) - temporary email service * [nBox](https://nbox.notif.me/) - fake email service, create as many fake emails you wish for protecting your privacy * [Dead Link Checker](http://www.deadlinkchecker.com/website-dead-link-checker.asp) - Online Dead Link Checking Tool * [Broken Link Checker](http://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/broken-links.php#status) - Online Dead Link Checking Tool * [StackEdit](https://stackedit.io/editor) - in-browser markdown editor * [XKPasswd](https://xkpasswd.net/s/) - secure memorable password generator inspired by [XKCD](http://xkcd.com/936/) * [WhatsMyIP](http://www.whatsmyip.org/random-password-generator/) - password generator & other text related tools (hash lookup, regex tester) * [YouTube to MP3 converter](http://www.youtube-mp3.org/) * [Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/) - The Internet archive, bringing back old/dead pages to live * [Cached View](http://www.cachedview.com/) - Google + Wayback machine Cached Pages of any website * [ChangeDetection](https://www.changedetection.com/) - Know automatically when any web page changes * [WhatsMyIP](http://www.whatsmyip.org/port-scanner/) - Port scanners & other networking tools * [IFTTT](https://ifttt.com/) - use existing services together to automate tasks and make your life easier * [Jeffrey Friedl](http://exif.regex.info/exif.cgi) - Jeffrey's Image Metadata Viewer (Exif viewer) * [Exif Viewer](http://exif-viewer.com/) - Another image metadata viewer * [Whois](https://www.whois.com/whois/) - Whois to get domain name info + identity * [Just Delete Me](http://backgroundchecks.org/justdeleteme/) - a directory of direct links to delete your account from web services * [Just Delete Me](http://backgroundchecks.org/justdeleteme/fake-identity-generator/) - Fake identity generator * [Why No Padlock](https://www.whynopadlock.com/) - find out why your web page is treated as insecure * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/ssl-certificate-tools) - 9 free useful online SSL/TLS Certificate Tools * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/ssl-test-certificate/) - Verify your SSL, TLS & Ciphers implementation. * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/find-sql-injection/) - Test your website for SQL injection attack * [Rebex](https://sshcheck.com/) - SSL Check : checks the configuration of given server accessible over internet * [Rex Swain](http://www.rexswain.com/httpview.html) - HTTP Viewer : See exactly what an HTTP request returns to your browser * [IntoDNS](https://intodns.com/) - checks the health and configuration and provides DNS report and mail servers report. * [Down for everyone or just me](http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/) - Check if your website is down or up * [Qualys SSL Labs](https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/index.html) - SSL Server test : analysis of any web server configuration * [Panopticlick](https://panopticlick.eff.org) - Test : Is your browser safe against tracking? * [Am I unique](https://amiunique.org/fp) - Test : are you unique ? (what your fingerprint reveals about you) * [Ookla](http://beta.speedtest.net/) - Speedtest : Test your internet connection speed * [TestMy](http://testmy.net/) - Internet speed test * [VirusTotal](https://www.virustotal.com/fr/) - free online scanner for virus, malware and URL, to avoid downloading crap on your machine * [Jotti](https://virusscan.jotti.org/) - online virus scanner * [Ethical hacking tools](https://pentest-tools.com/information-gathering/find-subdomains-of-domain) - Find subdomains / free online subdomain enumeration tool * [COMODO CA](https://crt.sh/) - Certificate search online * [DNSdumpster](https://dnsdumpster.com/) - tool for dns recon & research, find & lookup dns records * [Ethical Hacking tools](https://pentest-tools.com/home) - online penetration testing tools * [Open Port Check Tool](https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/) - Port forwarding tester - open port finder * [Unshorten.It](https://unshorten.it/) - Unshorten that URL! * [BestTariff.be](http://www.bestetarief.be/index.php) - Find the best offer for your mobile / internet / phone usage profile # Gaming * [BoardGameGeek](https://boardgamegeek.com/) - most complete board game database that holds tons of reviews, images and videos * [IsThereAnyDeal.com](https://isthereanydeal.com/) - keep track of the best deals for video games you'd like to play * [leereilly/games](https://github.com/leereilly/games) - Games on GitHub - A list of popular/awesome videos games, add-ons, maps, etc. * [Soldat](https://www.soldat.pl/en/) - Soldat is still one of my favorite multiplayer games for 10+ years, mainly because it's free, its gameplay is simple, the engine can be modded easily and the game uses 2d rendering * [Illuminion](http://if.illuminion.de/infocom.html) - Classic text adventures masterpieces, to play with DOS or the Frotz-Z machine * [Hacknet](http://www.hacknet-os.com/) - a hacking game simulator (not free), potentially boring (move to hackmud) * [h a c k m u d](https://www.hackmud.com/) - hackmud, a hacking game simulator (not free) with programming challenges * [PortForward](https://portforward.com/ports.htm) - Port Forwarding Ports List * [GamingOnLinux](https://www.gamingonlinux.com/index.php?module=game) - Linux & SteamOS gaming community * [Linux game database](https://lgdb.org/games) * [Open Source Game Clones](http://osgameclones.com/) - inventory of open-source remakes of great old games * [Mazing](http://mazing.cc/home) - Generate printable mazes of any size for playing. Can be useful someday # Health and Work-Life Balance * [Matt Might](http://matt.might.net/articles/work-life-balance/) - Tips for work-life balance * [Simple Programmer](https://simpleprogrammer.com/2016/01/06/stop-improving-yourself/) - Stop Improving Yourself * [Adam Smiley Poswolsky](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-truths-finding-meaningful-work-adam-smiley-poswolsky) - The 10 truths about finding meaningful work * [Tom Goodwin](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/we-dont-need-teach-our-kids-code-them-how-dream-tom-goodwin) - We don’t need to teach our kids to code, we need to teach them how to dream * [govdesign](https://github.com/alphagov/govdesign/blob/master/Poster_its-ok-to.pdf) - [PDF] It's ok to ... (poster) * [Kristin Wong](http://lifehacker.com/the-biggest-wastes-of-time-we-regret-when-we-get-older-1755526646) - The Biggest Wastes of Time We Regret When We Get Older * [Dr. Travis Bradberry](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-you-should-spend-your-money-experiences-things-bradberry) - Why You Should Spend Your Money on Experiences, Not Things * [Bob Sutton](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-your-job-becoming-impossible-do-tragedy-overload-bob-sutton) - Why Your Job is Becoming Impossible to Do: The Tragedy of Well-Intentioned Organizational Overload * [Jen Horton](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/inevitable-link-between-positivity-perspective-jen-horton) - The Inevitable Link between Positivity and Perspective * [Mike Bushong](https://dzone.com/articles/dont-ask-you-take-vacation) - Don't Ask Before You Take Vacation * [Karen Wickre](https://backchannel.com/working-from-home-is-usually-a-disaster-unless-you-try-this-30f1cce6f5a6) - Working From Home Is Usually a Disaster — Unless You Try This * [Gregg Caines](http://caines.ca/blog/2014/01/11/in-defence-of-the-office/) - In Defence of the Office * [Jason Fried](https://m.signalvnoise.com/being-tired-isn-t-a-badge-of-honor-fa6d4c8cff4e) - Being tired isn’t a badge of honor * [David Mytton](https://blog.serverdensity.com/humanops-server-density/) - How we do HumanOps at Server Density * [Andrew Wulf](http://thecodist.com/article/why_i_don_39_t_do_unpaid_overtime_and_neither_should_you) - Why I Don't Do Unpaid Overtime and Neither Should You * [/r/lostgeneration](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostgeneration/) - Lost generation : discussions & posts about what this generation is supposed to do * [/r/BasicIncome](https://www.reddit.com/r/BasicIncome/) - community space for discussion and advocacy of Basic Income schemes * [/r/antiwork](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/) - discussion and advocacy of a world without work * [PartTimer](https://parttimer.io/) - a job board for skilled work under 40 HRS/week * [Glassdoor](https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/index.htm) - company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. * [BetaList JObs](https://betalist.com/jobs) - shape the future by joining one of the fastest growing technology startups ## Remote jobs * [Elen Veenpere](https://teleport.org/blog/2015/03/best-sites-for-remote-jobs/) - Best sites for finding your dream remote job * [The Remote Working Company](http://www.remoteworking.co/) - Remote Jobs for people that don't like to go to work, mostly technology oriented * [Working Nomads](https://www.workingnomads.co/jobs) - Remote jobs, with most offers in development * [We Work Remotely](https://weworkremotely.com/) - Remote Jobs: Design, Programming, DevOps and more * [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/remote-developer-jobs) - Remote Developer jobs * [Christina Ng](http://wfh.ninja) - Excuses generator for remote workers # Hobbies * [RateBeer](https://www.ratebeer.com/) - find ratings & information about beers * [Untappd](https://untappd.com/) - drink socially, and rate your beers * [Harkirat Singh](https://github.com/hkirat/awesome-chess) - curated list of assets availible on the Internet related to chess # Humor * [There, I Fixed It](http://failblog.cheezburger.com/thereifixedit) - white trash repairs. Aka how not to repair things * [/r/DiWHY](https://www.reddit.com/r/DiWHY/) - when DIY goes wrong * [/r/redneckengineering](https://www.reddit.com/r/redneckengineering/) - white trash repairs, and other workarounds that make you laugh * [/r/techsupportmacgyver](https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupportmacgyver/) - Macgyvered solutions to problems * [/r/totallynotrobots](https://www.reddit.com/r/totallynotrobots/) - a place where ~~robots~~ humans share their thoughts * [/r/funnycharts](https://www.reddit.com/r/funnycharts/) - funny charts * [Cyanide & Happiness](http://explosm.net/comics/archive) - controversial, dark humorous & sometimes surrealistic comic strips * [Joan Cornellà](http://joyreactor.com/tag/Joan+Cornella) - unsettling, surreal humor and black humorous comic strips * [David Firth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpVTORX_ifk) - [Youtube] Salad Fingers is a psychological horror, dark humorous animation movie ranked among the top 10 culture phenomenon for 2005 * [Le Gorafi](http://www.legorafi.fr/) - [FR] news satire * [Encyclopedia Dramatica](https://encyclopediadramatica.rs) - a satirical wiki, parodying encyclopedia topics and current events, especially those related or relevant to contemporary Internet culture * [/r/WhereIsMyFlyingCar](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhereIsMyFlyingCar/) - a lot of predictions made about the future that have or have not come to pass. * [Kimmo Lemetti](http://www.blastwave-comic.com/) - Gone with the blastwave is a post apocalyptic black humorous web comic * [Honest Trailers](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL86F4D497FD3CACCE) - [Video] funny trailers of popular movies # Images * [NASA](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html) - Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive * [InterfactLIFT](https://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/downloads/date/any/) - High resolution photography wallpapers for every screen size * [Jeffrey Friedl](http://exif.regex.info/exif.cgi) - Jeffrey's Image Metadata Viewer (Exif viewer) * [Exif Viewer](http://exif-viewer.com/) - Another image metadata viewer * [François Dourlen](https://www.francoisdourlen.com/photos) - 'feel good' mash-up pictures, combining pop-culture characters and actual locations * [WLPPR](http://wlppr.co/) - vibrant wallpapers from places of our planet * [Psiu Puxa](http://psiupuxa.com/) - wallpapers from all over the universe # Linux / Unix * [/r/linux](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/) - discussions & news about linux on reddit * [**nixCraft**](https://www.cyberciti.biz/) - linux tips, hacks, tutorials and ideas * [The Linux Foundation](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfX55Sx5hEFjoC3cNs6mCUQ) - The Linux Foundation Youtube Channel * [OSTechNix](https://www.ostechnix.com/securely-permanently-delete-data-linux/) - How To Securely And Permanently Delete Your Data In Linux * [Francisco Augusto](https://github.com/kahun/awesome-sysadmin) - kahun/awesome-sysadmin : A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources * [Alltop](https://linux.alltop.com/) - Top Linux News aggregated * [Crack Duck](https://github.com/n1trux/awesome-sysadmin) - n1trux/awesome-sysadmin : (fork of [Francisco Augusto](https://github.com/kahun/awesome-sysadmin)) * [Binh Nguyen](http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Dictionary/html/index.html) - (2004) Linux Dictionary * [Gareth Anderson](http://www.tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/html/index.html) - (2006) GNU/Linux Command-Line Tools Summary * [Sandra Henry-Stocker](http://www.computerworld.com/article/2696541/operating-systems/unix--knowing-your-memory-commands.html) - Unix: Knowing your memory commands * [Sandra Henry-Stocker](http://www.computerworld.com/article/3184929/linux/lesser-known-but-still-handy-linux-commands.html) - Lesser known but still handy Linux commands * [Sandra Henry-Stocker](http://www.computerworld.com/article/3152772/linux/17-unix-tricks-for-a-happy-2017.html) - 17 Unix tricks for a happy 2017 * [Sandra Henry-Stocker](http://www.computerworld.com/article/3154741/linux/profiling-your-users.html) - Using Unix commands to profile your users * [Sandra Henry-Stocker](http://www.computerworld.com/article/3066941/linux/administering-unix-systems-like-your-mom-taught-you.html) - Administering Unix systems like your mom taught you * [Sandra Henry-Stocker](http://www.computerworld.com/article/3069981/linux/the-linux-command-that-you-should-never-say-out-loud.html) - thefuck : The Linux command that you should never say out loud * [Scott Rippee](http://www.hypexr.org/linux_scp_help.php) - Example syntax for Secure Copy (scp) * [Sandra Henry-Stocker](http://www.computerworld.com/article/2974753/linux/doing-math-with-awk.html) - Doing math with awk * [nixCraft](https://www.cyberciti.biz/networking/nmap-command-examples-tutorials/) - Top 32 Nmap Command Examples For Sys/Network Admins * [Lakshmanan Ganapathy](http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/08/lsof-command-examples) - 15 Linux lsof Command Examples (Identify Open Files) * [The Geek Stuff](http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/11/50-linux-commands/) - 50 Most Frequently Used UNIX / Linux Commands (With Examples) * [Command line fu](http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/browse) - a place to find those command-line gems that you return to again and again. * [Ramesh Natarajan](http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2011/06/iptables-rules-examples/) - 25 Most Frequently Used Linux IPTables Rules Examples * [Nick Congleton](https://www.maketecheasier.com/secure-linux-desktop-with-iptables/) - How to Secure Your Linux Desktop with Iptables * [The Geek Stuff](http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/09/linux-one-liners/) - 6 Useful Linux One Liners * [Maxim Chernyak](http://hakunin.com/permissions) - Linux permissions cheatsheet * [CHMOD command calculator](https://chmodcommand.com/) * [Corinna Baldauf](http://wall-skills.com/2015/the-find-command-in-examples/) - The find command in examples * [Dan Tehranian](https://dantehranian.wordpress.com/2015/08/10/automating-linux-security-best-practices-with-ansible/) - Automating Linux Security Best Practices with Ansible * [Fedora](https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=epel-6&arch=x86_64) - Fedora Mirrors