[O*Net Interest Profiler](https://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip) - The Interest Profiler test # Here are your Interest Profiler results : * Investigative 29 * Artistic 27 * Realistic 26 * Sociial 23 * Enterprisinig 19 * Conventional 19 --- ## Realistic Your score: 26 People with Realistic interests like work that includes practical, hands-on problems and answers. Often people with Realistic interests do not like careers that involve paperwork or working closely with others. They like: * Working with plants and animals * Real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery * Outside work --- ## Investigative Your score: 29 People with Investigative interests like work that has to do with ideas and thinking rather than physical activity or leading people. They like: * Searching for facts * Figuring out problems --- ## Artistic Your score: 27 People with Artistic interests like work that deals with the artistic side of things, such as acting, music, art, and design. They like: * Creativity in their work * Work that can be done without following a set of rules --- ## Social Your score: 23 People with Social interests like working with others to help them learn and grow. They like working with people more than working with objects, machines, or information. They like: * Teaching * Giving advice * Helping and being of service to people --- ## Enterprising Your score: 19 People with Enterprising interests like work that has to do with starting up and carrying out business projects. These people like taking action rather than thinking about things. They like: * Persuading and leading people * Making decisions * Taking risks for profits --- ## Conventional Your score: 19 People with Conventional interests like work that follows set procedures and routines. They prefer working with information and paying attention to details rather than working with ideas. They like: * Working with clear rules * Following a strong leader # O*NET Interest Profiler: Career List * :star: = New job opportunities likely in the future * **Best fit** * Great fit ## Job Zone Five - Extensive Preparation Needed * :star: **Allergists & Immunologists** * :star: **Anthropologists** * :star: **Archeologists** * **Astronomers** * **Biochemists & Biophysicists** * **Geneticists** * **Geographers** * :star: **Medical Scientists** * **Molecular & Cellular Biologists** * :star: **Neuropsychologists & Clinical Neuropsychologists** * :star: **Soil & Plant Scientists** * :star: Animal Scientists * Chemistry Teachers, Postsecondary * :star: Computer & Information Research Scientists * :star: Dermatologists * :star: Hydrologists * :star: Naturopathic Physicians * :star: Nurse Anesthetists * :star: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physicians * :star: Physicists * Political Scientists * :star: Prosthodontists * :star: Psychiatrists * :star: Sociologists * :star: Sports Medicine Physicians * :star: Urologists * :star: Veterinarians * Zoologists & Wildlife Biologists ## Job Zone Three: Medium Preparation Needed * Mechanical Engineering Technicians ## Job Zone Four: High Preparation Needed * **Aerospace Engineers** * **Electronics Engineers** * :star: **Marine Architects** * :star: Architects * Biomedical Engineers * Energy Engineers * :star: Environmental Scientists & Specialists, Including Health * Geoscientists * Landscape Architects * Mechatronics Engineers * Photonics Engineers