As an imperfect creature, I commit mistakes, and I also try to avoid them. Here are a regular ones, I hope to not repeat them, but it seems it's hard to learn your lessons sometimes... # Git * Always double check the text of your commit message, before, during, and after pushing it. * Always double check the diff of your commit, before the commit, and after pushing it, that way you make sure you didn't cause a mess for later. # Writing and Communication * Always double check your texts via grammer checking tool before sending important communication. * Always double check the message you are answering to, before making conclusions or reacting in a hurry. * Always double check the spelling of the name of whoever you discuss with before mentioning them so you don't offend them. * Double check your sources. * Keep it simple. * First say thank you when people are trying to help you, ask you something, or suggest you something. People take from their limited time for you, don't neglect that. # Helping * Don't propose solutions/help too early especially if not asked. Many people prefer also to learn and solve problems by themselves. # Reading * Read it twice if you don't get it. Google it if you still don't get it. Try to understand what you're reading before moving to the next thing.