list for EPEL-6 and arch x86_64 . see also [Fedora Mirror Manager](https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager/) * [Fedora](https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/a/) - All EPEL-7 and arch x6-x64 packages * [Christian Stankowic](https://www.stankowic-development.net/?p=7900&lang=en) - CentOS 7 and the incorrect dist RPM macro * [docker-library/official-images](https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/issues/2815) - CentOS 5 has reached EOL in issues of docker-library/official-images on github * [Vultr](https://www.vultr.com/docs/use-dnf-to-manage-software-packages-on-centos-7) - Use DNF To Manage Software Packages On CentOS 7 * [Server Fault](https://serverfault.com/questions/368602/how-do-i-update-a-centos-servers-time-from-an-authoritative-time-server) - How do I update a CentOS server's time from an authoritative time server? * [pkgs.org](https://pkgs.org/) - Linux Package Search online * [Rpmfind](https://www.rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/index.html) - RPM finder online * [Michael Heap](https://michaelheap.com/build-centos-5-generic-rpm-on-centos-6/) - Build CentOS 5 generic RPM on CentOS 6 * [Gavin Carr](http://www.openfusion.net/linux/mocking_rpms) - Mocking RPMs on CentOS with Mock by Fedora * [Packagecloud blog](https://blog.packagecloud.io/eng/2015/05/11/building-rpm-packages-with-mock/) - Building RPM packages with mock * [Brendan D. Gregg](https://twitter.com/tgraf__/status/855100288251961346/photo/1) - Awesome 60s perf analysis cheatsheet : Host Perf Analysis in 60s * [Brendan D. Gregg](http://www.brendangregg.com/blog/2016-12-27/linux-tracing-in-15-minutes.html) - Give me 15 minutes and I'll change your view of Linux tracing * [nixCraft](https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-find-the-largest-filesdirectories-on-a-linuxunixbsd-filesystem/) - How Do I Find The Largest Top 10 Files and Directories On a Linux / UNIX / BSD? * [TuxRadar](http://www.tuxradar.com/content/command-line-tricks-smart-geeks) - Command line tricks for smart geeks * [TuxRadar](http://www.tuxradar.com/content/more-linux-tips-every-geek-should-know) - More Linux tips every geek should know * [TuxRadar](http://www.tuxradar.com/content/linux-tips-every-geek-should-know) - Linux tips every geek should know * [Joel Lee](http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/9-lethal-linux-commands-never-run/) - 9 Lethal Linux Commands You Should Never Run * [LZone](http://lzone.de/) - Various Cheat Sheets about sysadmin, development, it ops, services management and virtualization * [LZone](http://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/GCC) - GCC Cheat Sheet * [Alexander Kuleshov aka 0xAX](https://github.com/0xAX/linux-insides/blob/master/SUMMARY.md) - Linux insides : A little bit about a linux kernel * [nixCraft](https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/check-unix-linux-configuration-file-for-syntax-errors.html) - 20 Examples: Make Sure Unix / Linux Configuration Files Are Free From Syntax Errors * [Netflix](https://medium.com/netflix-techblog/linux-performance-analysis-in-60-000-milliseconds-accc10403c55) - Linux Performance Analysis in 60,000 Milliseconds * [Netflix](https://medium.com/netflix-techblog/netflix-at-velocity-2015-linux-performance-tools-51964ddb81cf) - Netflix at Velocity 2015: Linux Performance Tools (+[Slides](https://www.slideshare.net/brendangregg/velocity-2015-linux-perf-tools)) * [Aleksandar Todorović](https://github.com/aleksandar-todorovic/awesome-linux) - list of awesome resources that make Linux awesome * [Geek Flare](https://geekflare.com/category/web-infrastructure/unix/) - general Unix articles, tips, tools for managing web infrastructure * [LZone](https://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/Linux-Commands) - Linux commands cheatsheet * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/cheat-sheet-system-admin/) - linux sysadmin cheatsheets * [SathiyaMoorthy](http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/06/15-practical-crontab-examples) - cron job examples * [Shivam](http://www.trysudo.com/7-tips-for-a-productive-development-setup-on-linux/) - 7 tips for a productive development setup on Linux * [Justin Ellingwood](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-ssh-key-based-authentication-on-a-linux-server) - How To Configure SSH Key-Based Authentication on a Linux Server * [Al Williams](https://hackaday.com/2017/03/10/linux-fu-keeping-things-running/) - Linux-Fu: Keeping Things Running * [Vivek Gite](https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-use-dig-to-find-dns-time-to-live-ttl-values/) - Dig Command Find Out TTL (Time to Live) Value For DNS Records * [nixCraft](https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-last-reboot-time-and-date-find-out.html) - Linux Find Out Last System Reboot Time and Date Command * [nixCraft](https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-last-command-examples/) - Linux / Unix: last Command Examples * [nixCraft](https://www.cyberciti.biz/hardware/howto-see-historical-statistical-uptime-on-linux-server/) - Linux Server See the Historical and Statistical Uptime of System With tuptime Utility * [Julia Evans](https://jvns.ca/blog/2017/07/05/linux-tracing-systems/) - Linux tracing systems & how they fit together * [Naresh Kumar](https://theprofessionalspoint.blogspot.be/2013/10/10-basic-linux-networking-and.html) - 10 Basic Linux Networking and Monitoring Commands You Should Know * [Naresh Kumar](https://theprofessionalspoint.blogspot.be/2013/10/linux-server-monitoring-and-networking.html) - Linux Server Monitoring and Networking Commands for Linux Server Administrators - Part 2 * [LZone](https://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/Linux-Networking) - Linux networking cheatsheet * [FedoraProject Wiki](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:RPMMacros?rd=Packaging/RPMMacros) - definitions for some common RPM specfile macros * [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8076471/how-to-know-the-value-of-built-in-macro-in-rpm) - How to know the value of built-in macro in RPM? * [RPM](http://rpm.org/user_doc/macros.html) - Macro syntax * [Senthil Kumar](https://www.ostechnix.com/download-rpm-package-dependencies-centos/) - How To Download A RPM Package With All Dependencies In CentOS * [Linux Stack Exchange](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/259640/how-to-use-yum-to-get-all-rpms-required-for-offline-use) - How to use yum to get all RPMs required, for offline use? * [Red Hat Customer Portal](https://access.redhat.com/solutions/10154) - How to use yum to download a package without installing it * [Fedora Project Docs](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/ro/Fedora_Draft_Documentation/0.1/html/RPM_Guide/ch08s02s04.html) - Building RPMs with the rpmbuild command * [Andrew Gallant](http://blog.burntsushi.net/ripgrep/) - ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift} * [Madhur Ahuja](https://dev.to/madhur/tuning-linux-servers-for-scalability) - Tuning Linux servers for scalability * [Calomel.org](https://calomel.org/samba_optimize.html) - Samba Optimizations and Speed Tuning for Performance * [Computer Hope](https://www.computerhope.com/unix/yum.htm) - yum command help + examples * [Red Hat Customer Portal](https://access.redhat.com/solutions/8036) - How to re-register the system with Red Hat Network (RHN) Classic or Red Hat Satellite? * [Red Hat Customer Portal](https://access.redhat.com/solutions/504583) - Package not available to the client systems after rhnpush * [Red Hat Customer Portal](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Network_Satellite/5.0/html/Channel_Management_Guide/Channel_Management_Guide-Uploading_Packages_to_SAT-Using_the_RHNPUSHapplication.html) - Using the RHN Push application * [Red Hat Customer Portal](https://access.redhat.com/solutions/737373) - Satellite 5.6: unable to register RHEL 7 client system due to rhn-setup package not included in Minimal installation * [Jens Depuydt](http://jensd.be/566/linux/install-and-use-spacewalk-2-3-on-centos-7) - Install and use Spacewalk 2.4 on CentOS 7 and RHEL 7 * [Pradipta Kumar Banerjee](http://cloudgeekz.com/625/howto-create-a-docker-image-for-rhel.html) - Howto create a Docker Image for RHEL * [Red Hat Customer Portal](https://access.redhat.com/articles/2772861) - Differences between RHEL Server and RHEL Atomic Host * [Vivek Gite](https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/centos-redhat-fedora-yum-lock-package-version-command/) - CentOS / RHEL: Yum Lock Package Version At a Particular Version * [Vivek Gite](https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-security.html) - 20 Linux Server Hardening Security Tips * [Awesome Linux Software](https://github.com/LewisVo/Awesome-Linux-Software/) - curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and other materials for Linux distros. * [Brendan D. Gregg](http://www.brendangregg.com/Perf/linux_observability_tools.png) - [IMG] Linux performance observability tools ## Linux for fun * [Justin Pot](http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/x-quirky-linux-commands-need-know-will-love/) - 9 Quirky Linux Commands You Need to Know (And Will Love) * [Silver Moon](http://www.binarytides.com/linux-fun-commands/) - 20 amusing Linux commands to have fun with the terminal * [GamingOnLinux](https://www.gamingonlinux.com/index.php?module=game) - Linux & SteamOS gaming community * [Linux game database](https://lgdb.org/games) ## Raspberry Pi * [Ard Ray](http://blog.mxard.com/persistent-iptables-on-raspberry-pi-raspbian) - Persistent IPtables on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian) * [Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange](https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/1247/what-should-be-done-to-secure-raspberry-pi) - What should be done to secure Raspberry Pi? * [Stefan Pröll](https://blog.stefanproell.at/2016/03/20/a-reasonable-secure-password-database-with-versioning-and-remote-access/) - A Reasonable Secure, Self-Hosted Password Database with Versioning and Remote Access ## Troubleshooting * [Sandra Henry-Stocker](http://www.computerworld.com/article/3196138/linux/whos-hogging-the-network.html) - Who's hogging the network? Bandwidth usage on a Linux system * [Narad Shrestha](https://www.tecmint.com/12-tcpdump-commands-a-network-sniffer-tool/) - 12 Tcpdump Commands – A Network Sniffer Tool * [Edoceo](http://edoceo.com/cli/tcpdump) - tcpdump examples * [rationallyPARANOID](https://rationallyparanoid.com/articles/tcpdump.html) - Tcpdump usage examples * [Sebastien Wains](https://www.wains.be/pub/networking/tcpdump_advanced_filters.txt) - tcpdump advanced filters * [Ravi Saive](https://www.tecmint.com/20-netstat-commands-for-linux-network-management/) - 20 Netstat Commands for Linux Network Management * [Milosz Galazka](https://blog.sleeplessbeastie.eu/2013/10/31/how-to-deal-with-dmesg-timestamps/) - How to deal with dmesg timestamps * [Stack Exchange](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/68523/find-and-remove-large-files-that-are-open-but-have-been-deleted) - Find and remove large files that are open but have been deleted * [Phil Rzewski](https://sysdig.com/blog/linux-troubleshooting-cheatsheet/) - Linux Troubleshooting Cheatsheet: strace, htop, lsof, tcpdump, iftop & sysdig ## Tuning * [Michael Hoting](http://blog.cloud-client.info/?p=1365) - Optimizing WD My Cloud NAS drive [Part 1](http://blog.cloud-client.info/?p=1365), [Part 2](http://blog.cloud-client.info/?p=1384) * [Christophe Vanlancker](https://carroarmato0.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/how-to-change-dns-in-dhcp-on-the-bbox2/) - How to change DNS in DHCP on the BBox2 * [Christophe Vanlancker ](https://carroarmato0.wordpress.com/2010/06/20/how-to-bridge-the-lan-ports-of-your-belgacom-bbox2/) - How to Bridge the Lan ports of your Belgacom BBox2 * [Philippe Teuwen](http://wiki.yobi.be/wiki/Modem_BBox-2) - wiki with useful detailed information about Belgacom BBox2 ## Vim * [Sandra Henry-Stocker](http://www.computerworld.com/article/2968352/linux/tricks-to-play-with-vim.html) - Tricks to play with vim * [Vim Tips Wiki](http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Search_and_replace) - Search and replace in VIM * [zzapper](http://rayninfo.co.uk/vimtips.html) - Best of Vim Tips / compiled from 16 Years of Vi + 10+ years of Vim * [Steve Losh](http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/) - Free book : Learn Vimscript the Hard Way, learn how to customize vim * [Steve Losh](http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/chapters/17.html) - Status Lines * [Powerline](https://github.com/powerline/powerline) : a statusline plugin for vim, providing also statuslines and prompts for tools such as zsh, bash, tmux, ... # Manga * [anime-planet](http://www.anime-planet.com/) - one of the most complete manga and anime database for finding recommended content, or cataloging and reviewing your collection # Music * [Rate Your Music](https://rateyourmusic.com/) - one of the most complete music database for cataloging, tagging and reviewing your music collection * [TasteKid](https://tastedive.com/) - get recommendations for music but also tv shows, films, games, books... * [16Personalities](https://www.16personalities.com/articles/music-preferences-by-personality-type) - Music Preferences by Personality Type * [jamb0ss](https://github.com/jamb0ss/awesome-ambient-noises) - A curated list of awesome ambient noises for listening while programming * [DΛTΛSSETTE](http://www.musicforprogramming.net/) - music for programming * [MorganGeek](https://gist.github.com/MorganGeek/66c9c8524e446550757d92c527c28c93) - work / programming playlists selection * [Tellement Nomade](http://www.tellementnomade.org/forum/) - [FR] forum for reviews, advices from audiophiles and discussions about music material (headphones, music players...) * [Tunefind](https://www.tunefind.com/browse/tv) - Music from all tv shows * [Tunefind](https://www.tunefind.com/browse/tv-movie) - Music from all tv shows and movies # Networking * [Homenet Howto](https://www.homenethowto.com/) - Interesting guide to how computer networks work # News * [Y Combinator](https://news.ycombinator.com/newest) - Hacker News : social news aggregator focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship. Related : [Additional news lists](https://news.ycombinator.com/lists) * [Wayne Larsen](https://hckrnews.com/) - HCKR News : unofficial alternative hacker news interface, fixing some Hacker News UI [Issues](https://hckrnews.com/about.html) * [Y Combinator](https://news.ycombinator.com/show) - Hacker news Show : where people share their work. Related : [**Newest Show HN**](https://news.ycombinator.com/shownew) * [Stephen Thoma](http://www.hnfavorites.com/) - HNfavorites – Explore the hacker news community's favorite content * [**Product Hunt**](https://www.producthunt.com/) - discover new products (apps, websites, services, ...) * [Joshua Stein](https://lobste.rs/) - Lobsters is a technology-focused community centered around link aggregation and discussion * [TechCrunch](https://techcrunch.com/) - latest technology news and information on startups * [Le Gorafi](http://www.legorafi.fr/) - [FR] news satire * [Summaread](http://www.summaread.com/) - Millions of articles summarized daily * [Popurls](http://popurls.com/) - Mother of news aggregators - aggregate news from most popular internet front pages * [Alltop](https://alltop.com/new/) - News aggregator, similar to Popurls. Aggregates news by topic also * [Twoogle](https://twoogle.info/?q=) - Search tweets in realtime # Operations / IT OPS * [TechBeacon](https://techbeacon.com/25-it-ops-pros-experts-follow-twitter) - 25 IT Ops pros and experts to follow on Twitter * [Michael Buckbee](https://blog.varonis.com/definitive-guide-to-dns-ttl-settings/) - Definitive Guide to DNS TTL Settings * [Vivek Gite](https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-use-dig-to-find-dns-time-to-live-ttl-values/) - Linux / Unix: Dig Command Find Out TTL (Time to Live) Value For DNS Records * [DigitalOcean](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/what-do-you-do-with-your-first-five-minutes-on-a-new-server) - What do you do with your first five minutes on a new server? * [Sylvain Kalache](https://www.linux.com/blog/first-5-commands-when-i-connect-linux-server) - First 5 Commands When I Connect on a Linux Server * [Bryan Kennedy](https://plusbryan.com/my-first-5-minutes-on-a-server-or-essential-security-for-linux-servers) - My First 5 Minutes On A Server; Or, Essential Security for Linux Servers * [Netflix](https://medium.com/netflix-techblog/linux-performance-analysis-in-60-000-milliseconds-accc10403c55) - Linux Performance Analysis in 60,000 Milliseconds * [alicegoldfuss](https://github.com/alicegoldfuss/oncall-handbook) - Tips and tricks for getting through on-call * [Charity Majors](https://honeycomb.io/blog/2017/04/lies-my-parents-told-me-about-logs/) - Lies My Parents Told Me (About Logs) * [Aurore Malherbes](https://www.theodo.fr/blog/2017/05/prevent-command-with-a-specific-option-to-be-run-on-your-server/) - Prevent command with a specific option to be run on your server * [Marvin Pinto](https://disjoint.ca/writing/2015/11/26/a-framework-for-deployment-of-immutable-infrastructure/) - A Framework for Deployment of Immutable Infrastructure * [Dan Tehranian](https://dantehranian.wordpress.com/2014/08/11/building-a-better-dashboard-for-virtual-infrastructure/) - Building a Better Dashboard for Virtual Infrastructure * [Pat Cable](https://blog.threatstack.com/balancing-security-and-your-on-call-rotation-using-deputize) - Balancing Security and Your On-Call Rotation Using Deputize * [Brendan D. Gregg](https://twitter.com/tgraf__/status/855100288251961346/photo/1) - Awesome 60s perf analysis cheatsheet : Host Perf Analysis in 60s * [Jon Prall](http://jprall.typepad.com/blog/2010/10/85-operational-rules.html) - (2007) 85 Operations Rules to Live By * [John Allspaw](http://www.kitchensoap.com/2007/10/11/knowing-when-you-can-fail-is-mandatory/) - Knowing when you can fail is mandatory. * [LZone](http://lzone.de/) - Various Cheat Sheets about sysadmin, development, it ops, services management and virtualization * [LZone](http://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/IT-Ops) - IT Ops Cheat Sheet * [David Mytton](https://blog.serverdensity.com/humanops-server-density/) - How we do HumanOps at Server Density * [Matthew Skelton](https://blog.softwareoperability.com/2013/04/08/lets-talk-about-operational-features-not-non-functional-requirements/) - Let’s Talk About Operational Features, not Non-Functional Requirements * [David Mytton](https://blog.serverdensity.com/how-and-why-we-use-devops-checklists/) - How and why we use DevOps checklists * [Francisco Augusto](https://github.com/kahun/awesome-sysadmin) - kahun/awesome-sysadmin : A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources * [Crack Duck](https://github.com/n1trux/awesome-sysadmin) - n1trux/awesome-sysadmin : (fork of [Francisco Augusto](https://github.com/kahun/awesome-sysadmin)) * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/cheat-sheet-system-admin/) - linux sysadmin cheatsheets * [AskF5 Support](https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K12213214) - Overview of colored status icons in the Configuration utility * [Deb Shinder](http://techgenix.com/fall-of-all-powerful-admin/) - The rise and fall of the all-powerful admin * [Rundeck](http://rundeck.org/) - Turn your operations procedures into self-service jobs. * [Damon Edwards](http://rundeck.org/news/2014/01/08/Jenkins-is-for-development-Rundeck-is-for-operations.html) - Jenkins is for Development. Rundeck is for Operations. ## Apache * [Duncan Crombie](http://www.the-art-of-web.com/system/logs/) - System: Analyzing Apache Log Files * [Duncan Crombie](http://www.the-art-of-web.com/system/apache-reverse-proxy/) - New Apache instance with Reverse Proxy * [Remy van Elst & Juerd](https://cipherli.st/) - Cipherli.st : Examples of strong Ciphers for Apache, nginx, Lighttpd and other tools * [DigiCert](https://www.digicert.com/ssl-support/apache-multiple-ssl-certificates-using-sni.htm) - Using Multiple SSL Certificates in Apache with One IP Address * [SSL Shopper](https://www.sslshopper.com/apache-server-ssl-installation-instructions.html) - Apache SSL Installation Instructions * [SSL Shopper](https://www.sslshopper.com/apache-redirect-http-to-https.html) - Apache Redirect HTTP to HTTPS using mod_rewrite * [Apache Docs](https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/en/rewrite/remapping.html) - Redirecting and Remapping with mod_rewrite * [Apache Docs](https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/en/vhosts/examples.html) - VirtualHost usage examples * [Jeff Starr](https://perishablepress.com/stupid-htaccess-tricks/) - Stupid .htaccess Tricks * [Jeff Starr](https://perishablepress.com/htaccess-cleanup/) - .htaccess Cleanup * [Server Fault](https://serverfault.com/questions/567320/difference-between-default-and-in-virtualhost-context) - difference between _default_:* and *:* in VirtualHost Context ## Logging * [Splunk Plugin for Jenkins](https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Splunk+Plugin+for+Jenkins) * [LZone](http://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/Splunk) - Splunk Cheat Sheet * [CloudBees](https://www.cloudbees.com/sites/default/files/2016-jenkins-world-jenkins_at_splunk.pdf) - Jenkins at Splunk and Splunking Jenkins +[Video on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlsEprySOrg) * [Eugen Paraschiv](https://stackify.com/9-logging-sins-java/) - 9 Logging Sins in Your Java Applications * [Duncan Crombie](http://www.the-art-of-web.com/system/logs/) - System: Analyzing Apache Log Files * [Splunk Docs](https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.4.3/SearchReference/Fields) - Splunk Search reference ## Monitoring * [Rafael Eyng](http://codeheaven.io/monitoring-your-application-status-with-cabot/) - Monitoring Your Application Status With Cabot * [John Allspaw](http://www.kitchensoap.com/2007/09/26/the-term-monitoring-needs-clarification/) - The term “monitoring” needs clarification. * [John Allspaw](http://www.kitchensoap.com/2013/07/22/owning-attention-considerations-for-alert-design/) - Owning Attention (Considerations for Alert Design) * [Server Density](https://www.serverdensity.com/monitor/linux/how-to/) - 80 Linux Monitoring Tools * [Andrew Wulf](http://thecodist.com/article/monitor_or_fail) - Monitor Or Fail * [Splunk Docs](http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/SplunkCloud/6.6.0/AdvancedDev/ModAlertsAdvancedExample) - Splunk Web : HipChat example for custom alert actions * [Splunkbase](https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2879/) - Splunk App : HipChat Room Notification Alert * [Fortify8Fifty Labs](https://forty8fiftylabs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DOCS/Configuring+Splunk+to+Send+HipChat+Notifications) - Configuring Splunk to Send HipChat Notifications * [BitMeter OS](https://github.com/codebox/bitmeteros) - a cross platform stupid simple and efficient bandwidth monitoring tool running locally with a web interface. [Downloads, FAQs, Docs](https://codebox.net/pages/tagged/BitMeter%20OS) * [monitoring-fr](https://www.monitoring-fr.org/solutions/) - [FR] Inventory of most recommended open source monitoring solutions * [MorganGeek](https://gist.github.com/MorganGeek/73217d0cd8435b2c02e1f17be030b04c) - monitoring solutions compared * [MorganGeek](https://gist.github.com/MorganGeek/16e76740b5c3ed75481eea4972f583a7) - monitoring tools summarized * [Julia Evans](https://jvns.ca/blog/2017/07/05/linux-tracing-systems/) - Linux tracing systems & how they fit together * [Naresh Kumar](https://theprofessionalspoint.blogspot.be/2013/10/10-basic-linux-networking-and.html) - 10 Basic Linux Networking and Monitoring Commands You Should Know * [Naresh Kumar](https://theprofessionalspoint.blogspot.be/2013/10/linux-server-monitoring-and-networking.html) - Linux Server Monitoring and Networking Commands for Linux Server Administrators - Part 2 * [Steven Vaughan-Nichols](https://insights.hpe.com/articles/16-linux-server-monitoring-commands-you-really-need-to-know-1703.html) - 16 Linux server monitoring commands you really need to know * [Justyna Ilczuk](http://tinystruggles.com/2015/03/22/bash-monitoring-tips.html) - Bash monitoring tips - watch & tee ## ServiceNow * [Joey Day](http://joeyday.com/2015/05/18/integrating-servicenow-with-hipchat/) - Integrating ServiceNow with HipChat * [ServiceNow Community](https://community.servicenow.com/thread/224468) - Benefits of integrating ServiceNow with Git * [John Andersen](http://www.john-james-andersen.com/blog/service-now/rest-based-servicenow-jira-integration-poc.html) - REST Based ServiceNow / Jira Integration (PoC) * [ServiceNow Store](https://store.servicenow.com/sn_appstore_store.do#!/store/home) - Service Now app store * [ServiceNow Docs](http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=REST_API#gsc.tab=0) - REST API * [ServiceNow Docs](http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=Encoded_Query_Strings#Creating_Encoded_Query_Strings&gsc.tab=0) - Encoded Query Strings * [ServiceNow Docs](http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=Scripting_in_Business_Rules#gsc.tab=0) - Scripting in Business Rules * [ServiceNow Docs](http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=Debugging_Business_Rules#gsc.tab=0) - Debugging Business Rules * [ServiceNow Docs](http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=Fix_Scripts#Testing_Fix_Scripts&gsc.tab=0) - Fix Scripts & Testing Fix Scripts * [ServiceNow Docs](http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=Script_Includes#gsc.tab=0) - Script Includes. Related : [Use Script Includes](https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/istanbul-servicenow-platform/page/script/server-scripting/concept/c_UseScriptIncludes.html) # Philosophy * [The Minds Journal](https://themindsjournal.com/synchronicity-coincidences/) - Synchronicity Happens For A Reason — There Are No Accidents And No Coincidences # Photography * [Exposure-Mat](http://expomat.tripod.com) - build yourself a free light meter that fits in your wallet. * [Joe L. Wroten](https://medium.com/@SharpShark28/whats-in-a-photo-e00637e9fc99) - What’s In A Photo? # Prepping * [The Prepper Times Slack Community](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScPZ5pZ5oJvyrsngtrfwLiOUu8tnDbNl6QSdhBo9aJCehQkFg/viewform?fbzx=-6621886175936142000) - Global club for chatting about prepping, survivance and SHTF * [Survival Sherpa](https://survivalsherpa.wordpress.com) - Helping each other on the climb to self-reliance and preparedness, one step at a time * [M.D. Creekmore](http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/) - The Survivalist Blog * [Preparing for shtf](http://prepforshtf.com/) - for people who are interested in survival topics, gear and how to prepare for any shtf situation * [Homesteading](https://homesteading.com/homesteading-skills-every-homesteader-should-know/) - 133 Homesteading Skills for the Modern Day Homesteader * [SHTF Plan](http://www.shtfplan.com/) - When the Shit Hits The Fan, you had be warned * [Survival Life](https://survivallife.com/) - Emergency Preparedness | Survival Skills | Survival Gear Reviews * [Preparedness Community](http://topprepperwebsites.com/) - Top Prepper Sites * [Primitive Technology](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAL3JXZSzSm8AlZyD3nQdBA/videos) - Primitive Technology youtube channel : Making primitive huts and tools from scratch using only natural materials in the wild * [/r/PrimitiveTechnology](https://www.reddit.com/r/PrimitiveTechnology/) - discussions about primitive technology subject and official youtube channel # Privacy * [Mo Bitar](https://dev.to/bitario/privacy-is-power) - Privacy is Power * [Walker Harrison](https://dev.to/walker/the-search-for-self-how-to-obtain-and-analyze-your-history-of-google-searches) - The Search for Self: How to obtain and analyze your history of Google searches * [/r/encryption](https://www.reddit.com/r/encryption/) - everything about encryption on reddit * [/r/privacy](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/) - everything about privacy on reddit * [Fried](https://fried.com/privacy/) - introduction guide to online privacy. a bit outdated on some advices * [**Privacy tools**](https://privacytoolsio.github.io/privacytools.io/) - knowledge, tools & tips to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance. Related : [/r/privacytoolsIO/](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacytoolsIO/) * [PRISM Break](https://prism-break.org/en/) - which alternative softwares help you opting out of global data surveillance programs like PRISM, XKeyscore and Tempora. * [have i been pwned](https://haveibeenpwned.com/) - Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach * [/r/pwned](https://www.reddit.com/r/pwned/) - data breaches, site defacements, rm's, hack logs * [**/r/selfhosted/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/) - alternatives to popular online services that can be self hosted * [**Edward Dickson**](https://github.com/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted) - awesome-selfhosted : list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally * [Selfhosted on Slack](https://selfhosted.herokuapp.com/) - community for everything about self-hosted web apps and related technologies * [Just Delete Me](http://backgroundchecks.org/justdeleteme/) - a directory of direct links to delete your account from web services * [Just Delete Me](http://backgroundchecks.org/justdeleteme/fake-identity-generator/) - Fake identity generator * [Tails](https://tails.boum.org/index.en.html) - Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity * [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com/) - an friendly secure email service with built-in e2e encryption and state of the art security features. Based in Switzerland * [Ernesto Van der Sar](https://torrentfreak.com/vpn-services-anonymous-review-2017-170304/) - Which VPN Services Keep You Anonymous in 2017? * [Golden Frog](https://www.goldenfrog.com/blog/myths-about-vpn-logging-and-anonymity) - I Am Anonymous When I Use a VPN – 10 Myths Debunked * [KeeWeb](https://github.com/keeweb/keeweb) - Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass. can be self hosted * [Panopticlick](https://panopticlick.eff.org) - Test : Is your browser safe against tracking? * [Am I unique](https://amiunique.org/fp) - Test : are you unique ? (what your fingerprint reveals about you) * [Air Mail](http://en.getairmail.com/) - temporary email service * [nBox](https://nbox.notif.me/) - fake email service, create as many fake emails you wish for protecting your privacy * [DuckDuckGo](https://duckduckgo.com/) - a search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers' privacy. **Related** : [Suggested search engines by PrivacyTools](https://privacytoolsio.github.io/privacytools.io/#search) * [DuckDuckGo](https://spreadprivacy.com/privacy-tips/home) - Fix Tracking : how to stop getting tracked on desktop and mobile * [Google](https://www.google.com/safetycenter/everyone/start/) - Google' guide : How to keep your stuff secure and private * [That One Privacy Guy](https://thatoneprivacysite.net/) - That One Privacy Site : a resource for those who value their privacy, with amazing comparisons of existing VPN / Emails services * [Security in a Box](https://securityinabox.org/en/) - Digital security tools and tactics with step by step instructions * [Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols](http://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-secure-windows-10-the-paranoids-guide/) - How to secure Windows 10: The paranoid's guide * [u/C-Ron](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/3f38ed/guide_how_to_disable_data_logging_in_w10/) - [GUIDE] How to disable data logging in W10. # Productivity > Tips * [**/r/productivity**](https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/) - productivity tips & news on reddit * [Medium](https://medium.com/swlh/the-30-second-habit-with-a-lifelong-impact-2c3f948ead98) - The 30 second habit with a lifelong impact * [Jbrains.ca](http://blog.jbrains.ca/permalink/the-two-minute-rule) - The Two-Minute Rule / When You’re Buried in Email * [Jbrains.ca](http://blog.jbrains.ca/permalink/flow-requires-focus-not-time) - Flow Requires Focus, Not Time * [The Minds Journal](https://themindsjournal.com/japanese-technique-overcoming-laziness/) - A Japanese Technique for Overcoming Laziness / Kaizen, Or The One-Minute Principle * [Foundr](https://foundrmag.com/analog-methods-for-getting-things-done-superpower-your-productivity-with-pen-and-paper/) - GTD : Superpower Your Productivity With Pen and Paper * [Dr. Travis Bradberry](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-travis-bradberry/11-tweaks-to-your-morning_b_8965072.html) - 11 Tweaks to Your Morning Routine * [Gojko Adzic](https://gojko.net/2012/01/23/splitting-user-stories-the-hamburger-method/) - Splitting user stories -- the hamburger method * [Jeff Haden](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-steps-make-each-day-incredibly-productive-jeff-haden) - 10 Steps to Make Each Day Exceptionally Productive * [govdesign](https://github.com/alphagov/govdesign) - Lot of useful posters to print * [Edouard-Malo HENRY](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/moving-from-how-why-company-edouard-malo-henry) - Moving from a "how" to a "why" company * [Dr. Travis Bradberry](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140805002649-50578967-how-successful-people-stay-calm) - How Successful People Stay Calm * [Wall-Skills](http://wall-skills.com/) - Great 1-pagers to share in your company * [Corinna Baldauf](http://wall-skills.com/2016/how-to-master-any-skill-badass/) - How to master any skill – Badass * [Karl E. Wiegers](http://www.processimpact.com/articles/humanizing_reviews.html) - Humanizing Peer Reviews * [SlideShare](https://www.slideshare.net/featured/category/self-improvement) - Self Improvement related presentations * [pluralsight](https://www.pluralsight.com/blog/it-ops/troubleshooting-tips) - 3 troubleshooting tips that can save you a world of time * [Jean-Yves Guyomarc'h](https://github.com/jyguyomarch/awesome-productivity) - A curated list of delightful productivity resources. * [MindTools](https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_96.htm) - tips for Overcoming Procrastination * [Google](http://www.powersearchingwithgoogle.com/) - Power searching with google * [How To Do Things](http://www.howtodothings.com/) - How to do things / Various how-to guides and tips for noobs * [wikiHow](http://www.wikihow.com/Main-Page) - How to do anything. However, if you take a look at sections such as [Family Life](http://www.wikihow.com/Category:Family-Life) it can be creepy.... (I mean, do we need a site to learn what is family about ?) * [HowStuffWorks](http://www.howstuffworks.com/) - easy-to-understand answers and explanations of how the world actually works * [Instructables](http://www.instructables.com/) - How to make anything * [Vikas Kumar Yadav](https://github.com/vikaskyadav/awesome-list-of-productive-websites) - various list of productive websites * [Johnny Webber](http://unplugthetv.com/) - Unplug the tv : What should you watch if not the television ? * [Lifehacker](http://lifehacker.com/) - tips, tricks and downloads to getting things done * [Hackaday](http://hackaday.com/) - fresh hacks every day * [IFTTT](https://ifttt.com/) - use existing services together to automate tasks and make your life easier * [Mattias Geniar](https://ma.ttias.be/why-do-we-automate/) - Why do we automate? * [Bullet Journal](http://bulletjournal.com/) - a simple system to improve your productivity using only paper * [**Leo Babauta**](https://zenhabits.net/archives/) - Zen Habits is about finding simplicity and mindfulness in the daily chaos of our lives * [Hack Productivity on Slack](https://hackproductivity.herokuapp.com/) - Slack group with productivity tips and tricks * [Productivity Hackers on Slack](https://ipoli.typeform.com/to/P7pAqM) - Place to learn how to improve personal productivity * [Leo Babauta](https://zenhabits.net/clean/) - The Clean-as-You-Go Principle * [Leo Babauta](https://zenhabits.net/system/) - The Perfect System * [Leo Babauta](https://zenhabits.net/self-discipline/) - A Guide to Developing the Self-Discipline Habit * [Leo Babauta](https://zenhabits.net/tiny-victory/) - Small Actions, Huge Impact * [InterQuest Group](https://www.slideshare.net/IQGroup/iq-work-hacks-productivity) - [Slides] Work & productivity hacks * [Louis-Xavier Lavallée](https://www.slideshare.net/LouisXavierLavalle/10-reasons-why-successful-leaders-are-keeping-a-journal-58921004) - [Slides] 10 Reasons Why Successful Leaders Are Keeping a Journal * [Justyna Ilczuk](http://tinystruggles.com/2014/11/30/maker-productivity-101.html) - Maker Productivity 101 * [Nathan Kontny](https://m.signalvnoise.com/speed-reading-2ff843053cc6) - Speed Reading tips > Learn * [Urban Dictionary](http://www.urbandictionary.com/) - online dictionary of slang words and phrases * [Wait But Why](http://waitbutwhy.com/) - popular long form blog posts by two guys, about everything * [Stephen Thoma](http://www.hnfavorites.com/) - HNfavorites – Explore the Hacker News community's favorite content * [Standuply](https://standuply.com/slack-communities) - big list of Slack communities * [**Self Improvement on SlideShare**](https://www.slideshare.net/featured/category/self-improvement) - Self Improvement presentations > Tools * [Chris Barber](https://github.com/cjbarber/ToolsOfTheTrade) - Tools of The Trade, from Hacker News. * [BugMeNot](http://bugmenot.com/) - no time to create an account ? try a domain or url and get shared logins * [Calvin Cheng](https://awesomelists.top/) - AwesomeSearch : find awesome lists more quickly. * [Sindre Sorhus](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) - sindresorhus/awesome : Curated list of awesome lists * [Alexander Bayandin](https://github.com/bayandin/awesome-awesomeness) - A curated list of awesome awesomeness * [Adam Pritchard](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet) - Markdown Cheatsheet * [CommonMark](http://commonmark.org/help/) - syntax reference for CommonMark, a rationalized version of Markdown syntax * [CommonMark](http://spec.commonmark.org/dingus/) - Try CommonMark / CommonMark Demo * [/r/dailyscripts](https://www.reddit.com/r/dailyscripts/) - late-night hacks lazy people made when too annoyed by a task's length or difficulty * [/r/coolgithubprojects](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolgithubprojects/) - cool github projects * [Next Chess Move](https://nextchessmove.com) - Calculate the best next Chess move * [Fost Plus](https://www.fostplus.be/en/all-about-sorting/sort-your-packaging) - Together good sorting, better recycling : Enter your packaging below and find out whether it belongs to. [French version](https://www.fostplus.be/fr/trier-recycler/tout-sur-le-tri/triez-votre-emballage) * [PortForward](http://screenshots.portforward.com/) - Router Screenshots Listed by Manufacturer * [IANA](https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-numbers.xhtml) - Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry * [IANA](https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db) - Root Zone Database * [PortForward](https://portforward.com/ports.htm) - Port Forwarding Ports List * [MorganGeek](https://gist.github.com/MorganGeek/70a89f69271e73b4d6fd491eb8c3b134) - Inbox by Google search tricks * [Robert Zak](https://www.maketecheasier.com/chrome-flags-better-browsing-experience/) - some useful chrome flags for a better UX in Google Chrome * [Karrar Haider](https://www.maketecheasier.com/offline-mode-google-chrome/) - Use chrome flags to enable offline mode in Google Chrome * [wikiHow](http://www.wikihow.com/Backup-and-Restore-Google-Chrome%27s-Entire-Settings) - How to Backup and Restore Google Chrome's Entire Settings * [Summaread](http://www.summaread.com/) - Millions of articles summarized daily * [Bash One-Liners](http://www.bashoneliners.com/) - Bash one-liners, and best practices in Bash shell scripting * [Unshorten.It](https://unshorten.it/) - Unshorten that URL! * [Popurls](http://popurls.com/) - Mother of news aggregators - aggregate news from most popular internet front pages * [Twoogle](https://twoogle.info/?q=) - Search tweets in realtime # Programming * [Mastodon](https://instances.mastodon.xyz/list) - take a break from twitter and switch to one of mastodon instances. * [InfoQ](https://www.infoq.com/) - news, videos, books for software developers * [SlideShare](https://www.slideshare.net/featured/category/software) - featured software related presentations on SlideShare * [DZone](https://dzone.com/) - programming & devops news * [/r/programming](https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/) - everything about programming on reddit * [Player FM](http://player.fm/featured/programming) - Programming podcasts * [Devoxx](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCBVCTuk6uJrN3iFV_3vurg/playlists) - Devoxx Youtube Channel * [Stack Exchange](https://stackexchange.com/sites#technology) - All technology related sites on Stack Exchange * [Stack Exchange](https://codereview.stackexchange.com/) - Stack Exchange for code reviews * [Hack Reactor](http://www.hackreactor.com/blog/infographic-laurie-voss-things-everyone-knows-except-you) - Infographic of productivity tips for developers, to share with your teammates * [javarevisited](http://javarevisited.blogspot.be/2015/08/how-to-become-better-interviewer-programming.html) - 11 Tips to become a better Interviewer? * [10 C99 tricks](https://blog.noctua-software.com/c-tricks.html) * [Java Performance Tuning](http://www.javaperformancetuning.com/) - regular tips and news about java performance tuning * [Joël Spolsky](https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2000/08/09/the-joel-test-12-steps-to-better-code/) - The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code * [Corinna Baldauf](http://wall-skills.com/2016/agile-engineering-self-assessment/) - Agile Engineering Self Assessment * [Emiliano Soldi](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/relentlessly-avoid-technical-debt-emiliano-soldi) - Relentlessly Avoid Technical Debt * [Hadi Hariri](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wyd6J3yjcs) - [Video] The Silver Bullet Syndrome (Devoxx Brussels 2015) * [Nick Janetakis](https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/how-to-pick-a-good-monitor-for-software-development) - How to Pick a Good Monitor for Software Development * [Philip Reames](https://web.archive.org/web/20160731182553/http://www.philipreames.com/Blog/things-every-practicing-software-engineer-should-aim-to-know/) - Things every practicing software engineer should aim to know * [Engin Yöyen ](http://enginyoyen.com/improving-problem-solving-skills-for-developers/) - Improving problem-solving skills for developers * [James Hood](https://dev.to/jlhcoder/tips-for-new-software-developers) - Tips for New Software Developers * [Andrew Wulf](http://thecodist.com/article/lessons_from_a_lifetime_of_being_a_programmer) - Lessons From A Lifetime Of Being A Programmer * [Mo Bitar](https://journal.standardnotes.org/surviving-in-open-source-47792a7c59dc) - Surviving Open-Source * [Ben Hilburn](https://dev.to/bhilburn/on-senior-engineers) - On Senior Engineers * [John Allspaw](http://www.kitchensoap.com/2012/10/25/on-being-a-senior-engineer/) - On Being A Senior Engineer * [Gregg Caines](http://caines.ca/blog/2017/06/04/so-you-want-to-be-a-more-senior-engineer/) - So You Want to Be a More Senior Engineer? * [Andrew Wulf](http://thecodist.com/article/your_progress_as_a_programmer_is_all_up_to_you) - Your Progress As A Programmer Is All Up To You * [Justyna Ilczuk](http://tinystruggles.com/2014/05/13/leveling-up-as-a-software-developer.html) - Leveling up as a software developer * [Web Development Reading List](https://wdrl.info/almanac/2017) - The 2017 Almanac : What happened in “News” in 2016? * [Web Development Reading List](https://wdrl.info/evergreen) - The Evergreen List : selection of resources that are important for a longer time. * [ThoughtWorks](https://www.thoughtworks.com/radar) - Technology radar : trends, insights into tools, frameworks, languages, techniques & platforms shaping the future * [StackShare](https://stackshare.io/trending/tools) - trending tools, find which tools other companies are using * [StackShare](https://stackshare.io/trending/stacks) - trending technology stacks, find which stacks others companies are using * [GitHub](https://github.com/explore) - Project showcases, discover interesting repositories * [GitHub](https://github.com/trending) - Explore trending projects in GitHub community * [GitHub](https://github.com/showcases) - Open source showcases, explore popular repositories * [Hugo Matilla](https://github.com/HugoMatilla/The-Pragmatic-Programmer) - Summary of the book The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas * [Methods & Tools](http://www.methodsandtools.com/mt/download.php) - magazine about software development & testing with free content. See also [Partner websites](http://www.methodsandtools.com/network.php) * [Colin Hughes](https://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems) - Project Euler proposes a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems * [Nick Parlante](http://codingbat.com) - CodingBat : practice your programming skills (exercices in java and python) * [Programming Praxis](https://programmingpraxis.com/) - A collection of etudes, updated weekly, for the education and enjoyment of the savvy programmer * [Hacker Rank](https://www.hackerrank.com/dashboard) - coding challenges (to make yourself ready for coding interviews * [/r/dailyprogrammer](https://www.reddit.com/r/dailyprogrammer/) - programming challenges on reddit * [/r/codegolf](https://www.reddit.com/r/codegolf/) - Challenges to test your code shortening skills. Not necessarily practical, but fun! * [Philip Stark](https://gist.github.com/hellerbarde/2843375) - Latency numbers every programmer should know * [**Sonkeng Maldini**](https://github.com/sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit) - Best websites programmers should visit * [Vinh Quốc Nguyễn](https://betterdev.link/) - Better Dev Link collects links around the web that aims to help you learn something new * [Andrew Wulf](http://thecodist.com/article/the-biggest-difference-between-coding-today-and-when-i-started-in-the-80-s) - The Biggest Difference Between Coding Today and When I Started in the 80’s * [Andrew Wulf](http://thecodist.com/article/what_makes_a_programmer_good) - What Makes a Programmer Good? * [Stack Overflow](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/) - chat rooms on stack overflow * [RankRed](http://www.rankred.com/nasa-coding-rules/) - NASA’s 10 Coding Rules for Writing Safety Critical Program * [/r/tinycode](https://www.reddit.com/r/tinycode/) - minimalistic, often but not always simple implementations of just about everything. * [/r/coolgithubprojects](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolgithubprojects/) - cool github projects * [DemandRush](https://www.demandrush.com/) - Get paid to build your next side project * [Ben Hilburn](https://bhilburn.org/a-keystone-of-success/) - What mature engineers do and don't do / what it means to be a mature engineer. * [DevStickers](http://devstickers.com/) - Laptop Stickers and T-shirts for Web Designers and Developers * [Zazzle](https://www.zazzle.com/software+developer+stickers) - Software Developer Stickers * [Redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/shop/developer+stickers) - Moooaaar developer stickers * [Adam Williamson](https://www.happyassassin.net/2016/11/04/i-dont-like-computers/) - I don't like computers : touching testimonial... because sometimes, we also feel that the web loses us * [OWASP Wiki](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Secure_Coding_Practices_-_Quick_Reference_Guide) - OWASP Secure coding practices * [Lars Kappert](https://webpro.github.io/programming-principles/) - Categorized overview of Programming Principles. [Sources](https://github.com/webpro/programming-principles) * [MorganGeek](PRINCIPLES.md) - some programming and life lessons, collected from various sources including myself * [DigitalOcean](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials) - development and sysadmin tutorials. * [Gojko Adzic](https://gojko.net/posts.html) - all articles by Gojko Adzic * [Ozan Onay](https://blog.bradfieldcs.com/you-are-not-google-84912cf44afb) - You Are Not Google ## API * [Adam DuVander](https://www.programmableweb.com/news/top-10-api-worst-practices/2012/08/03) - Top 10 API Worst Practices * [Gregg Caines](http://caines.ca/blog/2013/09/13/you-probably-dont-need-to-version-your-web-api/) - You Probably Don’t Need to Version Your Web API. * [Shieldfy](https://github.com/shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist) - API Security Checklist ## Clean code * [MorganGeek](PRINCIPLES.md) - some programming and life lessons, collected from various sources including myself * [Clean Code Cheat Sheet v2.4](http://www.planetgeek.ch/2014/11/18/clean-code-cheat-sheet-v-2-4/) - cheat sheet for clean code * [Corinna Baldauf](http://wall-skills.com/2014/simplicity-rules-from-extreme-programming/) - Simplicity Rules (from eXtreme Programming) * [Bruce Johnson](https://blog.fullstory.com/what-we-learned-from-google-code-reviews-arent-just-for-catching-bugs-b125a13aa292) - What we learned from Google: code reviews aren’t just for catching bugs * [Vaidehi Joshi](https://dev.to/vaidehijoshi/crafting-better-code-reviews) - Crafting Better Code Reviews * [Gregg Caines](http://caines.ca/blog/2009/12/13/code-slower/) - Code Slower * [Gregg Caines](http://caines.ca/blog/2010/12/05/quality-is-the-constraint/) - Quality Is the Constraint * [Hugo Matilla](https://github.com/HugoMatilla/Refactoring-Summary) - Summary of "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code" by Martin Fowler * [Wojtek Lukaszuk](https://gist.github.com/wojteklu/73c6914cc446146b8b533c0988cf8d29) - Summary of 'Clean code' by Robert C. Martin * [Deniz Ozger](https://github.com/denizozger/clean-code) - Notes of clean coding practices, mostly based on book Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin * [Jose Angel Barroso](https://github.com/jbarroso/clean-code) - Notes on the book Clean Code - A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin * [John Hanley](http://www.javapractices.com/home/HomeAction.do) - Collected Java Practices * [Christopher Diggins](http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=331531) - The Principles of Good Programming * [/r/tinycode](https://www.reddit.com/r/tinycode/) - minimalistic, often but not always simple implementations of just about everything. * [/r/codegolf](https://www.reddit.com/r/codegolf/) - Challenges to test your code shortening skills. Not necessarily practical, but fun! * [Andrew Yurisich](https://github.com/Droogans/unmaintainable-code) - How To Write Unmaintainable Code * [Salvatore Gentile](https://github.com/SalGnt/cscs) - A curated list of Coding Style Conventions and Standards. Discovered via [DevHub](https://devhub.io/repos/aerfaman-cscs) * [dockerlint](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dockerlint) - Linting tool for Dockerfiles based on [Dockerfile Reference](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/) and [Best practices for writing Dockerfiles](https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/dockerfile_best-practices/) * [linters](https://github.com/mcandre/linters) - list of linters and introduction to static code analysis * [Awesome Static analysis](https://github.com/mre/awesome-static-analysis) - A curated list of static analysis tools, linters and code quality checkers for various programming languages * [Idiomatic Rust](https://github.com/mre/idiomatic-rust) - Guidelines for writing elegant Rust programs * [Lucas Medeiros Reis](https://dev.to/iamlucasmreis/the-single-most-important-driver-of-software-quality) - The Single Most Important Driver Of Software Quality * [GitHub](https://github.com/showcases/clean-code-linters) - Clean code linters * [Ansible Best Practises](https://github.com/enginyoyen/ansible-best-practises) - A project structure that outlines some best practises of how to use ansible * [Awesome Guidelines](https://github.com/Kristories/awesome-guidelines) - A curated list of high quality coding style conventions and standards. * [Tom Preston-Werner](http://semver.org/) - Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 ## Debugging * [The Geek Stuff](http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/03/debug-c-program-using-gdb/) - How to Debug C Program using gdb in 6 Simple Steps * [Jaroslav Tulach](http://www.methodsandtools.com/archive/debugger.php) - Use the Debugger. Stupid! * [Bruce Johnson](https://blog.fullstory.com/what-we-learned-from-google-code-reviews-arent-just-for-catching-bugs-b125a13aa292) - What we learned from Google: code reviews aren’t just for catching bugs ## Gamedev > News & Communities * [GameDev](https://www.gamedev.net/) - game development articles * [Stack Exchange](https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/) - Q&A & discussions about Game development * [/r/gamedev](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/) - everything about game development on reddit * [Indiedevhour on Slack](https://slack.pirrate.me/) - Community of Indie game developers and hobbyists * [Indie Game Developers on Slack](https://indie-game-devs-slack.herokuapp.com/) - Independent game developers group * [Gamasutra](http://www.gamasutra.com/) - articles about art and business of making games > Tools * [libGDX](https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx) - libgdx : Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework * [Indie DB](http://www.indiedb.com/engines/libgdx/games) - games made with libGDX * [Pixel](https://github.com/faiface/pixel) - Pixel : A hand-crafted 2D game library in Go. * [Angel 2D](https://github.com/angel2d/angel2d) - Angel 2D : A cross-platform 2D game prototyping framework based on OpenGL and C++. Looks dead... * [SFML](https://www.sfml-dev.org/) - SFML is a simple, fast, cross-platform and object-oriented multimedia API. Written in C++ and provides bindings for various languages such as C, .Net, Ruby, Python. * [Plastic SCM](https://www.plasticscm.com/) - Distributed Version Control for big projects. Discovered via [Garry' blog](https://garry.tv/2017/04/29/jenkins/) * [Open Source Game Clones](http://osgameclones.com/) - inventory of open-source remakes of great old games ## Git * [DEV](https://dev.to/t/git) - Git related articles on dev.to() * [Think Like (a) Git](http://think-like-a-git.net/) - Git shouldn't be so hard to learn : a guide for the perplexed * [Oh shit, git!](http://ohshitgit.com/) - git may be hard, screwing up is easy, here are some tips to fix your mistakes * [Emily Xie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Msq90ZknI) - [Video] Dissecting Git's Guts - Git Merge 2016 + [Cheat Sheet of git commands](https://github.com/emilyxxie/gits_guts_commands/blob/master/git_cheat_sheet.pdf) * [Spencer Krum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-T51nhmFhQ) - [Video] 20 Tricks with Git and Shell - Git Merge 2016 * [James Coyle](https://www.jamescoyle.net/how-to/1891-git-ssl-certificate-problem-caused-by-self-signed-certificates) - Git SSL Certificate Problem Caused By Self Signed Certificates * [Scott Nonnenberg](https://blog.scottnonnenberg.com/better-git-configuration/) - Better Git configuration. See also the [shared .gitconfig file](https://gist.github.com/scottnonnenberg/fefa3f65fdb3715d25882f3023b31c29) * [Scott Chacon and Ben Straub](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#_variables) - available variables in git config * [Corinna Baldauf](http://wall-skills.com/2014/git-pretty-so-youve-got-a-mess-on-your-hand/) - git pretty – So you’ve got a mess on your hand … * [Joseph Kahn](https://blog.josephkahn.io/articles/pre-commit-hooks/) - Pre-commit Hooks: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly * [Rafael Eyng](http://codeheaven.io/simple-git-hooks-with-ghooks/) - Simple Git Hooks With Ghooks * [gogits/gogs](https://github.com/gogits/gogs) - Gogs is a painless self-hosted Git service. * [Patrice Laurent](https://www.patricelaurent.net/ansible-vault-cryptage-git/) - [FR] Ansible Vault : Automatiser le chiffrement avec Git * [Marvin Pinto](https://disjoint.ca/til/2016/04/25/using-git-diff-with-ansible-vault-encrypted-files/) - Using git diff with Ansible Vault encrypted files * [Marvin Pinto](https://disjoint.ca/til/2016/03/18/modifying-the-date-of-a-commit/) - Modifying the date of a commit * [Nicola Paolucci](https://www.atlassian.com/blog/git/advanced-git-aliases) - One weird trick for powerful Git aliases * [Nicola Paolucci](http://durdn.com/blog/2012/11/22/must-have-git-aliases-advanced-examples/) - Must Have Git Aliases: Advanced Examples + [list available on BitBucket](https://bitbucket.org/durdn/cfg/src/master/.gitconfig?at=master) * [Nicola Paolucci](http://durdn.com/blog/2012/12/05/git-12-curated-git-tips-and-workflows/) - Git: Twelve Curated Tips And Workflows From The Trenches * [Rob Miller](https://gist.github.com/robmiller/6018582) - shared .gitconfig with some useful Git aliases * [Richard Bateman](https://gist.github.com/taxilian/1338308) - shared .gitconfig with some useful Git aliases * [Harry Roberts](https://github.com/csswizardry/dotfiles/blob/master/.gitconfig) - shared .gitconfig with some useful Git aliases * [Ben Hilburn](https://github.com/bhilburn/dotfiles) - shared configs / dotfiles / rcfiles / etc. * [Amber Yust](https://codingkilledthecat-wordpress-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/codingkilledthecat.wordpress.com/2012/08/08/git-dotfiles-and-hardlinks/amp/) - Concerns about Git, Dotfiles, and Hardlinks * [Michael White](https://gist.github.com/mwhite/6887990) - The Ultimate Git Alias Setup * [Git SCM Wiki](https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Aliases) - Collection of git aliases * [Nicola Paolucci](https://legacy-developer.atlassian.com/blog/2015/05/the-power-of-git-subtree/) - The power of Git subtree * [GitAlias/gitalias](https://github.com/GitAlias/gitalias) - Git alias commands for faster easier version control * [Nicola Paolucci](http://durdn.com/blog/2009/08/16/i-love-staring-at-branches-and-shuffle-reorder-and-squash-commits/) - I love staring at branches and shuffle, reorder and squash commits * [Robby Russell](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/456341fd69c3e514e401f1c3c1726b77d733c86b/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh) - git aliases from oh-my-zsh * [Kernel Docs](https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-push.html) - git-push * [Git-SCM Docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-diff) - git-diff * [Nicola Paolucci](https://www.atlassian.com/blog/git/git-submodules-workflows-tips#tip5) - Git submodules: core concept, workflows, and tips * [Christophe Porteneuve](https://medium.com/@porteneuve/mastering-git-submodules-34c65e940407) - Mastering Git submodules * [Git-SCM Docs](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules) - Submodules documentation * [Hemanth.HM](https://github.com/git-tips/tips) - [git-tips/tips] Collection of most commonly used git tips and tricks * [Lars Vogel](http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/Git/article.html) - Git - Tutorial * [Pere Orga](https://orga.cat/posts/most-useful-git-commands) - The most useful git commands * [Christophe Porteneuve](https://medium.com/@porteneuve/getting-solid-at-git-rebase-vs-merge-4fa1a48c53aa) - Getting solid at Git rebase vs. merge * [Christophe Porteneuve](https://medium.com/@porteneuve/30-git-cli-options-you-should-know-about-15423e8771df) - 30 Git CLI options you should know about * [Markus Wein](http://nuclearsquid.com/writings/git-tricks-tips-workflows/) - A few of my Git tricks, tips and workflows * [Andy Jeffries](https://www.andyjeffries.co.uk/25-tips-for-intermediate-git-users/) - 25 Tips for Intermediate Git Users * [Christophe Porteneuve](https://medium.com/@porteneuve/video-collaboration-best-practices-with-git-and-github-2b5de9424af2) - [Video] Collaboration best practices with Git and GitHub - [Slides](http://drive.delicious-insights.com/legacy-files/git-github-collab-bp.pdf) * [Christophe Porteneuve](https://hackernoon.com/fix-conflicts-only-once-with-git-rerere-7d116b2cec67) - Fix conflicts only once with git rerere * [Buddy Reno](https://medium.freecodecamp.com/bash-shortcuts-to-enhance-your-git-workflow-5107d64ea0ff) - Bash Shortcuts to Enhance Your Git Workflow * [Buddy Reno](https://buddyreno.me/removing-git-commits-from-master-34d0efe931c6) - Removing Git Commits From Master (Safely) * [Buddy Reno](https://medium.freecodecamp.com/git-please-a182f28efeb5) - Git Please: how to force push without being a jerk * [Christophe Porteneuve](https://medium.com/@porteneuve/mastering-git-reset-commit-alchemy-ba3a83bdfddc) - Mastering Git Reset: Commit Alchemy * [Alex Blewitt](http://alblue.bandlem.com/2011/05/git-tip-of-week-reflogs.html) - Git Tip of the Week: Reflogs. The same blog contains a [lot of git tips](http://alblue.bandlem.com/Tag/git/) * [Markus Wein](http://nuclearsquid.com/writings/subtree-merging-and-you/) - Subtree merging and you * [Markus Wein](http://nuclearsquid.com/writings/git-new-workdir/) - git-new-workdir * [Ryan Hodson](https://web.archive.org/web/20161121145327/http://rypress.com/tutorials/git/tips-and-tricks) - [Cached] Tips & Tricks (Ry’s Git Tutorial) * [Nicola Paolucci](https://www.atlassian.com/blog/software-teams/git-project-dependencies) - Git and project dependencies * [Nicola Paolucci](https://www.atlassian.com/blog/archives/how-to-fetch-pull-requests) - Pull request proficiency: Fetching abilities unlocked! * [Pratul Kalia](https://blog.uncommon.is/using-git-to-generate-versionname-and-versioncode-for-android-apps-aaa9fc2c96af) - Using git to generate versionName and versionCode for Android apps * [Joe L. Wroten](https://dev.to/sharpshark28/self-code-review-with-git-add-patch) - Self Code Review with Git Add Patch * [Joe L. Wroten](https://dev.to/sharpshark28/easy-git-commit-targeting) - Easy Git Commit Targeting * [Jason McCreary](https://dev.to/gonedark/3-git-commands-i-use-every-day) - 3 Git Commands I Use Every Day * [Jason McCreary](https://dev.to/gonedark/tweak-your-terminal-for-git) - Tweak your Terminal for Git * [Jason McCreary](https://dev.to/gonedark/stop-aliasing-core-git-commands) - Stop aliasing core Git commands * [Tamir Bahar](https://dev.to/tmr232/dont-amend-fix) - Don't Amend, Fix * [AbdulBasit KABIR](https://dev.to/abulkay/whichs-the-right-git-workflow-for-my-next-project) - Which is the right git workflow for my next project? * [Kenneth Truyers](https://www.kenneth-truyers.net/2016/10/13/git-nosql-database/) - Git as a NoSql database * [Mislav Marohnić](https://mislav.net/2010/07/git-tips/) - A few git tips you didn't know about * [Mislav Marohnić](https://mislav.net/2014/02/hidden-documentation/) - Every line of code is always documented * [Andrew Peterson](http://ndpsoftware.com/git-cheatsheet.html) - Interactive Git Cheatsheet with a weird UI * [Justin Hileman](http://justinhileman.info/article/git-pretty/git-pretty.png) - [Chart] git-pretty : Escape a Git mess, step by step * [Gregg Caines](http://caines.ca/blog/2012/01/03/your-team-probably-doesnt-have-the-same-dvcs-requirements-as-linus/) - Your Team Probably Doesn't Have the Same DVCS Requirements as Linus * [Harry Roberts](https://csswizardry.com/2017/05/little-things-i-like-to-do-with-git/) - Little Things I Like to Do with Git * [Donne Martin](https://github.com/donnemartin/gitsome) - gitsome : A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI) * [Alain Gilbert](https://github.com/alaingilbert/git2graph) - git2graph : Generate a git graph structure from linear git history * [BFG Repo-Cleaner](https://rtyley.github.io/bfg-repo-cleaner/) - an alternative to git-filter-branch. [Sources on Github](https://github.com/rtyley/bfg-repo-cleaner) * [Sven Hofmann](https://gist.github.com/hofmannsven/6814451) - Simply git cheatsheet * [Markus Wein](http://nuclearsquid.com/writings/git-add/) - git add --patch and --interactive * [Git SCM Docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-archive) - git-archive * [Nathan LeClaire](https://nathanleclaire.com/blog/2016/06/28/on-the-matter-of-beautiful-git-diffs/) - On the Matter of Beautiful git Diffs * [Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9952878) - Don't put secret keys in your repository. * [Gitdude.com](https://gitdude.com/) - code improvement tips posted as a comment on your Github commits * [Seth Robertson](https://sethrobertson.github.io/GitBestPractices/) - Git Best practices : commit often, perfect later, publish once, etc. ## Golang / Go * [faiface/pixel](https://github.com/faiface/pixel) - Pixel : A hand-crafted 2D game library in Go. * [Go Docs](https://golang.org/pkg/flag/) - Package flag * [Pipat Methavanitpong](https://fulcronz27.wordpress.com/2016/03/07/setting-atom-for-golang-on-windows/) - Setting Atom for Golang on Windows * [Francesc Campoy Flores](https://talks.golang.org/2013/bestpractices.slide#1) - Twelve Go Best Practices * [Marcio Castilho](http://marcio.io/2015/07/handling-1-million-requests-per-minute-with-golang/) - Handling 1 Million Requests per Minute with Go * [Marcio Castilho](http://marcio.io/2015/07/supercharging-atom-editor-for-go-development/) - Supercharging the Atom Editor for Go Development * [The Go Playground](https://play.golang.org/) - Useful for code snippet validation * [Golang](https://golang.org/src/) - Golang source code, useful for learning * [Go Docs](https://golang.org/pkg/) - Package list and documentation * [Go Docs](https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/) - Package crypto * [Andrew Gerrand](https://talks.golang.org/2012/10things.slide#1) - (2012) 10 things you (probably) don't know about Go * [Gophers on Slack](https://gophersinvite.herokuapp.com/) - Group to discuss Go language * [Avelino](https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go) - curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. See also [awesome-go.com](https://awesome-go.com/) * [GolangLibs](https://golanglibs.com) - inventory of go libraries an apps * [Checkmarx](https://checkmarx.gitbooks.io/go-scp/) - Go secure coding practices for web applications. [Sources on GitHub](https://github.com/Checkmarx/Go-SCP) * [Justyna Ilczuk](http://tinystruggles.com/2015/08/29/golang-code-reuse.html) - Golang Code Reuse - Generalization tricks * [Go Resources](https://www.golang-book.com/books/intro/9) - Structs and Interfaces * [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13511203/why-cant-i-assign-a-struct-to-an-interface) - Why can't I assign a *Struct to an *Interface? * [Christoph Berger](https://appliedgo.net/generics/) - Who needs generics? Use ... instead! * [Nathan LeClaire](https://nathanleclaire.com/blog/2015/10/10/interfaces-and-composition-for-effective-unit-testing-in-golang/) - Interfaces and Composition for Effective Unit Testing in Golang * [Nathan LeClaire](https://nathanleclaire.com/blog/2015/03/09/youre-not-using-this-enough-part-one-go-interfaces/) - You're Not Using This Enough, Part One: Go Interfaces ## Groovy * [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35187151/using-groovy-how-do-you-pipe-multiple-shell-commands) - how to pipe multiple shell commands * [Hubert Klein Ikkink](http://mrhaki.blogspot.be/2009/11/groovy-goodness-working-with-lines-in.html) - Groovy Goodness: Working with Lines in Strings * [Tess Thyer](https://coderwall.com/p/nswp1q/calling-other-processes-from-groovy) - Calling Other Processes From Groovy * [Joerg Mueller](http://www.joergm.com/2010/09/executing-shell-commands-in-groovy/) - Executing shell commands in Groovy ## Java * [Hugo Matilla](https://github.com/HugoMatilla/Effective-JAVA-Summary) - Summary of the book Effective Java 2nd Edition by Joshua Bloch * [John Hanley](http://www.javapractices.com/home/HomeAction.do) - Collected Java Practices * [Nick Parlante](http://codingbat.com/java) - CodingBat : practice your java skills * [Lieven Doclo](https://dzone.com/articles/why-i-never-use-maven-release) - Why I Never Use the Maven Release Plugin ## JavaScript * [Ilse Garcia](https://dev.to/poleslayer/the-js-path-javascript-best-practices-pt-1) - The JS Path: JavaScript Best Practices Pt. 1 * [Front-end Rescue](https://uptodate.frontendrescue.org/) - How to keep up to date on Front-End Technologies - The Recipe * [Michal Mikolajczyk](https://www.toptal.com/angular-js/top-18-most-common-angularjs-developer-mistakes) - Top 18 Most Common Mistakes that AngularJS Developers Make * [Sindre Sorhus](https://github.com/avajs/ava) - AVA : Futuristic JavaScript test runner * [Alexandru Vladutu](https://www.airpair.com/node.js/posts/top-10-mistakes-node-developers-make) - Top 10 Mistakes Node.js Developers Make * [Azat Mardan](https://webapplog.com/seven-things-you-should-stop-doing-with-node-js/) - Seven Things You Should Stop Doing with Node.js ## Mac * [Apple Developer Docs](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/technotes/tn2206/_index.html) - macOS Code Signing In Depth * [Ask Different](https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/69015/install-2-different-os-x-versions-on-the-same-machine-hdd) - Install 2 different OS X versions on the same machine/hdd * [Jordan Merrick](https://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/40-terminal-tips-and-tricks-you-never-thought-you-needed--mac-51192) - 40 Terminal Tips and Tricks You Never Thought You Needed * [Markus Wein](http://nuclearsquid.com/macos-terminal-cheat-sheet/) - macOS Terminal cheat sheet * [Hanxue Lee](http://flummox-engineering.blogspot.com/2016/01/installing-jenkins-os-x-homebrew.html) - Installing Jenkins on OS X using Homebrew * [StackShare](https://stackshare.io/javascript-ui-libraries) - popular JavaScript UI libraries on StackShare * [MacAdmins on Slack](https://macadmins.herokuapp.com/) - Place where many of OS X Admins belong * [OS X Daily](http://osxdaily.com/2011/09/26/show-package-contents-unavailable-extract-pkg-files-without-installing-them/) - Command line : Extract .pkg Files Without Installing Them * [OS X Daily](http://osxdaily.com/2013/05/13/mount-unmount-drives-from-the-command-line-in-mac-os-x/) - Mount & Unmount Drives from the Command Line in Mac OS X ## Machine Learning * [Jason Brownlee](http://machinelearningmastery.com/introduction-python-deep-learning-library-tensorflow/) - Introduction to the Python Deep Learning Library TensorFlow * [TensorFlow Docs](https://www.tensorflow.org/get_started/mnist/mechanics) - TensorFlow Mechanics 101 * [Amirsina Torfi](https://github.com/astorfi/TensorFlow-World-Resources) - TensorFlow resources ## Mobile Development * [Pratul Kalia](https://blog.uncommon.is/using-git-to-generate-versionname-and-versioncode-for-android-apps-aaa9fc2c96af) - Using git to generate versionName and versionCode for Android apps * [The Android Arsenal](https://android-arsenal.com/) - inventory / categorized directory of libraries and tools for Android * [Will Verduzco](https://www.xda-developers.com/decompile-edit-and-recompile-in-one-tool-with-apk-studio/) - Decompile, Edit, and Recompile in One Tool with APK Studio ## Productivity * [Java Code Geeks](https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2013/06/10-productivity-tips-for-software-developers.html) - 10 Productivity tips for software developers * [Jbrains.ca](http://blog.jbrains.ca/permalink/avoid-distractions-while-programming) - Avoiding Distractions While Programming * [Moran Danieli-Cohen](https://dev.to/msscohen/3-effective-ways-to-maintain-high-energy-levels-at-work-for-software-engineers) - 3 Effective Ways to Maintain High Energy Levels at Work for Software Engineers * [Alex Thunder](http://alexthunder.livejournal.com/309815.html) - Don't wake up the programmer * [Marcos Placona](https://twitter.com/marcos_placona/status/882487720597237760) - That "5 minutes chat" with a developer * [Paul Graham](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/context-switching-developers-paul-graham) - How Context Switching destroys Developers Productivity and how to fix it. * [Dan Richman](https://www.geekwire.com/2016/just-shut-let-devs-concentrate-programming-expert-advises/) - Just shut up and let your devs concentrate * [Clean Coder Blog](http://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2016/05/21/BlueNoYellow.html) - Blue. No! Yellow! Comparative Productivity of Programming Languages * [Nick Janetakis](https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/who-else-wants-to-boost-their-productivity-with-tmux) - Who Else Wants to Boost Their Terminal Productivity With tmux? * [Aurore Malherbes](https://www.theodo.fr/blog/2017/04/become-a-better-developer-with-an-efficient-technical-watch/) - Become a better developer with an efficient technical watch * [Joseph Kahn](https://blog.josephkahn.io/articles/ansible/) - Ansible or: How I Learned to Stop Wasting Time Setting Up My Computer and Script It * [Dwijadas Dey](https://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/search-tools-developers-linux/) - 6 Tools to Search Source Code for Developers in Linux * [Sindre Sorhus](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) - Curated list of awesome lists * [Gregg Caines](http://caines.ca/blog/2015/06/14/were-in-the-stone-age-of-software-engineering-management/) - We're in the Stone Age of Software Engineering Management * [Gregg Caines](http://caines.ca/blog/2011/09/14/yoagile-the-good-parts/) - Agile: The Good Parts * [Evan Hahn](https://evanhahn.com/atom-apm-install-list/) - Install a list of Atom packages from a file * [Habitica](https://habitica.com/static/front) - improve your habits by making a game of your life * [jamb0ss](https://github.com/jamb0ss/awesome-ambient-noises) - A curated list of awesome ambient noises for listening while programming * [DΛTΛSSETTE](http://www.musicforprogramming.net/) - music for programming * [/r/dailyscripts](https://www.reddit.com/r/dailyscripts/) - late-night hacks lazy people made when too annoyed by a task's length or difficulty * [Atom on Slack](http://atom-slack.herokuapp.com/) - Slack community for Atom Text editor * [Automations Tools Bootcamp on Slack](https://automationtools-bootcamp-slack.herokuapp.com/) - Development tools that enable automation of software projects * [Code search for Developers](http://codegists.com/search/jenkinsfile-tutorial/) - search for code snippets * [Command line fu](http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/browse) - a place to find those command-line gems that you return to again and again. * [chrisallenlane/cheat](https://github.com/chrisallenlane/cheat) - cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. You can obviously improve the existing ones with your own content. It's also inspiring for shell aliases creation * [NanoDano](http://www.devdungeon.com/content/i-know-how-program-i-dont-know-what-program) - "I know how to program, but I don't know what to program" * [URL Encoded Characters](http://www.degraeve.com/reference/urlencoding.php) - mapping table of encoded characters in URLS (%20, %22, %7D, ...) * [Awesome Atom](https://github.com/mehcode/awesome-atom) - A curated list of delightful Atom packages and resources * [MorganGeek](PRINCIPLES.md) - some programming and life lessons, collected from various sources including myself * [Bash One-Liners](http://www.bashoneliners.com/) - Bash one-liners, and best practices in Bash shell scripting * [Andrew Gallant](http://blog.burntsushi.net/ripgrep/) - ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift} * [jq Docs](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/) - online manual for jq (a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor) * [Online syntax highlighting](https://tohtml.com/) - Online syntax highlighting for multiple languages * [Codeanywhere](https://codeanywhere.com/) - cross platform Cloud IDE ## Programmer humor * [CommitStrip](http://www.commitstrip.com/en) - daily life of developers * [Geek&Poke](http://geek-and-poke.com/) - cartoons * [The Profound Programmer](http://theprofoundprogrammer.com/) - Programming frustrations expressed through profane, beautiful photographs * [Programming excuses](http://programmingexcuses.com/) - Excuses for lazy coders * [Developer excuses](http://developerexcuses.com/) - Excuses for lazy coders * [Aaron Bassett](http://www.codingexcuses.com/) - Excuses for programmers * [Simran Savani](http://blog.taskworld.com/infographic-get-work/) - [IMG] How to Get Out of Doing Work ([Full size](http://editorial.designtaxi.com/editorial-images/NEWS-INFNoWork240715/5.jpg)) * [Christina Ng](http://wfh.ninja) - Excuses generator for remote workers * [Jeff Atwood](https://blog.codinghorror.com/new-programming-jargon/) - New Programming Jargon * [MonkeyUser](http://www.monkeyuser.com/) - software development satire web comic * [The Coding Love](http://thecodinglove.com/) - the_coding_love(); /* epic gifs for developers */ * [Scott Adams](http://dilbert.com/) - Dilbert comic : satiric humor about a micromanaged office featuring engineer Dilbert * [Devhumor](http://devhumor.com/) - humor for developers * [/r/ProgrammerHumor](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/) - programmer humor on reddit * [Jose Aguinaga](https://medium.freecodecamp.com/welcome-to-the-software-interview-ee673bc5ef6) - What if companies interviewed translators the way they interview coders? * [Luís Silva](https://github.com/LudeeD/IdleWork) - IdleWork : Useful scripts to make you look like you're working and also look awesome doing so. * [/r/badcode](https://www.reddit.com/r/badcode/) - the most terrible code you can find * [/r/shittyprogramming](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittyprogramming/) - like stack overflow, but with trolls only * [/r/itsaunixsystem](https://www.reddit.com/r/itsaunixsystem/) - every satirical, embarrassing, incorrect usage of Technology in Movies, TV Shows, and Video Games! * [/r/Sysadminhumor](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sysadminhumor/) - for sysadmins with a sense of humor * [/r/PBSOD](https://www.reddit.com/r/PBSOD/) - public BSODs, crashes, and other errors * [/r/techsupportgore](https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupportgore/) - tech support horrors * [Mart Virkus](https://blog.toggl.com/2017/02/seven-circles-of-developer-hell/) - The Seven Circles of Developer Hell [Infographic] * [Christian Haschek](https://blog.haschek.at/2017/how-to-defend-your-website-with-zip-bombs.html) - How to defend your website with ZIP bombs * [Heaps legit links](https://verylegit.link/) - Like a URL shortener, but worse * [Aloria](https://securityreactions.tumblr.com/) - Infosec Reactions * [/r/ProgrammerReactions](https://www.reddit.com/r/programmerreactions/) - reactions related to Software Development * [Life of a Software Engineer](http://lifeofasoftwareengineer.tumblr.com/) - another reactions tumblr related to Software Development * [Passive Aggressive Passwords](http://www.trypap.com/) - The Passive Aggressive Password Machine ## Python * [Nick Parlante](http://codingbat.com/python) - CodingBat : practice your python skills * [Python Software Foundation](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) - PEP 8 : Style Guide for Python * [Valentin Bryukhanov](http://pep8online.com/) - PEP 8 code checker * [OpenStack](https://github.com/openstack/python-jenkins) - python-jenkins : a python wrapper for the Jenkins REST API * [OpenStack](https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/python-jenkins/latest/python-jenkins.pdf) - [PDF] python-jenkins documentation * [jenkinsapi](https://github.com/pycontribs/jenkinsapi) - A Python library to automate most common Jenkins operations * [feedparser](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/feedparser) - Parse Atom and RSS feeds in Python. ## Reverse engineering * [Bob Pan](https://github.com/pxb1988/dex2jar) - dex2jar : Tools to work with android .dex and java .class files and do some conversion * [APK Downloader](https://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/) - download any APK directly in your browser * [Decompilers online](http://www.javadecompilers.com/apk) - Decompile Apk and Dex Android files to Java * [raidzero](https://gist.github.com/raidzero/9378988) - rdump.py : Print all strings from android resources.arsc file Raw * [OVERSIMPLE](http://oversimple.fr/decompiler-une-application-android-complement/) - [FR] Désassembler une application Android * [The Android Arsenal](https://android-arsenal.com/tag/175) - android decompilers * [Will Verduzco](https://www.xda-developers.com/decompile-edit-and-recompile-in-one-tool-with-apk-studio/) - Decompile, Edit, and Recompile in One Tool with APK Studio * [JD Project](http://jd.benow.ca/) - yet another fast java decompiler * [Caleb Fenton](https://github.com/CalebFenton/apkfile) - ApkFile : Android app analysis and feature extraction library * [Caleb Fenton](https://github.com/CalebFenton/simplify) - Simplify : Generic Android Deobfuscator ## Ruby * [LZone](http://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/rvm) - RVM Cheat Sheet ## Rust * [New Rustacean](https://www.newrustacean.com/) - a podcast about learning Rust * [Idiomatic Rust](https://github.com/mre/idiomatic-rust) - Guidelines for writing elegant Rust programs # Podcasts * [Player FM](http://player.fm/featured/programming) - Programming podcasts # Psychology * [16Personalities](https://www.16personalities.com/articles/music-preferences-by-personality-type) - Music Preferences by Personality Type * [Carl Golden](https://themindsjournal.com/the-12-different-personality-archetypes-and-what-you-must-know-about-each-one/) - The 12 Different Personality Archetypes * [College Match Up](http://www.collegematchup.net/features/best-jobs-for-your-personality-type/) - Best jobs for your personality type * [16Personalities](https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test) - Neris Type explorer : Free Personality Test * [16Personalities](https://www.16personalities.com/infp-personality) - INFP personality "The Mediator" * [MBTI](https://www.personalitypage.com/html/INFP.html) - INFP "The Idealist" * [MBTI](http://www.16-types.fr/types/INFP/infp-01-travail.html) - [FR] INFP et travail selon Myers-Briggs. Related : [SenCampus](https://www.sencampus.com/personnalite-le-type-infp/) - [FR] Personnalité : le type INFP, [SenCampus](https://www.sencampus.com/personnalite-le-type-infj/) - [FR] Personnalité : le type INFJ * [MBTI](https://www.personalitypage.com/ISFJ.html) - Portrait of an ISFJ * [TruthTheory](https://truththeory.com/2017/06/08/16-things-youll-notice-youre-presence-empath) - 16 Things You’ll Notice When You’re In The Presence Of An Empath * [Leo Babauta](https://zenhabits.net/happy-things/) - How to Be Happy When You’re in an Unhappy Situation * [Leo Babauta](https://zenhabits.net/gollum/) - How to Love Your Dark Side # Robots * [Mubashar Iqbal](https://willrobotstakemyjob.com/) - Will robots take my job ? Make the test ;-) * [/r/Automate](https://www.reddit.com/r/Automate/) - automation & robots discussion on reddit * [/r/totallynotrobots](https://www.reddit.com/r/totallynotrobots/) - a place where ~~robots~~ humans share their thoughts (humor) * [/r/RobotNews](https://www.reddit.com/r/RobotNews/) - discussions and news about robotisation of society * [/r/shittyrobots](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittyrobots/) - useless, stupid, shitty funny robots * [Kurzgesagt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSKi8HfcxEk) - The Rise of the Machines – Why Automation is Different this Time * [Gojko Adzic](https://gojko.net/2017/03/15/automation-horribly-wrong.html) - When automation goes horribly wrong * [Humans vs Computers](https://leanpub.com/humansvscomputers) - a book about wrong assumptions, computer bugs, and people caught in between # Scripting * [Hacker Rank](https://www.hackerrank.com/domains/shell/grep-sed-awk) - Bash challenges (bash, grep, sed, awk ...) * [Hacker Rank](https://www.hackerrank.com/domains/shell) - Linux Shell challenges * [Bash Hackers Wiki](http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/scripting/obsolete) - obsolete and deprecated syntax * [Bash Pitfalls](http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls) - common errors that Bash programmers make * [ShellCheck](https://www.shellcheck.net/) - finds bugs in your shell scripts. [Source code](https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck) * [Nicola Paolucci](https://developer.atlassian.com/blog/2015/02/ten-tips-for-wonderful-bash-productivity/) - Ten tips for wonderful bash productivity * [blockloop.io](https://www.blockloop.io/mastering-bash-and-terminal) - Mastering Bash and Terminal * [kvz.io](http://kvz.io/blog/2013/11/21/bash-best-practices/) - Best Practices for Writing Bash Scripts * [Aaron Zauner](https://github.com/azet/community_bash_style_guide) - Community Bash Style Guide. Discovered via [DevHub](https://devhub.io/repos/azet-community_bash_style_guide) * [Matt Might](http://matt.might.net/articles/shell-scripts-for-passive-voice-weasel-words-duplicates/) - 3 shell scripts to improve your writing * [Quickshiftin](https://quickshiftin.com/blog/2014/01/template-method-pattern-bash/) - Template method pattern in BASH * [Fahd Shariff](http://fahdshariff.blogspot.be/2013/10/shell-scripting-best-practices.html) - Shell Scripting - Best Practices * [Fahd Shariff](http://fahdshariff.blogspot.be/2017/05/shell-scripting-and.html) - Shell Scripting: <, << and <<< * [Nitin Bhadauria](http://www.tothenew.com/blog/foolproof-your-bash-script-some-best-practices/) - Foolproof Your Bash Script – Some Best Practices * [David Pashley](http://www.davidpashley.com/articles/writing-robust-shell-scripts/) - Writing Robust Bash Shell Scripts * [Paul Armstrong](https://google.github.io/styleguide/shell.xml) - Shell Style Guide by Google * [Aaron Maxwell](http://redsymbol.net/articles/unofficial-bash-strict-mode/) - Use the Unofficial Bash Strict Mode (Unless You Looove Debugging) * [Aaron Maxwell](http://redsymbol.net/articles/bash-exit-traps/) - How "Exit Traps" Can Make Your Bash Scripts Way More Robust And Reliable * [Ray Smith](http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/event/12/Shell%20Scripting%20Craftsmanship%20Presentation%201.pdf) - [PDF] Shell Scripting Craftsmanship * [Pádraig Brady](http://www.pixelbeat.org/programming/shell_script_mistakes.html) - Common shell script mistakes * [Mendel Cooper](http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/index.html) - Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide / An in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting * [chrisallenlane/cheat](https://github.com/chrisallenlane/cheat) - cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. You can obviously improve the existing ones with your own content. It's also inspiring for shell aliases creation * [**explainshell.com**](https://explainshell.com/) - write down a command-line to see the help text that matches each argument * [bats](https://github.com/sstephenson/bats) - Bash Automated Testing System * [Sandra Henry-Stocker](http://www.computerworld.com/article/3015657/linux/changing-how-bash-behaves.html) - Changing how bash behaves * [FLOZz' MISC](http://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colors_and_formatting) - Bash tips: Colors and formatting * [SS64.com](https://ss64.com/bash/) - An A-Z Index of the Bash command line for Linux. * [SS64.com](https://ss64.com/bash/syntax-keyboard.html) - Bash Keyboard Shortcuts * [Marvin Pinto](https://disjoint.ca/til/2016/05/17/how-to-determine-the-file-size-of-a-remote-http-object/) - How to determine the file size of a remote HTTP object * [Vitaly Belman](https://hackernoon.com/macbook-my-command-line-utilities-f8a121c3b019) - My favorite command-line utilities / How I stopped worrying about GUI and learned to love the terminal * [Faheetah](https://gist.github.com/Faheetah/3dba8d86bb55a4e35726) - Ansible bash module boilerplate * [LZone](http://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/Bash) - Bash Cheat Sheet * [LZone](http://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/Bash%20Regex) - Bash Regex Cheat Sheet * [Vivek Gite](https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/decompress-and-expand-text-files.html) - zcommands: Read gzip Compressed Text Files On a Fly * [/r/dailyscripts](https://www.reddit.com/r/dailyscripts/) - late-night hacks lazy people made when too annoyed by a task's length or difficulty * [Eric Pement](http://www.pement.org/sed/sed1line.txt) - useful one-liners for sed. [FR version](http://sed.sourceforge.net/sed1line_fr.html) * [raidzero](https://github.com/raidzero/dotfiles) - some shared linux dotfiles * [Rich Felker](http://www.etalabs.net/sh_tricks.html) - Rich’s sh (POSIX shell) tricks * [Justyna Ilczuk](http://tinystruggles.com/2015/03/22/bash-monitoring-tips.html) - Bash monitoring tips - watch & tee * [Bash One-Liners](http://www.bashoneliners.com/) - Bash one-liners, and best practices in Bash shell scripting * [Andrew Gallant](http://blog.burntsushi.net/ripgrep/) - ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift} * [Eric Wendelin](https://www.eriwen.com/tools/grep-is-a-beautiful-tool/) - grep is a beautiful tool * [Bash-Snippets](https://github.com/alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets) - A collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users ## Shell Aliases * [oh-my-zsh](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/master/plugins/common-aliases/common-aliases.plugin.zsh) - common aliases from oh-my-zsh * [Vivek Gite](https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/bash-aliases-mac-centos-linux-unix.html) - 30 Handy Bash Shell Aliases For Linux / Unix / Mac OS X * [Sandra Henry-Stocker](http://www.computerworld.com/article/3121790/linux/making-troubleshooting-with-lsof-easier.html) - Unix tips: Making troubleshooting with lsof easier. See also [Unix commands: Troubleshooting with lsof](http://www.computerworld.com/article/3119775/linux/troubleshooting-with-lsof.html) * [Sandra Henry-Stocker](http://www.computerworld.com/article/3085495/linux/unix-aliases-for-good-and-evil.html) - Unix aliases for good and evil * [tcnksm](https://github.com/tcnksm/docker-alias/blob/master/zshrc) - Docker aliases for zsh * [James Turnbull](https://kartar.net/2014/03/useful-docker-bash-functions-and-aliases/) - Useful Docker Bash Functions And Aliases # Security / Infosec * [highon.coffee](https://highon.coffee/blog/penetration-testing-tools-cheat-sheet/) - Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet * [have i been pwned](https://haveibeenpwned.com/) - Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach * [IT Security Blog](http://blog.feedspot.com/information_security_blogs) - Top 100 Information Security Blogs for Data Security Professionals * [Max Veytsman](https://dev.to/appcanary/should-you-encrypt-or-compress-first) - Should you encrypt or compress first? * [pentestmonkey](http://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/shells/reverse-shell-cheat-sheet) - Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet * [Ben Wilson](https://blog.g0tmi1k.com/2011/08/basic-linux-privilege-escalation/) - Basic Linux Privilege Escalation * [Unhide](http://www.unhide-forensics.info/) - open source forensic tool to find hidden processes * [Sqreen](https://devops-security-checklist.sqreen.io/) - The DevOps Security Checklist * [Jacob Appelbaum](https://github.com/ioerror/duraconf) - duraconf : A collection of hardened configuration files for SSL/TLS services * [Remy van Elst](https://ssldecoder.org/) - SSL Decoder : check the SSL/TLS configuration of a server * [Remy van Elst & Juerd](https://cipherli.st/) - Cipherli.st : Examples of strong Ciphers for Apache, nginx, Lighttpd and other tools * [/r/netsec](https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/) - network security on reddit * [/r/blackhat](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackhat/) - hackers on steroid * [/r/crypto](https://www.reddit.com/r/crypto/) - cryptography news and discussions * [/r/codes](https://www.reddit.com/r/codes/) - Hiding data, cracking codes, finding hidden messages * [/r/security](https://www.reddit.com/r/security/) - security news on reddit * [DiabloHorn](https://diablohorn.com/) - a site for people attempting to understand security * [/r/opsec](https://www.reddit.com/r/opsec/) - opsec, to learn about proper habits and policies for minimizing attack surfaces and SPOF * [/r/OperationsSecurity](https://www.reddit.com/r/OperationsSecurity/) - Operations security news, resources, questions & discussions * [/r/websec](https://www.reddit.com/r/websec/) - Web security * [/r/compsec](https://www.reddit.com/r/compsec/) - computer security * [/r/NSALeaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/NSALeaks/) - everything about NSA leaks, news from Edward Snowden or governmental abuses * [/r/pwned](https://www.reddit.com/r/pwned/) - data breaches, site defacements, rm's, hack logs * [Awesome-Hacking](https://github.com/Hack-with-Github/Awesome-Hacking) - various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers * [sbilly](https://github.com/sbilly/awesome-security) - awesome-security : resources and cools stuffs about security. * [Why No Padlock](https://www.whynopadlock.com/) - find out why your web page is treated as insecure * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/ssl-certificate-tools) - 9 free useful online SSL/TLS Certificate Tools * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/ssl-test-certificate/) - Verify your SSL, TLS & Ciphers implementation. * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/find-sql-injection/) - Test your website for SQL injection attack * [Geek Flare](https://geekflare.com/category/security/) - general security articles, tips & tools * [SecurityHQ on Slack](https://securityhq.herokuapp.com/) - Security professionals and newbies * [Offensive Security](https://www.exploit-db.com/google-hacking-database/) - Google Hacking Database (GHDB) Your Home for "googledorks" * [rought](https://fr.scribd.com/doc/151644566/Google-Hacks) - Google Hacks (dork list). Similar lists by [hardikdobariya](https://fr.scribd.com/document/185683271/EthicalHacking1-Com-Google-Hacking-Dork-List) * [Julian Alexander Murillo](https://gist.github.com/64lines/248492a02a50c536903f) - Google tricks / dorks * [Offensive Security](https://www.exploit-db.com/shellcode/) - Archived Shellcode for various Operating Systems and Architectures * [Offensive Security](https://www.exploit-db.com/browse/) - exploits database * [berzerk0 (Ben)](https://github.com/berzerk0/Probable-Wordlists) - 5+ Billion Passwords in Order of Most Popular... is yours in the list ? * [sgoedecke](https://sgoedecke.github.io/blockchain-for-beginners/) - A dead simple introduction to the blockchain (with ~90 line JavaScript demo) * [SSL247](https://www.ssl247.fr/kb/ssl-certificates/generalinformation/what-is-rsa-dsa-ecc) - What is RSA, DSA and ECC? * [James McGivern](https://fr.slideshare.net/JamesMcGivern/ecc-vs-rsa-battle-of-the-cryptoninjas) - (Devoxx UK 2014) [Slides] ECC vs RSA: Battle of the Crypto-Ninjas * [PortForward](https://portforward.com/router-password/) - The most comprehensive default router password list on the Internet. * [KeeWeb](https://github.com/keeweb/keeweb) - Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass. can be self hosted * [Maarten Billemont](http://masterpasswordapp.com/) - Master Password, a password generator algorithm to remove the need of password managers. * [AV-TEST](https://www.av-test.org/en/antivirus/) - Antivirus test results on Mobile devices (Android), Windows, Mac * [AV-Comparatives](https://www.av-comparatives.org/) - independent tests of antivirus softwares * [VirusTotal](https://www.virustotal.com/fr/) - free online scanner for virus, malware and URL, to avoid downloading crap on your machine * [Jotti](https://virusscan.jotti.org/) - online virus scanner * [Security in a Box](https://securityinabox.org/en/) - Digital security tools and tactics with step by step instructions * [DiabloHorn](https://diablohorn.com/2015/09/04/discovering-the-secrets-of-a-pageant-minidump/) - Discovering the secrets of a pageant minidump * [Aaron Toponce, Thomas H. Ptacek, ...](https://gist.github.com/atoponce/07d8d4c833873be2f68c34f9afc5a78a) - Cryptographic Best practices * [Ethical hacking tools](https://pentest-tools.com/information-gathering/find-subdomains-of-domain) - Find subdomains / free online subdomain enumeration tool * [Patrik Hudak](https://blog.sweepatic.com/art-of-subdomain-enumeration/) - the art of subdomain enumeration * [COMODO CA](https://crt.sh/) - crt.sh : Certificate search online for any domain * [DNSdumpster](https://dnsdumpster.com/) - tool for dns recon & research, find & lookup dns records * [Ethical Hacking tools](https://pentest-tools.com/home) - online penetration testing tools * [Vincent Yiu](https://github.com/vysec/RedTips) - Red Team Tips * [Heaps legit links](https://verylegit.link/) - Like a URL shortener, but worse * [OWASP Wiki](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Secure_Coding_Practices_-_Quick_Reference_Guide) - OWASP Secure coding practices * [Nick Congleton](https://www.maketecheasier.com/secure-linux-desktop-with-iptables/) - How to Secure Your Linux Desktop with Iptables * [Christof Paar](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1usFRN4LCMcfIV7UjHNuQg/videos) - [Videos] Introduction to Cryptography * [Shieldfy](https://github.com/shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist) - API Security Checklist * [Aloria](https://securityreactions.tumblr.com/) - Infosec Reactions * [Johannes Gilger](https://heipei.github.io/2015/02/26/SSH-Agent-Forwarding-considered-harmful/) - SSH Agent Forwarding considered harmful * [Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9952878) - Don't put secret keys in your repository. * [Vivek Gite](https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-security.html) - 20 Linux Server Hardening Security Tips * [Passive Aggressive Passwords](http://www.trypap.com/) - [Humor] The Passive Aggressive Password Machine ## GPG * [Charles Zachary Lockhart](http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu/~lockhart/gpg/) - GPG Cheat Sheet * [Riseup!](https://riseup.net/fr/security/message-security/openpgp/gpg-keys) - [FR] Gestion des clés OpenPGP * [Riseup!](https://riseup.net/fr/security/message-security/openpgp/best-practices) - [FR] Bonnes pratiques pour l'utilisation d'OpenPGP * [Jacob Appelbaum](https://github.com/ioerror/duraconf/blob/master/configs/gnupg/gpg.conf) - Example of hardened GPG config file from duraconf * [GnuPG Docs](https://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg/) - GNU Privacy Guard Manual * [GnuPG Docs](https://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg/Unattended-GPG-key-generation.html) - CLI options for using gpg gen-key from a script (aka unattended GPG key generation). Discovered via [Stack Overflow](https://superuser.com/questions/1003403/how-to-use-gpg-gen-key-in-a-script) * [Nitin Venkatesh ](https://2buntu.com/articles/1503/pgp-and-ssh-keys-generate-export-backup-and-restore/) - PGP and SSH keys - Generate, export, backup and restore * [GnuPG Docs](https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/book1.html) - (1999) The GNU Privacy Handbook * [/r/GnuPG](https://www.reddit.com/r/GnuPG/) - resources on everything about GnuPG, PGP, OpenPGP * [/r/pgp](https://www.reddit.com/r/pgp/) - everything about PGP * [/r/GPGpractice](https://www.reddit.com/r/GPGpractice/) - community of people learning GPG (Gnu Privacy Guard). * [Saraev Nikita](https://www.reddit.com/r/GnuPG/comments/47f23m/gnupg_with_32kb_rsa_keys/) - GnuPG with 32kb RSA keys ## OpenSSL * [ZyTrax](http://www.zytrax.com/tech/survival/ssl.html) - Survival guides - TLS/SSL and SSL (X.509) Certificates * [LZone](http://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/OpenSSL) - OpenSSL Cheat Sheet * [Remy van Elst](https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/Encrypt_and_decrypt_files_to_public_keys_via_the_OpenSSL_Command_Line.html) - Encrypt and decrypt files to public keys via the OpenSSL Command Line * [LinuxConfig](https://linuxconfig.org/using-openssl-to-encrypt-messages-and-files-on-linux) - Using OpenSSL to encrypt messages and files on Linux * [Tom Dryer](http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/12/12/simple-file-encryption-with-openssl/) - Simple File Encryption with OpenSSL * [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/31552829/2309958) - File encryption with OpenSSL and Why you should use GPG instead * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/openssl-commands-certificates/) - 21 OpenSSL command examples * [Why No Padlock](https://www.whynopadlock.com/) - find out why your web page is treated as insecure * [Qualys SSL Labs](https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/index.html) - SSL Server test : analysis of any web server configuration * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/ssl-certificate-tools) - 9 free useful online SSL/TLS Certificate Tools * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/ssl-test-certificate/) - Verify your SSL, TLS & Ciphers implementation. * [SSL Shopper](https://www.sslshopper.com/article-most-common-openssl-commands.html) - The Most Common OpenSSL Commands * [SSL Shopper](https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-converter.html) - tools & commands examples for certificates format conversion * [Paul Heinlein](https://www.madboa.com/geek/openssl/) - OpenSSL cookbook / command-line howto * [Nick Burch](http://gagravarr.org/writing/openssl-certs/others.shtml) - howtos for installing other people's certificates * [Andrej](https://gist.github.com/4ndrej/4547029) - SSLPoke.java for quick validation of Java SSL configuration * [SSL Shopper](https://www.sslshopper.com/article-most-common-java-keytool-keystore-commands.html) - java keytool keystore cheatsheet * [Brusten Philip & Van der Velpen Jan](https://shib.kuleuven.be/docs/ssl_commands.shtml) - a few frequently used SSL commands (openssl, keytool, certutil) * [CheapSSLSecurity ](https://cheapsslsecurity.com/blog/various-types-ssl-commands-keytool/) - SSL commands list * [DigiCert](https://www.digicert.com/ssl-support/pem-ssl-creation.htm) - .pem SSL creation instructions * [Arun GP](https://myonlineusb.wordpress.com/2011/06/19/what-are-the-differences-between-pem-der-p7bpkcs7-pfxpkcs12-certificates/) - differences between PEM, DER, P7B/PKCS#7, PFX/PKCS#12 certificates * [SSL Shopper](https://www.sslshopper.com/special-ssl-certificate-types.html) - Special Types of SSL Certificates * [DigiCert](https://www.digicert.com/ssl-support/apache-multiple-ssl-certificates-using-sni.htm) - Using Multiple SSL Certificates in Apache with One IP Address * [Deb Shinder](http://techgenix.com/SSL-Acceleration-Offloading-Security-Implications/) - SSL Acceleration and Offloading: What Are the Security Implications? ## Web * [Raymond Hill](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock) - uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean. Replace Ghostery and Adblock by uBlock * [Raymond Hill](https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix) - uMatrix: Point and click matrix to filter net requests according to source, destination and type * [EFF](https://github.com/EFForg/privacybadger) - Privacy Badger - Block third party tracking in your browser # Society * [MoveItFootballHead](https://imgur.com/gallery/3Bsf7) - A simple, yet powerful, lesson on privilege * [Grise Bouille](https://grisebouille.net/ailleurs-cest-pire/) - [FR] Ailleurs, c’est pire # Sports * [Electric Unicycle Forum](http://forum.electricunicycle.org/) - forum for reviews and discussions related to electric unicycles # Testing * [Aaron Maxwell](http://redsymbol.net/articles/build-test-automation-system/) - Building a Automated Testing/Quality Assurance System * [bats](https://github.com/sstephenson/bats) - Bash Automated Testing System * [David Greenlees](https://www.stickyminds.com/article/how-usability-matrix-emotions-can-benefit-your-software-testing?page=0%2C1) - How the Usability Matrix of Emotions Can Benefit Your Software Testing * [Joe Colantonio](https://www.joecolantonio.com/2017/03/02/automation-testing/) - Automation Testing Resources & Best Practices * [Gregg Caines](http://caines.ca/blog/2015/01/29/continuous-testing/) - Continuous Testing * [Andrew Wulf](http://thecodist.com/article/my_job_as_a_programmer_is_to_make_testers_miserable) - My Job As A Programmer Is To Make Testers Miserable * [Locust](http://locust.io/) - a modern open source load testing framework * [Gojko Adzic](https://gojko.net/favourites/testing/agile/2016/05/24/large-test-suites.html) - Five ways to reduce the cost of large test suites # UX / UI * [Kevin Marks](https://backchannel.com/how-the-web-became-unreadable-a781ddc711b6) - How the Web Became Unreadable * [Little Big Details](http://littlebigdetails.com/) - a curated collection of the finer details of design, updated every day. ## Design Humor * [Jon Moore](https://medium.com/ux-power-tools/100-excuses-for-designers-517344cdd910) - 100 Excuses for Designers, Because sometimes you need one! * [Jon Moore](https://medium.com/ux-power-tools/guilty-pleasures-for-designers-b34f2a3f604a) - Guilty Pleasures for Designers * [Christian Beck](https://medium.com/ux-power-tools/terrible-ux-trends-for-2017-de6faebf099e) - Terrible UX Trends for 2017 * [Kamal Nayan](http://www.uxcuses.com/) - Designer Excuses, based on [Jon Moore' article on medium](https://medium.com/ux-power-tools/100-excuses-for-designers-517344cdd910) # Web development * [Steve Francia](https://gohugo.io/overview/introduction/) - Hugo is a fast & modern static site generator * [Amanda Visconti](http://programminghistorian.org/lessons/building-static-sites-with-jekyll-github-pages) - Building a static website with Jekyll and GitHub Pages * [BuiltWith](https://builtwith.com/) - Find out what technology a website is built with * [Web Development Reading List](https://wdrl.info/almanac/2017) - The 2017 Almanac : What happened in “News” in 2016? * [Web Development Reading List](https://wdrl.info/evergreen) - The Evergreen List : selection of resources that are important for a longer time. * [Google](https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/) - PageSpeed Insights : Analyze a website performance * [Socialtalents](http://loadme.socialtalents.com/Begin/New) - Loadme - cloud-based load / stress testing service for you website or API * [Dead Link Checker](http://www.deadlinkchecker.com/website-dead-link-checker.asp) - Online Dead Link Checking Tool * [Broken Link Checker](http://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/broken-links.php#status) - Online Dead Link Checking Tool * [W3C](https://validator.w3.org/checklink) - Link Checker : Check links and anchors in Web pages or full Web sites * [W3C](https://w3c.github.io/developers/tools/) - Various website validation tools * [Remy van Elst](https://ssldecoder.org/) - SSL Decoder : check the SSL/TLS configuration of a server * [First Site Guide Blog](https://firstsiteguide.com/blog/) - articles, [infographics](https://firstsiteguide.com/category/infographics/), [cheatsheets](https://firstsiteguide.com/category/cheat-sheets/) about site/blog creation * [A List Apart](https://alistapart.com/) - explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices. * [r/webdev](https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/) - web development resources & news * [Why No Padlock](https://www.whynopadlock.com/) - find out why your web page is treated as insecure * [Qualys SSL Labs](https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/index.html) - SSL Server test : analysis of any web server configuration * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/ssl-certificate-tools) - 9 free useful online SSL/TLS Certificate Tools * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/ssl-test-certificate/) - Verify your SSL, TLS & Ciphers implementation. * [Chandan Kumar](https://geekflare.com/find-sql-injection/) - Test your website for SQL injection attack * [Rex Swain](http://www.rexswain.com/httpview.html) - HTTP Viewer : See exactly what an HTTP request returns to your browser * [IntoDNS](https://intodns.com/) - checks the health and configuration and provides DNS report and mail servers report. * [Down for everyone or just me](http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/) - Check if your website is down or up * [Christian Haschek](https://blog.haschek.at/2017/how-to-defend-your-website-with-zip-bombs.html) - How to defend your website with ZIP bombs * [Shieldfy](https://github.com/shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist) - API Security Checklist # Windows * [NSSM](https://nssm.cc/commands) - the Non-Sucking Service Manager * [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/packages) - All Packages for Chocolatey, the package manager for windows * [Rob Reynolds](https://puppet.com/blog/chocolatey-creating-your-own-chocolatey-packages) - Chocolatey: Creating your own Chocolatey packages * [Korben](https://korben.info/univers/windows) - [FR] Windows tips & tools * [Nir Sofer](http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/) - Nirsoft : lot of free tools & utilities for windows, free of malwares and developed over decades by Nir Sofer, who's not stopping [More info about that](http://www.nirsoft.net/about_nirsoft_freeware.html) * [Puppet Blog](https://puppet.com/blog-tags/chocolatey) - Posts about Chocolatey * [Rahul Kapoor](https://github.com/Awesome-Windows/Awesome) - curated list of best applications and tools for Windows. * [Rahul Kapoor](https://github.com/Awesome-Windows/awesome-windows-command-line) - cool stuffs you can do with windows terminal * [WinAdmins on Slack](https://slofile.com/slack/winadmins) - Worldwide chat of Windows admins * [wikiHow](http://www.wikihow.com/Backup-and-Restore-Google-Chrome%27s-Entire-Settings) - How to Backup and Restore Google Chrome's Entire Settings * [Rackspace](https://support.rackspace.com/how-to/nslookup-checking-dns-records-on-windows/) - Check DNS records on Windows with nslookup * [Microsoft Docs](https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2696547/how-to-enable-and-disable-smbv1-smbv2-and-smbv3-in-windows-and-windows) - How to enable and disable SMBv1, SMBv2, and SMBv3 in Windows and Windows Server * [Just Install](https://github.com/just-install/just-install) - The simple package installer for Windows. I didn't tried yet, but it seems a good alternative to Chocolatey, following KISS principle * [CMD commands](https://ss64.com/nt/) - A-Z of windows terminal commands * [PowerShell commands](https://ss64.com/ps/) - A-Z of windows powershell commands * [Win10-Initial-Setup-Script](https://github.com/Disassembler0/Win10-Initial-Setup-Script) - script to automate tasks on a fresh windows 10 / windows server 2016 * [Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols](http://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-secure-windows-10-the-paranoids-guide/) - How to secure Windows 10: The paranoid's guide * [u/C-Ron](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/3f38ed/guide_how_to_disable_data_logging_in_w10/) - [GUIDE] How to disable data logging in W10. * [babypunchingrampage](https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/4gqq6q/add_chocolatey_repo_to_windows_10/) - Add Chocolatey repo to Windows 10 PackageManagement and install apps using Install-Package! * [ChocolateyGet](https://github.com/Jianyunt/ChocolateyGet) - a good provider of chocolatey packages for OneGet * [MoonPoint](http://support.moonpoint.com/network/proxy/putty/) - Using PuTTY to set up a SOCKS Proxy Connection * [MoonPoint](http://support.moonpoint.com/network/proxy/ie10-socks-proxy.php) - Configuring IE 10 to use an SSH SOCKS Proxy Server * [Calomel.org](https://calomel.org/samba_optimize.html) - Samba Optimizations and Speed Tuning for Performance * [PSScriptAnalyzer](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/PSScriptAnalyzer/) - provides script analysis and checks for potential code defects in the scripts by applying a group of built-in or customized rules on the scripts being analyzed. * [Pester](https://github.com/pester/Pester) - PowerShell BDD style testing framework * [PowerShellScripts.com](http://powershellscripts.com/) - some scripts, tutoriels for powershell. Warning : some dead links here * [JeffOps](http://jeffwouters.nl/) - The Scripting dutchman : lot of scripts and tips for powershell [Dillinger]: [bats]: